
The online car-hailing platform picks up the driver's wool, is the sky-high commission-free card a benefit or a madness before the thunderstorm?

author:Ride-hailing observation room

Recently, many drivers broke the news that many small platforms have begun to launch various commission-free cards.

According to the screenshots sent by the driver, some platforms directly launched a year-round commission-free card, and the price is as high as 10,000 yuan!

The online car-hailing platform picks up the driver's wool, is the sky-high commission-free card a benefit or a madness before the thunderstorm?

Some small platforms have launched commission-free card products with different commission ratios in the driver's side mall, and the commission ratios of the platforms that can be enjoyed are different according to the different prices sold.

The online car-hailing platform picks up the driver's wool, is the sky-high commission-free card a benefit or a madness before the thunderstorm?

More and more small online ride-hailing platforms are starting to sell commission-free cards, which can't help but make people wonder, what kind of medicine are sold in the gourd of these platforms?

Based on the above annual commission-free card with a price of up to 10,000 yuan, the cost of a day is calculated for 365 days a year, and the driver needs to spend 10,000/365 = 27.4 yuan, while in the city of Taiyuan, a car-hailing driver's daily turnover is about 350 yuan, that is to say, the platform's commission-free card is almost equal to about 8% of the driver's turnover, which looks more cost-effective than the platform's commission, but this is calculated in the case of 365 days a year. The cost of waiver will be higher if it is spread over each day.

Therefore, the sale of commission-free cards by small online car-hailing platforms may be to some extent to earn profits from drivers in advance, and once the drivers purchase the platform's annual commission-free cards, it is unknown whether the platform can operate safely and stably in the next year, so this type of commission-free cards has also been criticized by the majority of online car-hailing drivers.

Since the beginning of this year, some small platforms have begun to be cleaned up one after another, Qingdao, Shandong, Changchun, Jilin, Suzhou, Jiangsu and other cities have issued advertisements to cancel some local small platforms, and a new round of small platform clean-up boom has been set off in various places, and these small platforms have recently begun to sell the so-called commission-free card, which is actually very worthy of the attention of the shoulder hanging departments around the country.

The online car-hailing platform picks up the driver's wool, is the sky-high commission-free card a benefit or a madness before the thunderstorm?

The commission-free card of the online car-hailing platform itself is the platform's order-taking benefits for drivers, but now it has still become a tool for some small platforms to make money, and this routine of selling commission-free cards is the same as a certain Shun platform that has created such a business model in China, but it is just a name for the lump sum fee, but a certain Shun platform is now mired in the quagmire of drivers unable to withdraw cash.

Here, I also remind the majority of online car-hailing drivers that if you see Xiaotai peddling the so-called high-priced commission-free cards, you must not blindly buy, and there are many online car-hailing platforms now, so you must not consume impulsively to avoid causing property losses to yourself!