
The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

author:The second sister looks at the world from the perspective

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The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

Text| Second Sister Editor|Second Sister

Recently, the president of the Fudan Management Institute commented on the eggs: small and pleasant, big and demoralized

Ordinary people whip eggs for leisure time, and elites occasionally whip eggs for relaxation

But now the trend of egg-breaking is prevalent, which has caused society to lose its motivation and entrepreneurial spirit

This is an evil wind, a wind of evasion, a wind of decadence, and should not be allowed to develop

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

This comment aroused onlookers and heated discussions among the majority of netizens

Many netizens are curious: What is an egg? What is the main purpose of egg breaking enterprises? What do you rely on to make a profit? Is there a membership fee and activity fee for organizing an egg breaking event?

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

Some netizens ridiculed: "With eggs, less wine, less mahjong, less singing and foot washing, and puzzles, what's so bad?" ”

There is no shortage of talents in this session of netizens, who understand the general situation, and what they say can resonate

How fun is this egg? Unexpectedly, "swept across the country"?

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

It's not magical, it's just a game to kill time, and so much precious time is lost

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

If this bad atmosphere is not stopped, how many people will still fall?

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

There are so many poker techniques, and the public just has to break eggs, which seems to be prosperous but is actually sad

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

Proper relaxation is indeed a good thing, and it becomes a channel for upward socialization, which is a bad wind

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

Social elites spend a lot of time breaking eggs, how can they have time to create social value?

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

The trend of cracking eggs has formed small groups and circles, seriously affecting the combat effectiveness of the cadre ranks

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

It was supposed to be leisure entertainment, but it was raised to such a high position, which really shouldn't be

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

Obsessed with addiction, affecting the body and family life, it loses the original intention of entertainment

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

Sometimes it is also the sadness of the times to follow the trend, and the prevalence of egg-breaking is one of the manifestations of many forms of decadence

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

Everything, good or bad, should be done in moderation

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

Dear visitors, what do you think about this? What do you have to say about the current trend of egg whipping?

Feel free to leave your views in the comment area

The style of Fudan dean's criticism of eggs is prevalent, and the common people are entertaining, and the elites are occasionally relaxed

(The views in this article are all from netizens, and do not represent a personal position, please judge the authenticity for yourself, for entertainment only, do not take it seriously, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete) #复旦院长评掼蛋之风盛行##掼蛋##掼蛋为什么这么火##社会百态#

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