
2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG


WBG 1-0 IG: The three-line advantage was suppressed throughout the whole process, and WBG defeated IG in the next city

06/29 [GAME1] IG blue side, WBG red side

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

IG banned: Rambo, Enchantress, Card Master, Zyra, Dead Song


WBG banned: Draven, Lilia, Ash, Ezreal, Kaisha


【Brief Introduction】

In 6 minutes, IG Titan took the lead in opening the group, but the WBG team battle was victorious, and Xiaohu Xiaocang got three kills

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In 12 minutes, the YSKM scorpion flashed the top cannon and pulled it back, and the fire man got the bounty of the small cannon

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In 15 minutes, there was a problem with the decision-making of the WBG Pioneer Group, and they had no choice but to give up the Vanguard

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG
2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In 19 minutes, the pig girl drove to the fire man, and a scuffle broke out in the wild area of the two sides, and WBG won the team battle again

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

At 21 minutes, IG's vision is lost, and WBG steals the big dragon and kills the scorpion

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In 26 minutes, WBG1 for 5 ended the game in a wave

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

【Post-match data】

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG
2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG


2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

WBG 2-0 IG: The rhythm is full of full suppression, and WBG sweeps IG into the summit group

06/29 [GAME2] WBG blue side, IG red side

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

WBG banned: Leona, Cannon, Yon, Calista, Delevingne


IG banned: Rambo, Scorpion, Ash, Big Tree, Zyra


【Brief Introduction】

In 4 minutes, WBG invaded the wild area, and the two sides played 2 for 2

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In 7 minutes, WBG got a dragon but Tarzan was killed by Bomberman, and Ralis escaped with blood

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In the 12th minute, WBG Ueno Koshita killed Quisanti

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In 15 minutes, Breathe crocodile red bit the enchantress angrily, and IG won the pioneer but was exchanged for 3 by WBG1

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In the 18th minute, Niu Tou cooperated with the Enchantress to kill Tarzan Huonan in seconds, and IG took Xiaolong and played 0 for 2

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In the 22nd minute, a scuffle broke out between the two sides on the road, WBG0 for 3 and won the big dragon

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In 23 minutes, IG took the lead in opening the group, and WBG1 exchanged for 5 groups to destroy IG and dismantle the lower road highland

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG

In 27 minutes, WBG ended the game in a wave

【Post-match data】

2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG
2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG


2024LPL夏季赛WBG 2-0 IG