
2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS


HLE 1-0 NS:Doran单杀Fisher,HLE中期团战发力首局轻取NS

06/29 讯 【GAME1】HLE 蓝色方、NS红色方

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

HLE banned: Rock Sparrow, Senna, Cannon, Zeri, Kaisha


NS banned: Big Tree, Ash, Calista, Yon, Leona

NS Selection: Mihle Scorpion, Sylvle, Fisher, Jiwoo Kasumi, Guger Lowe

【Brief Introduction】

In the early stage, HLE took a slight lead, and Doran Rambo ambushed a single Fisher plane to make a 3/1 start.

In the 18th of the game, the two teams broke out in the middle of the team battle, Viper Ezreal cut a double kill, and HLE played a wave of 0-for-4 wins to open the economic gap.

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

In the 20th minute of the game, NS was surrounded by HLE on the upper road, and HLE played a wave of 0 for 5 to destroy the opponent.

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

In the 22nd minute of the game, HLE took the big dragon Buff to advance and played 0 for 3, but then chose to retreat.

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

In the 25th minute of the game, HLE took Dalong Buff to play another wave of 0 for 3 to end the game.

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

【Post-match data】

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

[Technical Statistics]

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

【Post-Game MVP】

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

HLE 2-0 NS:Peanut前期完美节奏带动全场,HLE轻松横扫NS

06/29 [GAME2] NS blue side, HLE red side

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

NS banned: Big Tree, Ash, Calista, Bron, Bullhead

NS Selection: Mihle Scorpion, Sylvle Leopard Girl, Fisher Cannon, Jiwoo Kaisha, Guger Ruier

HLE banned: Rock Sparrow, Senna, Rambo, Fire Man, Zyra


【Brief Introduction】

In the early stages of the race, Peanut played close to 100% of the team's participation stats, and HLE quickly took a 4k lead in the lane.

In the 16th minute of the game, a team battle broke out between the two teams on the lower road. Delight Leona succeeded in the ambush, and HLE played a wave of 1 for 3 to extend the advantage.

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

In the 21st minute of the game, HLE seized the opportunity to play 2 for 5 in a wave on the road, and then took the big dragon by chance.

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

In the 30th minute of the game, HLE took the big dragon Buff to end the game with a wave of 0 for 3.

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

【Post-match data】

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

[Technical Statistics]

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS

【Post-Game MVP】

2024LCK夏季赛HLE 2-0 NS