
Wu Qibao Fucai 3D No. 172 Trend Analysis.

author:Bao Ge Music Stage

Wu Qibao Fucai 3D No. 172 Trend Analysis.

Last review: 3D The winning number of the previous draw is 280; Test machine 986.

Fucai 3D 172nd analysis recommendation

Golden gall: 8

Double gall: 68

Three yards: 168

Four yards: 1568

Five yards: 15689

Yard Six: 135689

Retest: 1345689

Extra heads-up note 348


【100 Places Plan】

[171 175 issues: 02965

【164 Draws】168 of 164 Draws: 04965 Lottery 402

【163 Lotteries】163 of 167 Draws: 03965 Lottery 304

【Set 100】161 of 165: 03915 lottery 164

【Set 100】160 of 164: 63915 lottery 690

【100】159 of 163: 63925 lottery 212

【100】157 of 161: 63985 lottery 821

[100 places] 156 periods of 160 periods: 63915 lottery 180

【155 Periods】155 of 159 Draws: 63945 Lottery 411

【154 Lots】154 of 158 Draws: 68945 Lottery 834

【Dingbaidi】153 of 157: 62945 lottery 287

【151 Lottery】155 of 151: 62845 lottery 848

【150 Lots】150 of 154 Draws: 62345 Lottery 356

Large, medium and small trend analysis

【Six-yard cold state reference】

One group: 045789 currently missing 32 issues

Group 2: 023589 currently missing 34 issues

【Seven Yards Cold Reference】

One group: 0135678 currently missing 15 issues

Group 2: 0123589 currently missing 13 issues

[Tail Killing Column Reference]


【Killing】166 Killing07 Draw 397

【Kill】165 periods, 27 draws, 145

【Killing】164 Killing05 Draw 354

【Killing】163 periods, 38 draws, 304

【Kill the tail】162 periods kill the tail 05 open 164

【Kill】161 Draws: 27 Draws: 468

【Kill the tail】160 periods, kill the tail 08, open the lottery 690

【Kill】159 periods, 27 draws, 212

【Kill】158 periods, 38 draws, 821

【Kill】157 periods, 25 draws, 126

【Kill】156 Killing08 Draw 180

【Kill】155 periods, 29 draws, 411

【Killing】154 Killing05 Draw 834

【Kill】153 Kills, 48 Draws, 287

【Kill】152 periods, 49 draws, 848

【Kill the tail】151 Kill the tail 05 draw 765

【Kill 100 Reference】

[Kill 100] 172 periods kill 2

[Kill 100] 171 periods kill 8 open lottery 480

[Kill 100] 166 periods kill 4 open lottery 397

[Kill 100] 165 periods, kill 1, draw 145

【Kill 100】164 periods, kill 6, open 354

[Kill 100] 163 periods kill 0 lottery 304

[Kill 100] 162 periods kill 1 draw 164

【Kill 100】161 Kill 7 Draw 468

[Kill 100] 160 periods kill 0 lottery 690

【Kill 100】159 periods, kill 9, open lottery, 212

【Kill 100】158 periods kill 1 lottery 821

[Kill 100] 157 periods kill 5 open lottery 265

[Kill 100] 156 periods, kill 7, draw 180

[Kill 100] 155 periods kill 8 open lottery 411

【Kill 100】154 periods, kill 4, open lottery, 834

[Kill 100] 153 periods kill 1 lottery 287

【Kill 100】152 periods kill 3 open lottery 848

【Kill 100】151 Kill 7 Draw 765

【Kill 100】150 periods, kill 0, draw 356

【Double Guts Plan Column Reference】

【Double gall】169 to 173 refer to 57

【Double guts】166 to 170 refer to 45 lottery 752

【Double guts】165 to 169 refer to 35 lottery 145

【Double gall】164 to 168 refer to 34 lottery 354

【Double gall】163 to 167 refer to 64 lottery 304

【Double guts】162 to 166 refer to 68 lottery 164

【Double gall】161 to 165 refer to 67 lottery 468

【Double gall】160 to 164 refer to 90 lottery 690

【Double guts】159 to 163 refer to 28 lottery 212

【Double gall】158 to 162 refer to 26 lottery 821

【Double gall】156 to 160 refer to 18 lottery 126

【Double guts】155 to 159 refer to 38 lottery 180

【Double gall】154 to 158 refer to 78 lottery 834

【Double gall】153 to 157 refer to 48 lottery 287

【Double guts】152 to 156 refer to 89 lottery 848

【Double guts】151 to 155 refer to 56 lottery 765

【Double gall】150 to 154 refer to 35 lottery 356

【Double gall】144 to 148 refer to 59 lottery 756

【Double guts】143 to 147 refer to 38 lottery 955

【Double guts】140 to 145 refer to 78 lottery 813

【Double guts】135 to 139 refer to 64 lottery 748

【Double guts】133 to 137 refer to 65 lottery 640

【Double guts】132 to 136 refer to 69 lottery 652

【Double gall】130 to 134 refer to 67 lottery 069

【Double gall】129 to 133 refer to 57 lottery 067

【Double guts】105 to 109 refer to 59 lottery 976

【Double guts】104 to 108 refer to 89 lottery 579

【Double gall】103 to 107 refer to 39 lottery 984

【Double guts】102 to 106 refer to 59 lottery 339

【Double guts】101 to 105 refer to 69 lottery 594

【Double guts】100 to 104 refer to 19 lottery 936

[Breakdown column reference]

[Decomposition] 172 issue 42187/95630

[Breakdown] 169 periods 42180/95637 lottery 480

【Decomposition】166 Issue 40187/95632 Lottery 397

[Breakdown] 165 issues 40127/95638 lottery 145

[Breakdown] 164 periods 80127/95634 lottery 354

[Decomposition] 163 periods 80147/95632 lottery 304

[Decomposition] 162 issues 82147/95630 lottery 164

[Breakdown] 161 periods 82140/95637 lottery 468

[Decomposition] 160 issues 82170/95634 lottery 690

[Broken Group Column Reference]

[Broken Group] 172 issues 73/042/68951

[Broken Group] 169 periods 73/041/68952 lottery 480

166 23/071/68954 397

【Broken Group】165 Draws 23/074/68951 Draw 145

【Broken Group】164 periods: 21/074/68953 lottery 354

【Broken Group】163 Draws 23/074/68951 Draw 304

【Broken Group】162 periods: 23/174/68950 lottery 164

【Broken Group】161 Draw: 23/154/68970 Draw 468

【Broken Group】160 periods: 23/150/68974 lottery 690

【Broken Group】152 Draws 71/250/68934 Lottery 848

【Broken Group】151 Draws 71/450/68932 Draw 765

Wu Kai Bao 3D Trend Plan (Phase 172 to 178) is for reference only!

Duke: 8

Double gall: 68

Three galls: 168

Four galls: 1568

Five yards: 13568

Yard Six: 135689

Seven yards: 1345689

Heads-up bet: 689

Option 1 plans:

Group 3: 36 Note Plan

022 055 066 088 122 155 166 188 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 255 266 288 355 366 388 455 466 488 556 557 558 559 566 588 667 668 669 688 788 889

Group 6: 36 Note Plan

025 026 028 056 058 068 125 126 128 156 158 168 235 236 238 245 246 248 256 257 258 259 267 268 269 278 289 356 358 368 458 468 568 569 578 589 689

Option 2 Plan:

Group 6: 18 Note Plan

235 236 238 245 246 248 256 257 258 259 267 268 269 278 289 356 358 368

The above trend analysis data!

Personal opinion is for reference only!

The majority of lottery players keep in mind the three principles of buying lottery: chasing heat, watching temperature, and abandoning cold!

The above is purely personal opinion and is for reference only. Rational purchase of color, need to be cautious of risk!