
The funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (5)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

The funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (5)

The funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (5)
The funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (5)
The funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (5)

During his lifetime, under the instigation of his virtuous assistant Luo Jialing, and under the influence of Huang Zongyang, a monk from Wumu Mountain, he funded the establishment of Huayan University in the park to "promote Buddhism"; Then, through Taoism, he turned to Confucianism and changed to Cangsheng Wise University. It is true that Taoism is a polytheistic religion, especially the Quanzhen sect, which advocates the "harmony of the three religions".

Luo Jialing has been incense once in the Cangsheng Temple (Taoist Temple), and has actually formed an indissoluble bond with the Cangsheng who "made words", and even placed Cangjie above Confucius. The "university", middle school, primary school, and women's school he run, as well as the "Guangcang Academic Embarrassment" and "Guangcang Society", worship the Cangsheng twice a year in spring and autumn.

At that time, the "Hirokura Society Journal" sponsored by Ji Juemi recorded this:

"The university has an auditorium in the east, and Deqing Yu Jieqing Taishi Yan is his forehead. The site of the hall is spacious, the ancient saint Cangjie ancestor tablet is set up in the middle, the left is equipped with Zhou Taishi Zhou, Qin Taishi Ling Hu Wujing, Sili School Captain Cheng Miao, the right is equipped with the Han sacrifice wine Xu Shen, Zhonglang will Cai Yong, Wei Taifu Zhong Xuan. The upper list of musical instruments is four, and the lower ones are bells and drums, the genus of blessings, and the dance instruments of feathers and dry relatives. On March 28 and September 18 of each year, the ritual sacrifice is carried out, singing and dancing alternately, depressed, and the viewer has the feeling of Zhou Li in Lu. ”

The sacrifice of the sages must be made with a boiled whole pig and a whole sheep, called "Shaojiao", and placed on a special square plate to make offerings. To sacrifice Confucius, a whole cow must be added, named "Taigao". Cangjie is a prophet greater than Confucius, so naturally he should also use "too fast". However, this contradicts the precepts of the Buddha and Taoism to abstain from killing, so Luo Jialing used the similar name of the Su "Shaojiao" and "Taijiao" to make offerings. During the sacrifice, it is necessary to use various ancient musical instruments to play the "Zhonghe Shao music" and dance the dance of the eight hundreds, just like the ritual of sacrificing Confucius on the day of the Spring and Autumn Period. After Hartung's death, the decoration of his sacrificial hall and the family laying ceremony were no different from the ancient rituals of sacrificing the sages - Cangjie and Confucius. On both sides of the sacrificial hall, there are bells, drums, drums, dry qi, feathers, flutes, pipes, qins, seers, chisers, sir, tongs, reeds, as well as ancient musical instruments and sacrificial vessels such as jue, drums, and beans.

At the time of the festival, Mr. Zheng Jingwen of the Datong Music Association participated in the performance of "Zhonghe Shao Music" as an alumnus of Cangsheng Wise University. Sixty-four students at Hartung's school wore special costumes and danced the Dance of the Eight Hundreds. It's like sacrificing holes. This practice is obviously an isolated case in the funeral.

If this is in the pre-Qing era, it is a violation of the national code, that is, during the Republic of China, although the national etiquette system was finally repaired, people's wedding and funeral etiquette was not restricted. But it will also be criticized in public opinion. It is only in the Aili Garden of the Concession in the Foreign Concession that Hartung can have such an absurd act.