
Self-calming its heart prolongs life, does not seek the spirit of material growth, and has few desires to nourish the body and promote longevity

author:Eat and exercise to maintain health and health

In the fast-paced modern society, people are often exhausted in pursuit of material satisfaction, but neglect inner peace and physical health.

The ancients said: "Self-calming one's heart prolongs life, there is no need for the spirit of material growth, and few desires can nourish the body and promote longevity." These three sentences condense the profound insights of the ancients on the way of longevity, reminding us that we should also pay attention to self-cultivation in modern life, and pursue inner peace and indifference.

Self-calming its heart prolongs life, does not seek the spirit of material growth, and has few desires to nourish the body and promote longevity

"Self-calming one's mind prolongs life", this sentence tells us that inner peace is the key to longevity. In this time full of temptation and pressure, we must learn to adjust our mentality, not be disturbed by the outside world, and maintain a calm heart.

When we face difficulties, we must be able to analyze calmly and not be impatient; When we achieve something, we need to be able to remain humble and not arrogant. Only in this way can our hearts maintain a state of peace, which is conducive to the health of the body.

"There is no desire for the spirit of material growth", this sentence emphasizes the importance of indifference to fame and fortune. Fame and fortune are things outside the body, and excessive pursuit will only make us fall into endless troubles and exhaustion.

We must learn to let go of our attachment to fame and fortune and focus on our hearts and the essence of life. When we are no longer burdened by fame and fortune, our spirit will be nourished and sublimated, so as to be more conducive to the health of the body, learn to simplify life, without the burden of desire, you can be full of energy and strong body.

Self-calming its heart prolongs life, does not seek the spirit of material growth, and has few desires to nourish the body and promote longevity

"Lack of desire can nourish the body and promote longevity", this sentence tells us that reducing desire is the way to maintain health. Desires are endless, and if we blindly pursue to satisfy our desires, we will constantly consume our energy and physical strength.

And when we learn to reduce our desires, we are able to conserve more energy and physical strength to nourish our bodies.

At the same time, reducing our desires also allows us to focus more on our hearts and lives, which is more conducive to our health.

Desire is the black hole of the human heart, excessive chasing will only continue to suck your essence and spirit, and eventually slowly devour yourself, reduce your thirst for material, and you can return to inner peace and abundance.

Self-calming its heart prolongs life, does not seek the spirit of material growth, and has few desires to nourish the body and promote longevity

So, how can these three sentences be put into practice in modern society? First of all, we need to learn to adjust our mindset and maintain a calm heart.

We can relax our body and mind through meditation, yoga, etc., and make ourselves more calm and focused. Secondly, we must learn to be indifferent to fame and fortune and not be disturbed by the outside world.

We can pay more attention to our hearts and the essence of life, and pay less attention to those things that have nothing to do with us.

Finally, we need to learn to reduce our desires and make our lives simpler and purer. We can enrich our spiritual life and make our lives more fulfilling and meaningful by reducing material pursuits and possessions.

Self-calming its heart prolongs life, does not seek the spirit of material growth, and has few desires to nourish the body and promote longevity

Write at the end

Meditation is an ancient way of health preservation, which can not only prolong life, but also make the spirit fuller, control desires, and maintain a simple life, so that you can preserve yourself and prolong your life.

Qing Dynasty scholar Shen Juyun once said: "The joy of indulgence is followed by sorrow." "The desire for external things is human instinct, but the desire is endless, and blindly indulging can only bring all kinds of disasters to oneself.

Remember, true happiness does not lie in how much material wealth you have, but in inner peace and spiritual abundance, so let's start today and practice the health regimen of meditation and lack of desires to enjoy a healthy and happy life.
