
High blood pressure at a young age is mostly due to this reason! A Chinese patent medicine to help you stabilize your blood pressure

author:Guo Jingzhi, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In my outpatient clinics, nine out of ten of the patients I come into contact with have high blood pressure, and there are more people between the ages of 30 and 50 than the elderly. They work hard in the workplace all year round, and they usually have to deal with various pressures in life. Burdened with the double burden of family and work, I dare not relax in the slightest.

However, the human body is not a machine, and various problems will eventually occur during long-term high-load operation, such as dizziness, headache, tinnitus, insomnia, sleepless nights, soreness in the waist and knees, and palpitations, all of which are physical protests.

High blood pressure at a young age is mostly due to this reason! A Chinese patent medicine to help you stabilize your blood pressure

Such perennial exertion can also lead to excessive consumption of yin fluid or qi and blood in the body, which can lead to high blood pressure, which is known as yin deficiency and yang hyperhypertension in traditional Chinese medicine.

So, how can we effectively help such patients lower their blood pressure?

There is a Chinese patent medicine - Shanju antihypertensive tablets, in clinical practice, for yin deficiency and yang hypertensive hypertension, I often use this Chinese patent medicine, and I will share it with you today.

Mountain chrysanthemum antihypertensive tablets are a combination of the essence of hawthorn, chrysanthemum, zexiao, prunella, thistle, and cassia seed.

It mainly achieves the purpose of blood pressure reduction through the following three steps:

High blood pressure at a young age is mostly due to this reason! A Chinese patent medicine to help you stabilize your blood pressure

The first step is to clear the heat. The heat clearing mentioned here mainly refers to the removal of liver fire.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the nature of the liver is similar to that of wood, and when the environment is dry, wood is prone to fire; Similarly, patients with high blood pressure are prone to liver stagnation due to long-term fatigue and staying up late, and it is easy to turn into fire and burn the fluid, qi and blood in the body after a long time. Therefore, the prunella vulgaris and cassia seeds in mountain chrysanthemum antihypertensive tablets play a role in clearing heat and dissipating fire.

The second step is to flatten the liver. The flat liver here mainly refers to the suppression of liver yang.

Imagine that if an object catches fire, there will be smoke wafting out; In the same way, Liver Yang is like this smoke, it will disturb the clear body with the liver wind, bringing phlegm, dampness and blood stasis to the head, causing blockage of cerebral blood vessels, causing symptoms such as dizziness. At this time, chrysanthemums can play the role of calming the liver and nourishing the liver, and calm down the hyperactive liver yang.

High blood pressure at a young age is mostly due to this reason! A Chinese patent medicine to help you stabilize your blood pressure

The third step is to nourish yin. There is a theory in Chinese medicine called "liver and kidney homology", which believes that the liver and kidney are closely related in function.

The liver is the main wood, the kidney is the main water, and the kidney yin is mainly used to restrain the liver yang. However, when the body's qi and blood are excessively consumed and the balance of qi and qi is broken, there will be a situation of yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity. After calming down the hyperactive liver yang, hawthorn and thistle play a role in nourishing yin and cooling blood, helping patients replenish the kidney yin consumed by exertion.

After these three steps of treatment, the hyperactive liver yang has been calmed, the over-consumed kidney yin has been replenished, the body's yin and yang have regained balance, and the blood pressure has naturally returned to normal.

Of course, the causes of high blood pressure are complex and diverse, and this is just one of them. When using any medication, it should be done under the guidance of a professional TCM practitioner and should never be taken blindly.
