
Why did people in ancient times always dare to rebel? It's all due to these reasons

author:Chen Chuer

In the long history of the mainland, with the change of dynasties and social turmoil, there are always people who dare to challenge authority and launch uprisings. From Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's Daze Township Uprising, to Zhu Yuanzhuan of the Ming Dynasty overthrowing the Yuan Dynasty, and then to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement of the Qing Dynasty, there are profound social reasons behind all the rebellions.

So, what was it that made these ancients dare to challenge their rulers? In my opinion, it is all caused by the following reasons!

Why did people in ancient times always dare to rebel? It's all due to these reasons

1. The hierarchy of feudal society is the fundamental reason for the dissatisfaction of the people and the courage to rebel.

In feudal society, the rulers divided the world into different classes, nobles, bureaucrats, commoners, and slaves. This system resulted in an extremely uneven distribution of social resources, with the common people living in misery and the ruling class enjoying endless glory. When the people could no longer bear the pressure of life, they set their sights on overthrowing the existing rule and pursuing a more equitable society.

2. The oppression of the common people by the feudal rulers was the fuse that stimulated the feelings of resistance.

In feudal society, the emperor was the co-ruler of the world, and his power came from the people. However, many emperors forgot this truth and slaughtered the people as fish and meat at will. They levied heavy taxes, forced labor, and even disregarded the lives and deaths of the people. This oppression has put the people in a desperate situation, and they have to rise up against tyranny.

Why did people in ancient times always dare to rebel? It's all due to these reasons

3. Natural disasters are the catalyst for rebellion.

In feudal society, the level of science and technology is limited, and people's ability to resist natural disasters is weak. Whenever there are disasters such as droughts, floods, and plagues, people's lives will be greatly affected. The feudal rulers were often unable to deal with it effectively, and even aggravated the suffering of the people. Thus, against the backdrop of natural disasters, the people's frustration and anger against the existing regime reached their peak, and the sense of resistance gradually awakened.

4. National contradictions are also an important cause of rebellion.

In the historical process of feudal society on the mainland, sometimes one ethnic group would conquer another, such as the Mongols conquered the Southern Song Dynasty and the Manchus conquered the Han people. This conquest was often accompanied by brutal killing and oppression, leaving the people of the conquered peoples living in misery. In such a situation, the people of the conquered nations will rise up against the rulers and seek national independence and dignity.

Why did people in ancient times always dare to rebel? It's all due to these reasons

In short, in feudal society, hierarchy, oppression, natural disasters and ethnic contradictions were the key reasons that led the people to dare to rebel. They have made life difficult for the common people, who have to challenge authority and pursue fairness and freedom.

However, the wheel of history always rolls forward, and although each rebellion changed the course of society to a certain extent, it was still difficult to get rid of the shackles of feudal society in the end. It was not until the founding of New China that the people were truly the masters of the country and the reincarnation of feudal society was ended. As an ordinary citizen, I am deeply fortunate to live in such an era of democracy, freedom, and equality.