
was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

author:Bobo Entertainment
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was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself
was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Text: Bobo Entertainment

Bobo Entertainment

The appearance of Sendie

In 2018, Sendie, who had just turned 11 at the time, became famous with her cute and playful image, and her popularity soared in the hit variety show "Where Are You Going, Dad". Her lively and well-behaved personality and tolerant patience with her younger brother have also won her the love of a large number of fans.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

But not long after the show ended, a small name storm made this little girl, who was originally loved by tens of thousands of people, fall into the nightmare of being bombarded by netizens.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

The origin is like this: Some netizens found an episode of her changing her daughter's name and surname from the old program of Sen Die's mother Ye Yiqian. It turned out that Sen Die's nickname was "Tian Xinyi", but later Ye Yiqian changed her name to "Tian Yucheng" without authorization.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

"Why? Our whole family is surnamed Tian, and the name Yucheng is obviously meant to echo the name of her younger brother 'Tian Chenyu'. Netizens speculated.

Soon, Ye Yiqian was forced to respond to the matter. She defended: "The name is not intended to match her brother, it is purely a coincidence. Our whole family loved the name and found it catchy and temperamental. "

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Netizens obviously don't buy it. Because in many of Ye Yiqian's previous interviews and programs, some of her "weird" comments about her daughter Sendie are too many and too ugly.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Ye Yiqian's attitude towards her daughter

In a reality show, Ye Yiqian bluntly described her daughter Sendie as "very scheming", "there is a female competition with her daughter", and "she is a typical patriarch". She also speculated that if the staff were not present, Sendie "might have beaten my brother violently and then tore up his award."

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Seeing these ironclad evidence, netizens fried the pot: "It turns out that she has always had the concept of patriarchy in her heart!" I thought it was just a joke when I made those bad comments about my daughter on the show before, but I didn't expect her to really think so in her heart!"

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Soon, the matter caused a stir on the Internet. Countless netizens began to scold Ye Yiqian under her social platform for being a "drama mother", a human zha, an incompetent mother, etc. For a time, Ye Yiqian's family was subjected to unprecedented personal attacks and abuse.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

The situation has developed to this point, Ye Yiqian can only post another blog post to apologize. She said that there was indeed a big problem with her words and deeds, which caused great harm to her daughter, and she was also reflecting and correcting. She also clarified that the reason why she changed her daughter's name was because she felt that the name "Yucheng" had a beautiful artistic conception, and she was by no means deliberately trying to make things difficult for her daughter.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Seeing Ye Yiqian's apology, some netizens expressed their forgiveness. But more people believe that she is just apologizing to netizens, and not sincerely apologizing to her daughter is the biggest problem.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Time flies, and 5 years have passed since this turmoil. Open today's social media, fans will find that the little girl Sen Die, who was once belittled and hurt by her mother, has now grown into an outstanding tennis girl.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Having loved sports since childhood, she became obsessed with tennis at the age of 9 and began to train professionally. Now 18 years old, she has already won several titles in a number of junior tennis tournaments in Singapore, and is officially on the path to becoming a professional tennis player.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Watching her daughter sweat and chase her dreams on the tennis court, Ye Yiqian should now blame herself deeply for her foolish remarks back then.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Looking back on the past, people can't help but sigh. Every child is a treasure cherished by parents, how can they be wronged and hurt like this? As parents, we should treat our children fairly. Blind patriarchy will not only seriously hurt a daughter's self-esteem and self-confidence, but even bury the child's entire future.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

The current situation of Moridie

The girl galloping on the tennis court is full of youthful vitality. Every step of the way, Sendie is writing a new chapter in his life with his fists. Looking at her current appearance, we can't help but sigh that the world is unpredictable.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

In fact, in retrospect, the root cause of cyberbullying in the incident 5 years ago was not only Ye Yiqian's patriarchal concept, but also the excessive attention and high standards of netizens to celebrity parents.

As a public figure, Ye Yiqian's words and deeds have undoubtedly received widespread attention. Her seemingly unintentional comments were infinitely interpreted and exaggerated under the magnified lens, and eventually caused a storm of public opinion.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

People of insight pointed out that this is just a microcosm, reflecting the undemanding attitude of today's society to celebrity parents. We expect them to shine not only in their careers, but also in their attitudes towards educating their children.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

When we find any discrepancies between them and the "standard answer", we always go out of our way to complain about them, almost never putting ourselves in their shoes. However, as ordinary people, in the process of educating children, we will also unconsciously say something that causes children to be disgusted, right?

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

It's just that our lives are relatively 'obscure', so as to avoid being imposed high standards by public opinion. From this point of view, netizens' indiscriminate bombardment of Ye Yiqian is inevitably a bit excessive.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Another thing worth pondering is that although the idea of preference for sons is not so prevalent in today's society, it still exists in many families. In the words of one parent: "When we gave birth to our first child as a daughter, although we didn't show it, we did have some small regrets in our hearts."

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

To a large extent, this subconscious comes from traditional ideas left over from our ancestors. The male is the heir of the family's incense, and the daughter is "someone else's family" when she marries, so the boy is naturally regarded as more important.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Although equality between men and women is highly valued in today's society, it will not be easy to completely reverse this mindset in a short period of time. More importantly, as parents, you must be aware of this and correct yourself as soon as possible to prevent hurting your child's heart.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Looking back at the fermentation of the Ye Yiqian incident in the past 5 years, we see that the society is not strict with celebrity parents, as well as the inherent concepts hidden deep in each of us. As ordinary parents, we may not always do well in the process of raising children.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

It is important to look at these issues with a broad perspective and treat all parties with empathy. This not only tests our own ability to "remove prejudice", but also prompts us to think more deeply about the education of the whole society.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself


Every child is an individual and deserves the right to be treated fairly. Through this incident, we hope that all sectors of society can draw inferences from each other and give children a better environment for growth. Only in this way can they grow up healthily under the sun and chase their dreams.

was scolded 30,000 times in one night, and her "fig leaf" was finally ripped off by her daughter Sendie herself

Just like today's Sen Die, he writes his own chapter of life with his own fists. We look forward to her shining brighter in the future!