
In 2024, the real income of online car-hailing will be revealed, and the era of upside down sports cars has really come

author:Ride-hailing observation room

Halfway through 2024, the number of ride-hailing drivers has also reached a new high. In the first half of this year, there were 461,000 new drivers with personal certificates across the country, and online car-hailing drivers were also listed as one of the "triathlons", which is the last retreat for middle-aged people with good physical strength.

However, can such an overcrowded industry really be regarded as a way out? In 2024, can the ride-hailing industry really make money?

Before you step into the ride-hailing industry, whether it's on a job board or a beautiful woman in a rental company, the industry is full of possibilities. You only need to pay a deposit of a few thousand to pick up the car, and from then on you can be your own boss, have free time, earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, and embark on a small peak in life.

Before running online car-hailing

They say that the flow of online car-hailing is like this

In 2024, the real income of online car-hailing will be revealed, and the era of upside down sports cars has really come

But after really joining this industry, I found that it was others who made money, and in most areas, there was only about two or three hundred online car-hailing operations per day, and some people couldn't run 100 a day. Unless it's the kind of person who can survive and can run more than 400.

A novice driver in Ningbo posted a real bill for a month of his sports car, a whole month, the driver only rested for 2 days, a total of 28 days, the daily departure time is basically about 12-14 hours, a total of 10,634 yuan, deducting 827 yuan of charging fees, 3,500 yuan of car rental fees, and finally 6,307 yuan, an average of 225.25 yuan a day.

In 2024, the real income of online car-hailing will be revealed, and the era of upside down sports cars has really come

It's still relatively lucky to get more than 200 a day, and it is the norm now that you can't run money. A novice driver said that in the first month of driving an online car-hailing car, he had a two-day break, and his total income was 6,851.2 yuan, and after deducting rent, electricity bills, violations, and meals, there was only 2,151.2 yuan, and his net income was only 76.82 yuan a day. I would like to ask here, what are you eating every day for 300 yuan a month?

In 2024, the real income of online car-hailing will be revealed, and the era of upside down sports cars has really come

According to the online car-hailing data released by Guangzhou, the average daily turnover of drivers is about 350 yuan. According to the data analysis of a team of 602 masters with an average daily online time of more than 8 hours in May, if you want to run more than 10,000 hours a day, you need to run at least 10 hours a day, but only a few people can insist on staying up for more than 12 hours a day.

In 2024, the real income of online car-hailing will be revealed, and the era of upside down sports cars has really come

Judging from the official data, the income of online car-hailing drivers is also not optimistic. The average daily order volume of online car-hailing bicycles in many places does not exceed 20 orders, and the average daily income of a single bicycle is about 20 yuan, and the average daily income of a bicycle is only more than 200 yuan, and in some places it is less than 200 yuan.

In 2024, the real income of online car-hailing will be revealed, and the era of upside down sports cars has really come

It is becoming more and more difficult for the online car-hailing industry to make money, and officials have also issued saturation warnings, reminding those who intend to enter the industry to assess risks and enter the industry cautiously. Therefore, for novices, the risk is further increased, and it is also common to discount money.

At present, the freight rate is reduced, the driver cannot make money, and the first thing that affects the leasing company is the leasing company. Nearly 500,000 newcomers entered the market in the first half of the year, and there are hidden risks under the surface of the boom in the rental market. Due to the reduction in transportation costs, drivers find it difficult to afford the high rentals, which forces leasing companies to reduce vehicle rentals, which reduces the company's profits. At the same time, more and more drivers are choosing to quit the industry, and the default rate of returning cars is also rising. In order to reduce costs, leasing companies had to adjust their rebate policies, and learned from a channel in Shenzhen that drivers used to get rebates on the day they picked up the car, but now they need to pay the first month's rent and continue to urge them to get commissions.

Against the backdrop of an overall downturn in the industry, investors have become more cautious and have reduced capital investment. With the decline in the price of new energy vehicles, the yield of the online car-hailing rental industry has further decreased, and the difficulty for enterprises to obtain funds has also increased. Faced with this situation, some leasing companies have started resorting to underhanded tactics to deceive drivers by posting fake high-paying job postings online and setting contract traps.

Therefore, when releasing relevant data, all localities tacitly remind practitioners to raise their awareness of risk prevention, be wary of false propaganda that exaggerates income, and avoid falling into the trap of renting instead of purchasing. Recently, Sichuan Panzhihua issued the "Risk Reminder for Online Taxi Booking in the Automobile Industry", directly naming three "routine rental" scams, reminding drivers who want to join not to easily believe in any high-yield false propaganda and promises.

In 2024, the real income of online car-hailing will be revealed, and the era of upside down sports cars has really come

In this industry, there is a serious information asymmetry between drivers and rental companies, and online ride-hailing platforms will inevitably neglect to check the leasing companies, resulting in fraud breeding and rampant routines. Especially because there is no clear entry threshold for the leasing industry, many criminals fish in troubled waters and cheat drivers everywhere, which has become a nightmare for many drivers' families.

Of course, any industry has done well, and drivers with a monthly income of more than 10,000 have not disappeared, but they have to pay more time and energy than before if they want to earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. So, in 2024, when the whole people are running online car-hailing, can online car-hailing still run?

The answer is that you can run, but! Scorer!

If you're in your 20s, in your prime, and in high spirits, why not do something? There is no need to run online car-hailing, there is no future!

If you are in your 30s. Be strong, like a tiger and a cow, don't come to consume your body and time! Because ride-hailing is an industry with no future. It will only consume your time and energy repeatedly, hurting your body, especially your cervical spine and lumbar spine.

If you are in your 40s, you are the pillar of the family. Able to drive and skilled in driving. and can endure hardships. If you do other work, you won't be promoted or raised! I don't want to be a security guard and I don't want to sell coolies. Then you can try to take the challenge of online car-hailing, and you don't expect to earn money for 10 hours a day.

Once you come to run a ride-hailing service, you will spend at least 15 hours outside from leaving home to leaving home. If you can't do that, don't run a ride-hailing either. If you want to make a fortune, don't run because it can only feed your family.

The online car-hailing industry has already changed, and now it is not what it used to be, so don't be tempted to enter the online car-hailing industry by those who sell cars, rent cars, and those fancy advertisements, it may be an industry that can be transitioned, but it is definitely not a lasting industry. You should always be sober when you come to transition, look for opportunities, be ready to quit at any time, and don't break down your body.

To sum up, if you're still young, don't come, why not? If you want to make a fortune, don't come, you can't make ends meet! If you really don't have any other options, give it a try, but always stay awake and take care of your body!