
Memories of the Hakka people of the mysterious Hakka tribe in Chaling: A mountain fire burned the cottage to the ground

author:Li Suzhang
Memories of the Hakka people of the mysterious Hakka tribe in Chaling: A mountain fire burned the cottage to the ground

Late one night many years ago, there was a sudden sound of "crackling" in the distance, and although it was a little far away, there was still a slight sound coming from it.

Then, the east side lit up, and a fiery red light illuminated the entire street.

Everyone got up in a panic, ran out of the gate, and stood in the street, looking up to the east.

The sky was blazing red, and everyone couldn't help but be surprised!

Oh no, the mountains are on fire.

The Hakka people live in the forest.

What they fear most is fire.

However, the more fearful you are, the more it comes.

Every few years, a forest fire strikes them.

There was once a fire in history that burned down a whole cottage.

According to the memories of the old people, his grandfather's grandfather lived in a cottage that suffered a fire catastrophe.

It was late autumn, and it was the time when the weather was dry.

There hasn't been rain in the cottage for two months in a row.

One evening, dark clouds were thick, lightning flashed and thundered, and there was a constant rumbling thunder.

The long-awaited rain has finally arrived.

Everyone was very excited.

Soon, the rain fell from the sky, tinkling the cottage.

Unfortunately, the rain stopped after a while, and the dark clouds dispersed, but the thunder in the distance was still there, still ringing.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck a dead tree deep in the forest.

After a puff of black smoke, the tree burst into flames.

Soon, a sea of fire formed around it.

Dead trees and leaves are everywhere in the mountain forests, especially in primeval forests, where such extremely flammable dead branches are everywhere.

Soon, the whole mountain was blazing and blazing.

At that time, the fire was still more than ten kilometers away from the cottage, and everyone was not panicking, because wildfires often burned in the mountains and forests.

Often, it burns, burns, and it gradually goes out.

Sometimes, in order to clear the wasteland, they would voluntarily set fires, burn down a mountain, and then plant crops on it.

The burned land is very fertile, and the seeds planted are as fruitful as they are without any fertilizer.

Therefore, the villagers like to burn the mountain, of course, they will strictly control the fire, and there are people guarding the border, so the fire will not cross the line and form a prairie fire.

But this time it seems a little different.

Not only did the fire not be extinguished, but it grew bigger and bigger, gradually approaching their cottage.

At this moment, thick smoke floated in the sky, and there were burning fireballs in the smoke, one after another, floating around.

The landing point is often a fire point.

The worst thing is that it was a northwest wind blowing at that time, and all the smoke and sparks were drifting towards the cottage.

The cottage was suddenly enveloped in thick smoke.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the patriarch of the cottage immediately sounded the alarm and asked everyone to evacuate quickly.

At the same time, he called the cottage soldiers and asked them to inform each family to evacuate.

There is a small stream outside the cottage, the water gauge is only a few feet, and the river is a spacious flat land, which can accommodate thousands of people without problems.

Only here is the safest.

Although the soldiers tried their best to ask everyone to leave, there were still five families who did not want to go.

They thought that it was impossible for a mountain fire to burn here, because the cottage was more than 1,000 meters away from the forest in order to prevent mountain fires, and it was full of well-grown weeds and no flammable materials, so they thought that the fire could not burn over.

They refused to evacuate!

But they also ignore the power of fire.

They never dreamed that fire could come from the sky.

Yes, fire is in the air.

The cottages are all built at the foot of the mountain, and they are surrounded by high mountains on all sides.

The mountains are burning, and the wind will blow fireballs into the air, burn in the air, and then land in the cottage.

The houses in the cottage are all made of wood, which is a first-class flammable material, and fireballs are attacking the cottage, and finally one house burns, and then more houses burn.

After a while, the cottage burned into a sea of fire.

The five families who stayed in the cottage saw that it was not good and ran out with their families, but there were still two elderly people who were burned to death in the cottage due to their impaired mobility.

This fire made everyone realize that mountain fires are fiercer than tigers, and anyone who enters the mountains and forests to work is strictly forbidden to use fireworks, and even if they are used, they must be close to the water source, and after they are used, they must be doused with water.

The Hakka people living in the forest area still have a very strong awareness of fire prevention, but mountain fires will still burn inexplicably.

The contemptible people have experienced two such wildfires.

Once was when I was a teenager.

For some unknown reason, one night, a fire broke out on the hill opposite the stage.

Some people say that it was caused by a passing pedestrian throwing cigarette butts, while others say that it was burned by themselves.

In other words, it was the mountains themselves that burned themselves.

This statement is a bit nonsense.

Unless Oyama himself gets meningitis, or the person who speaks has a short circuit in his nerves and has epilepsy, it is impossible to burn himself on his own.

Of course, there are other theories.

In short, there are many theories, and the mountain opposite burned inexplicably.

This mountain faces the place where we live, and it burns when it is burned, because it is separated by a large paddy field, and it cannot burn us.

On the other side is a big river, and it's not a big problem.

The other two sides are different.

It is closely connected to other mountains.

When it burns, it burns other mountains.

The Hakka people rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and the mountains are burned down, what to eat?

Therefore, everyone was still very nervous, and almost all the people on the street came out of the hole and threw themselves into the fire.

At this moment, the mountain was already burned red, and it was impossible to go up the mountain, but fortunately, we only had to worry about the two sides of the mountain, so everyone came to the foot of the mountain, put down all the trees, and took away the dead branches and leaves, forming a firewall.

Sure enough, the fire burned to the foot of the mountain and gradually went out, but there were many embers, especially the fire was still burning on the mountainside, and there were sparks constantly drifting to the opposite mountain.

So, the soldiers split into two ways.

All the way to the opposite mountain, guard, there appeared sparks immediately extinguished.

The rest of the people remained at the foot of the hill, observing the fire, and it took a night of fighting, so to speak, to extinguish it.

Of course, there are still heat waves coming in the face, wave after wave, it was late autumn, some people have put on cotton jackets, but standing under the volcano, it is still unbearably hot, take off their coats, still feel unbearable heat.

The men were simply shirtless.

Eventually, a trace of spark disappeared, and everyone began to go home.

At this time, the owner of the cottage ordered everyone to take a soak of urine and then come back.

We kids were all grinning and pulling out our dicks, but the girls were a little embarrassed.

We were all very conscious, and when we were done, we went to the road, leaving the lesbians to act collectively.

Another fire was in the new pavilion.

What caused it to burn, I don't know, it's a bit inexplicable anyway.

This place is a little far from Kengkou Street, although half of the sky is red, but everyone doesn't care, standing on the street, watching the excitement in the sky.

There are many people under the new pavilion, not many, only seven or eight households.

It is estimated that they also have more than enough heart and strength, standing below to watch the excitement.

No one went to save the fire.

Something strange happened, and the next day, it went out of its own accord.

In fact, some of the wildfires in the forest area will be extinguished automatically, such as the Daxinganling wildfire, which is a special case of special cases, and it is rare to encounter it once in hundreds of years.

In the Hakka forest area, there are fires almost every year, but they are all small, and there seems to have never been an epic catastrophe in history.

This kind of disaster has never happened.

It is mainly due to the Hakka people's awareness of prevention.

Everyone is in awe of nature.

(Li Suzhang's original, plagiarism must be investigated)