
Why are more and more people moving from the top to the bottom? Insiders responded: 6 major injuries are difficult to overcome~

author:Sweet and sour, bitter and salty

In the process of urbanization, due to the continuous agglomeration of population and the shortage of land resources, high-rise residential buildings have become an inevitable trend in urban construction. With its superior environment, charming scenery and mosquito-free characteristics, high-rise residences do bring residents a sense of belonging to the city, attracting many buyers to move in with all their all.

Why are more and more people moving from the top to the bottom? Insiders responded: 6 major injuries are difficult to overcome~

However, with the increasing number of high-rise buildings and the accumulation of residents' living experience, people's perception of high-rise buildings is becoming clearer. At present, there are six major factors that have prompted more and more residents to choose to move from the upper floors to the lower floors.

Why are more and more people moving from the top to the bottom? Insiders responded: 6 major injuries are difficult to overcome~

First of all, due to the existence of additional spaces such as elevators, elevator shafts, and public corridors, the shared area of high-rise residential buildings is generally larger, ranging from 10% to 30%. With the increase of floor height, the shared area also increases, resulting in a decrease in the actual usable area, and the purchase cost and later maintenance costs (such as heating costs, property fees) also increase, and the cost performance is relatively low.

Why are more and more people moving from the top to the bottom? Insiders responded: 6 major injuries are difficult to overcome~

Secondly, in the face of fire, earthquake and other emergencies, residents of high-rise residential buildings can only rely on fire escapes for evacuation, the escape speed is slow, and the fire brigade is more difficult to rescue. In addition, high-rise residential buildings are highly dependent on elevators for travel, which is crowded during morning and evening rush hours, and in the event of power outages or maintenance, it will cause great inconvenience to residents.

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Why are more and more people moving from the top to the bottom? Insiders responded: 6 major injuries are difficult to overcome~

In addition, high-rise residential buildings usually have a higher floor area ratio, which means that the living density is high. This not only results in residents waiting for elevators for a long time, which reduces the living experience, but also may affect the lighting, ventilation and tranquility of low-rise residents due to the narrow spacing between buildings. At the same time, high-density living may also lead to problems such as shortage of parking spaces and inconvenience in the use of public facilities.

Why are more and more people moving from the top to the bottom? Insiders responded: 6 major injuries are difficult to overcome~

Looking ahead, the demolition and renovation of old high-rise residential buildings will also face many challenges. Due to factors such as high population density, difficulty in unifying demolition opinions, and huge demolition costs, the difficulty of demolition of high-rise residential buildings will gradually increase. The old renovation may face aging problems such as elevators and water supply equipment, and the difficulty and cost of maintenance will also increase accordingly.

To sum up, although high-rise housing has advantages in many aspects, its disadvantages cannot be ignored. In the face of the above six issues, home buyers should fully consider their own needs and actual conditions when choosing a residence. So, would you still choose to buy a high-rise residence?