
Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

author:Cher Tea Party

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Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Edit: Cher Tea Party

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

In the hot summer months, an intense sporting event kicks off in the east coast city of Rizhao. This is not only a sports event, but also a concentrated display of the style and charm of contemporary Chinese girls.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

As one of the focal points of this Grand Prix, Wu Yanni stepped on the field with a proud look showing her confidence in herself.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Wu Yanni, a resounding name that has repeatedly attacked the field at home and abroad, has twice lifted the championship trophy in Japan, making her a representative of China's flyers. For this return to her homeland and the battle with the two compatriots, Wu Yanni regarded herself as invincible, and strode with her head held high when she entered, and the whole person exuded an unstoppable arrogant atmosphere.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

I saw her wearing a bright red tight-fitting robe, with her chest and waist exposed, and her concave and convex curves were unobstructed. With the pace of movement, the slender figure looms in the sun, and there is no lack of coquettishness in the chic.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Her high-tied ponytail flicked around behind her like a flying flame, striking the eye. And the face of the country is even more seductive - the bright wrist hair, cherry mouth, and eyes are discharged, which is simply suffocating.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

At this moment, a thunderous shout suddenly sounded in the venue, which directly detonated the atmosphere of the scene. It turned out that a group of fanatical Wu Yanni fans gathered on the sidelines, shouting at their idols, "Kill them!" You're the best!" Words like that. Wu Yanni responded with a shining smile and a flying kiss, which was obviously very useful for this admiration.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Not far away, a seemingly simple uncle was completely sluggish. At first, I thought it was a beautiful girl entering the scene, but I didn't expect it to be such a beautiful fairy, and it was as if her neck was suddenly strangled, and she couldn't say half a cruel word.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

He was dumbfounded at first, and then his eyes scanned back and forth on Wu Yanni a little crazy, and he kept repeating "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful."

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Just when the uncle was obsessed with it, the sidelines were boiling again. The other two girls walked onto the venue under the guidance of the host, and they were the opponents who competed with Wu Yanni - Lin Yuwei and Xia Sining.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Lin Yuwei is also a member of the Chinese Flyers, and her toned body makes her like a natural source of strength; Xia Sining, on the other hand, is known for her super flexibility, with a light posture like a swan dancing on the surface of a lake.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

The three beauties standing side by side on the field is a peerless treasure. Although the game has not yet begun, it is already a feast for the eyes.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

But the scene on the field obviously has not yet seen the whole picture. Soon, Xia Sining suddenly took off her shirt, revealing her strong and powerful upper body muscles, which immediately aroused cheers from the audience.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Immediately afterwards, she kissed Wu Yanni wildly and let out "Come on baby!" 's provocative language, and the whole arena was stirred up by her wildness.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

In the face of provocation, Wu Yanni was not afraid at all, she lifted her hair and smiled at Xia Sining, which made people feel like she was in a fairyland, and her thoughts were a little trance. Lin Yuwei, on the other hand, didn't say a word, just stared at her opponent calmly, as if she had already found the source of her strength.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

The screams of the audience reached their climax at this moment. Some people shouted, some covered their hearts, and some people scolded the unlucky girl in their hearts.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

And Xia Sining herself was completely embarrassed, her delicate and pretty face was covered with mud, vividly showing the painful appearance of "pig falling into the mud pit".

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

In the end, Lin Yuwei became the winner, and she hugged the trophy like a treasure, and she was so excited that she burst into tears. Wu Yanni, who was not far away, had a gloomy face, staring at the hateful pothole with hatred, and the pimple in her heart could be imagined.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

As for the unlucky Xia Sining, she stood aside in a daze, and her embarrassment made countless viewers feel intuition, and they took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

After the game, the girl who was praised as the "clay beauty" also became a new celebrity on the Internet. A large number of netizens frantically forwarded her miserable photo of "hitting the street", and all kinds of humorous complaints came one after another, completely "embarrassing" her to the whole network.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Some people ridiculed her for "the ancestral tomb is smoking, and the mud bodhisattva is manifested", some people say that "it is worthy of being a mud man, and the mud water fairy is in trouble", and even her dance teacher publicly sighed that "the girl practiced dance too hard and pierced the floor". There seem to be too many words, and in the eyes of the poor, Xia Sining is a legendary figure who exists like a winner in his life.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

However, smart people know that this is really just a reflection of life. On the road of pursuing fame and fortune, who has not fallen and suffered losses? Xia Sining's downfall is also a sand accumulation in her future, and she will definitely draw strength from it and get real surprises in the future.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Some netizens shouted loudly: "I hope this girl will have good luck in the future and stop hitting the streets!" These words undoubtedly speak to the hearts of all of us.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Although the game ended in a small episode, it brought us a different kind of fun and inspiration. Life is full of hidden dramas, as long as we treat it with an open and inclusive mind, we will definitely be able to understand the unique comedy and philosophy from it.

Wu Yanni was too crazy to enter, walking at the pace of six relatives who didn't recognize her, and looked stupid at the uncle

Let's hope that these three outstanding beauties will continue to shine in the future journey, and write their own legends with their tenacity and tenacity.

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