
The former site of the Luxi District Committee of the Communist Party of China was unveiled

author:Liaocheng Daily
The former site of the Luxi District Committee of the Communist Party of China was unveiled

  On June 29, the unveiling ceremony of the former site of the Luxi District Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Guan County.

The former site of the Luxi District Committee of the Communist Party of China was unveiled

  During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the vast land of Luxi experienced the baptism of blood and fire, and was an anti-Japanese base on the plain independently created by the Communist Party. During the period from January 1939 to June 1941, the Luxi District Party Committee led the construction of dozens of county party committees and base areas in the district, waged a resolute struggle against Japanese imperialism and diehards, and made brilliant achievements in the annals of history. The former site of the Luxi District Committee of the Communist Party of China tells the story of countless people with lofty ideals who shed their blood and rose up to resist the Japanese invaders from six parts: "Historical Choice", "Mainstay", "Hurricane Torrent", "Base Construction", "Outstanding Sons and Daughters of the Chinese Nation" and "Beiguan Tao".

The former site of the Luxi District Committee of the Communist Party of China was unveiled

  The completion and commissioning of the former site of the Luxi District Committee of the Communist Party of China has added new content to the "one core and multi-point" red party spirit education matrix and the 10-kilometer red education circle in Guanxian County, and added a thicker background color to the red fertile soil of Guanxian County.

The former site of the Luxi District Committee of the Communist Party of China was unveiled

  Text/Picture Reporter Liu Yajie Correspondent Wang Ran