
The Obituary of the Chinese and the Bad, the Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (6)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

The Funeral of the British-Jewman Oss Love Hartung (6)

The Obituary of the Chinese and the Bad, the Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (6)
The Obituary of the Chinese and the Bad, the Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (6)
The Obituary of the Chinese and the Bad, the Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (6)

According to Shanghai's "Declaration": "According to Mrs. Luo's wishes, after the burial is completed, the hanging will will be held at a later date, and the official will will be issued at the same time." After the seventh break, it is planned to set up bronze statues and stone tablets in the quiet place of the scenery in the park, and leave the commemorative cloud forever. ”

It was 17 days after Hartung's death (half a month after the citation) that the obituary was officially issued. On July 6, the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), major newspapers in Shanghai published a large obituary of "forgiving inadequate reporting":

"Oss Ai Hartung Gong, painful in the 19th day of June of the national calendar this year, died in the Aili Garden. He was born on May 27, 1849 in the Western calendar, that is, on the fourth day of the fifth month of the 29th year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, and he was 83 years old. On the same day, in accordance with the Jewish rites, Jialing personally observed the burial, respectfully led the family, all dressed in clothes, and buried in the garden. I hereby choose to set up a memorial post on July 23 of the national calendar, and I would like to write an obituary in Shiyi.


The Lord lost his wife, and Luo Jialing wept blood. ”

At the same time, 5,000 copies of the obituary were printed and distributed in large format. Its style is ten times wider than that of Sheng Xuanhuai, and it is finely printed on plain paper about two feet wide and seven or eight feet long. At the beginning of the obituary, Hartung's lifetime honors since the end of the Qing Dynasty are listed as follows:

The Republic of China was awarded a medal, a first-class Baoguang Jiahe Medal, a first-class Wenhu Medal, a special "Anti-Huai Xigu" plaque, and a second-class Baoguang Jiahe Medal, a second-class Wenhu Medal, and a second-class Jiahe Medal. The Qing Dynasty awarded the second class first treasure star, special gift banquet, special award "for the best for good" plaque, Limeng awarded to the spring strip, couplet, blessing, longevity, dragon, tiger and other words, Amitayus Buddha, three inlaid Ruyi, Jiang silk satin, white jade wrench, porcelain bottle, purse, black tea fruit bait, Pei Wenyun Mansion, all the scattered Pan rubbing, etc. On June 19, 1931 in the Western calendar, that is, on the fourth day of the fifth month of the summer calendar, the British Empire was engraved in the Aili Garden in Shanghai (omitted).

The Lord lost his wife, Luo Jialing. Solitaires: Luo Mi, Philip, George, Luo Yi, Liou; Orphan girls: Amore, Mapple, Nala, Metling, Dehweni, Eva; Yizi with surnames: Luo Youxiang, Luo Youhou, Luo Youlan, Luo Youliang, Luo Youshan, Luo Youren, Luo Jizu; Righteous daughters with surnames: Luo Xiuhai, Luo Fuzhen, Luo Huixiu. Inner surname Yisun: Luo Binglin, Luo Gengqian, Luo Yaqing, Luo Bingqi, Luo Bingyin; Granddaughters with surnames: Luo Shunhua, Luo Shunzao, Luo Shunhua, Luo Shunyin, Luo Shunwan. Son-in-law with surnames: Yang Ruilin, Zhuang Zhaoyi, Yang Qingchang; Nephews: Ji Yuwei, Ji Yusheng, Ji Yulong, Ji Yupeng. The funeral director's righteous brother Ji Juemi.

Luo Jialing has never given birth to children, and Hatong has neither taken a concubine nor engaged in an "outer room" in his life. Luo Jialing was an orphan girl, and Hartung had already broken off with his brothers and sisters. The relatives they left behind were only more than 20 adopted sons and daughters. It is said that some of these righteous sons and daughters were Jewish orphans introduced by friends, or White Russian children, and some were selected from the waiter children or Cangsheng Primary School. At its peak, they had adopted more than 40, and later eliminated those 20 or so.

In Hartung's will (known as the "First Will"), the righteous children listed are all surnamed Hartung, and the number of righteous sons includes: David George Hartung, Robavido Hartung (translated as "Luo Bismuth" in the obituary), Philip Hartung (translated as "Philip" in the obituary) and other 5 people; There are 6 righteous daughters: Nala Hartung, Matlan Hartung (translated as "Meite Bell" on the obituary) and so on. Luo Jialing also left a will (called the "second will" before his death), and added adopted Chinese children, including Luo Youlan and Luo Youxiang (two fewer than Hatong's obituary), and Luo Youliang (who died early); The righteous daughter has Luo Fuzhen, Luo Huixiu and other 5 people (two more than Hatong obituary). The obituary of Hartung published in the newspaper only bears the name of his wife, Luo Jialing, and does not list the names of his confirmed righteous children in terms of uniform and etiquette (such as "weeping blood" and so on) according to traditional Chinese etiquette.

As for the 5,000 obituaries sent out separately, although the righteous son, the righteous daughter, the inner surname Yizi, the righteous daughter, the inner surname Yisun, the righteous granddaughter, and even the inner surname Yizi are all listed, but there is still no corresponding etiquette in accordance with the traditional Chinese rules and regulations. Moreover, there is a discrepancy in the number of righteous children confirmed by Luo Jialing's will.

In addition, the funeral office of Hartung also compiled and printed a beautiful volume of "Mr. Hartung's Travels", which contains the portrait of Hartung and the life deeds of Hartung. There is also Duan Qirui's plaque "Benevolence"; Wu Peifu's plaque: "Charity is windy".

In addition, the inscriptions and praises also include the Kuomintang "party-state dignitaries" Dai Chuanxian (president of the Examination Yuan), Yu Youren (president of the Supervision Yuan), Wang Boqun (minister of communications), Wang Faqin (Central Committee), Chen Jiji (army commander), Liang Guanying (army commander), Niu Yongjian (veteran), Chen Tiaoyuan (provincial chairman), Han Fuyu (provincial chairman), etc.

Figures in the Beiyang era include Du Xiqi (chief of the navy), Dong Kang (chief of justice, later became a traitor), Cen Chunxuan, Li Houji (Fujian overseer), Lu Yongxiang, Xu Shiying, Chen Eun, and the "famous" traitor Cao Rulin.

In addition to Mayor Yu Hongjun, Shanghai's "Wenren" also includes Yu Qiaqing, Du Yuesheng, Wang Xiaolai, Yuan Ludeng, Lin Kanghou, etc. Celebrities from the research department, Zhang Junmai and Zhang Dongsun, also wrote praises.