
Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding held a lean management kick-off meeting

author:Shanghai in the era of new technology
Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding held a lean management kick-off meeting

On June 28, the company held a lean management kick-off meeting to promote the participation of all employees, publicize and implement the implementation plan, and deploy key tasks. Chen Jianliang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Company, made a mobilization speech, and Weng Hongbing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager, deployed specific work. The assistant general manager of the company and above leaders, the party and government leaders of various departments, members of the lean management expert group, and the party and government leaders of investment enterprises attended the meeting. Song Wei, director of the office and chief engineer of the company's lean management leading group, presided over the meeting.

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Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding held a lean management kick-off meeting

Chen Jianliang pointed out that it is the right time for Hudong-Zhonghua to promote lean management at this stage, and all departments should take practical actions to thoroughly implement the "1234" high-quality development strategy of the group company, implement the "win-win" concept, highlight value creation, and make efforts from the five directions of "specialization, process, standardization, digitalization and intelligence" to maximize value creation. He put forward three requirements on how to do a good job in lean management:

First, it is necessary to raise awareness and clarify responsibilities. Managers at all levels should attach great importance to lean management, and the top leaders at all levels are the first responsible persons for lean management, and strive to improve efficiency and efficiency, quality and brand, and promote lean management to achieve more results.

Second, under the above rate, the departments should be linked. Lean management should be grasped as a leading project, and the department head should strive to become an expert in lean management and embody lean thinking in management work. Leading cadres at all levels practice what they preach, and all departments actively cooperate to quickly form a set of effective linkage operation mechanism within the company.

Third, we must learn from benchmarks and promote change. Learn from the advanced experience of brother enterprises and other industries in implementing lean management, and formulate evaluable goals, formulate executable plans, and evaluate, reward and punish the results with the guidance of "what to do, who will do it, whether it is good or not, and how much to take". At present, the company is in a period of major opportunities for high-quality development, and all employees must work hard and strive to be the first to achieve high-quality development of the company.

Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding held a lean management kick-off meeting

Weng Hongbing fully affirmed the preparatory work and put forward three requirements for the next stage of lean management:

First, we must face up to the gap with advanced shipyards at home and abroad in terms of efficiency, cycle, cost and other indicators, and face up to the fact that the company still has various waste, excessive inventory, cost overruns, uneven connection and other phenomena, and there is still a long way to go from the comprehensive and in-depth implementation of the "win-win concept".

Second, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between modeling and lean management, modeling and lean management should promote each other, modeling is to plan how to build high-quality ships, lean management is to start from design, from the first steel plate storage to the whole process management of ship delivery, all need top-level planning, full participation, modeling and lean management complement each other, highly unified.

Third, we must pay attention to the details of the promotion of scientific planning, first, we must pay attention to the number one leader, personally deploy the project, personally promote, all departments and investment enterprises must obey the unified deployment of the company, and second, we must pay attention to the combination of major reform and small improvement, "lean from the heart, improve from me", to measure the time, personnel and resources of each process link; Third, we should pay attention to quantitative comparison, quantify the value created by lean management, and actually show the effect of lean management; Fourth, we should pay attention to the continuous promotion of lean management, and in the next few years, modeling work and lean management should go hand in hand, continuously improve efficiency and benefits, and build momentum for the company's high-quality development.

Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding held a lean management kick-off meeting

The meeting clarified the overall goal of the company's lean management and the key work in 2024, and the relevant working groups reported on the planning plan of lean production, lean talent, lean supply chain and lean quality.

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