
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

author:T Entertainment Notes

Why did Guo Meimei, a wealthy woman, change her sexual orientation when she was in prison? Not long after she came out of prison for the first time, she got a boyfriend, but it was a woman, and it turned out that she was playing gay!

On June 27, Guo Meimei scolded her ex on Weibo, and posted chat records and transfer notes with the other party, saying that the other party has a problem with her character, and she must settle accounts with her, and ask her to come back to rescue stray cats and dogs.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

Guo Meimei and her ex only dated for two months, and then transferred 60,000 yuan to her, and the other party claimed to be Guo Meimei's assistant, with a salary of 5,000 per month, a total of 10,000 yuan in two months.

After deducting the salary of 10,000 yuan, the other party still owes Guo Meimei 50,000 yuan.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

Just two months after coming out of prison, she was able to take out 60,000 yuan in cash, I have to say that Guo Meimei is really admirable in some aspects, and there is always a chance for salted fish to turn over.

What else people didn't expect was that Guo Meimei's ex was actually her first time in prison and dated not long after she was released from prison.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

This time in prison, Guo Meimei lost 5 years of her youth, and the 5 years of imprisonment were uncomfortable, with no freedom, no luxury, and no delicacies.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

Thinking that after Guo Meimei was released from prison, she must have regretted her past practices very much, and she would keep a low profile, hide at home and dare not come out, she would have to think about it in front of the wall, and then change her ways.

However, I didn't expect that Guo Meimei couldn't bear the loneliness not long after she came out of prison, and she made her relationship public in a high-profile manner, and she was still gay.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

The two broke up after only two months of dating, and Guo Meimei transferred a lot of money to the other party and didn't want it back, which shows that Guo Meimei was too hasty at the beginning, and fell in love without knowing a person, and she was also of the same sex, so she was destined to not end well.

The ex said that she and Guo Meimei were just a deal, which completely angered Guo Meimei, so Guo Meimei publicly posted Weibo to tear her up.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

At the same time, Guo Meimei is not lonely and idle, but traveling in Thailand with her current boyfriend Midoriko, who is still gay, this is Guo Meimei's second same-sex boyfriend.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

In other words, after Guo Meimei was imprisoned, her sexual orientation completely changed. The first time she was imprisoned for five years, after she was released from prison, she became homosexual, and the second time she was imprisoned for two years and six months.

Guo Meimei's current Internet celebrity is Luzi, who looks like a boy, has short hair, and is actually a girl, and the two had a conflict some time ago and almost broke up.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

Midoriko's promise to Guo Meimei's Patek Philippe and Rolls-Royce were not in place, which disappointed Guo Meimei, so she wanted to break up with her.

Later, Midoriko didn't know how to get Guo Meimei, and the two reconciled, and now they travel to Thailand together.

Guo Meimei admits that she is a realistic woman, but says that she still has some emotional elements with Midoriko.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

Now Guo Meimei has made a high-profile public picture of traveling with her current same-sex boyfriend, showing off her wealth and openly tearing up her predecessor at the same time, feeling that she has been in prison for nearly eight years, and her nature has not changed at all.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

Feelings are a private matter, whether homosexual or heterosexual, they should not be said in public, so as not to cause trouble to themselves, not to mention that Guo Meimei is a person who has been in prison for nearly 8 years, and she should be even more low-key.

However, she has no awareness of this, and still shows off her wealth, luxury cars, mansions, food and jewelry, as if her nearly 8 years in prison have no impact on her.

Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two
Guo Meimei tore her predecessor apart, and after she was released from prison for the first time, she became gay, and the other party said that there was a deal between the two

And there is something wrong with her sexual orientation, openly engaging in homosexuality.

I have to say that Guo Meimei is strong in her heart, and she has money to spend even if she doesn't work, and she has a lot of money.

At the same time, her sexual orientation has also changed, and she still likes to show off her wealth as always, but she is afraid that she will overturn again! #头条首发大赛#

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