
It's heart-wrenching! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, his upper body was naked, it was difficult to communicate, and he ran away when he saw someone!

author:Entertainment without boundaries25

Speaking of Tang Zhiping, a Taiwanese actor, the recent events are really heart-wrenching.

This buddy born in Thailand in 1978, the root of Raoping, Guangdong, came out of the China Institute of Technology.

It's heart-wrenching! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, his upper body was naked, it was difficult to communicate, and he ran away when he saw someone!

In 2000, he appeared for the first time in the TV series "Flower Butterfly and Wild Rose", and he stepped into the showbiz like this.

Since then, he has been hanging up, with "Looking for Mr. Right" in 2001, "Crazy Love 35 cm" in 2003, and then "Juliet of the East" and "Boys and Girls Over Flowers" in 2006, and his popularity has been rising.

It's heart-wrenching! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, his upper body was naked, it was difficult to communicate, and he ran away when he saw someone!

In 2011, he played a leading role in "Love Under the Roof", in 2012's "Four Famous Catches" made him popular, and in 2014's "Dating Expert" also showed his face.

But the good times didn't last long, and his life has become more and more difficult in the past few years.

It's heart-wrenching! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, his upper body was naked, it was difficult to communicate, and he ran away when he saw someone!

At the beginning of June, his mother left, still taking the road of suicide, but Tang Zhiping refused to claim the body, and even refused to recognize it as his mother.


As soon as this happened, everyone felt that there might be something wrong with his mental state.

Later, he disappeared from everyone's sight as if he had evaporated from the world.

It wasn't until the end of June that Tang Zhiping suddenly appeared again, and the situation looked even worse. He was found on the street, shirtless on the top, in tattered jeans on the bottom, and as thin as a bamboo pole.


When he saw someone filming him with his phone, he ran away as if he had seen a ghost.

It's heart-wrenching! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, his upper body was naked, it was difficult to communicate, and he ran away when he saw someone!

This scene is really not a taste in people's hearts. Some netizens said:

"When he was young, he should have a family, and if he had a wife and someone cared about, maybe he wouldn't be crazy. This is the result of some people squandering their youth and not planning their lives, but life is like drinking water, knowing whether they are warm or cold, maybe this is also the benefit of Dinkers not dragging others down. ”

"Oh my God, what's wrong with Tang Zhiping? It's so distressing to watch! ”

"The death of his mother hit him so hard that he felt like he was having a nervous breakdown."

"Looking at him like this, I really wish someone could help him, it's so pitiful."

"He's like this now, he looks very dangerous, I hope he doesn't have any accidents."

"From the male god on the screen to the homeless man on the street, the contrast is too great."

"I hope he can survive this and regain the direction of his life."

"This is too worrying, where have all his relatives and friends gone? Why doesn't anyone care? ”

"Seeing Tang Zhiping like this now, I really hope he can get professional help soon."

His experience makes us wonder what we can do when a person is hit hard by life.

Shouldn't we pay more attention to the people around us and give them more understanding and support?

It's heart-wrenching! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, his upper body was naked, it was difficult to communicate, and he ran away when he saw someone!

This is not just sympathy for Tang Zhiping personally, should we pay more attention to mental health and not wait until the problem is serious to regret it?

What do you think about this matter? Feel free to let us know what you think in the comments section!