
One of the easiest provincial companies in the State Grid to go ashore, 24 recruitment list summary, double non-college dominant!

author:Mizuki Laboratory NERO

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Mengdong Power Grid

01 Recruitment Requirements (Unified Examination)

The recruitment requirements of Mengdong Power Grid are as follows (from the first and second batch recruitment announcements of Mengdong Power Grid in 2024):

(1) Registration conditions

1. Basic literacy: abide by national laws and regulations, have good ideological character, identify with the core values of "integrity, responsibility, innovation and dedication" of the State Grid Corporation, meet the requirements of the recruitment position, and be in good health.

2. Recruitment scope: graduate students, undergraduates, junior college students (electrician, only two batches) graduating from domestic ordinary universities, or graduate students from foreign colleges and universities.

3. Professional needs

Electrician: electrical engineering, power system and automation, electrical engineering and automation, smart grid information engineering, power system relay protection and automation, power supply technology, etc.

Electronic Information: Communication Engineering, Network Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering, Data Science and Big Data Technology, Big Data Technology and Engineering, etc.

Finance: Accounting, Financial Management, Financial Accounting, etc.

Management: technical economy, project cost, project management, etc.

Other engineering categories: civil engineering, automation, etc. (only two batches).

Other majors: journalism, law, law, etc. (only the second batch).

The above majors refer to major majors and do not include a second degree.

4. Age requirements: The age of applicants is generally not more than 23 years old for junior college students, 25 years old for undergraduates, 28 years old for master's students, and 33 years old for doctoral students, and the deadline for age calculation is June 30, 2024.

Under the same conditions, retired servicemen will be given priority in recruitment, and the age limit will be appropriately relaxed according to the length of service.

(2) Demand information

One of the easiest provincial companies in the State Grid to go ashore, 24 recruitment list summary, double non-college dominant!

A batch of recruitment needs

One of the easiest provincial companies in the State Grid to go ashore, 24 recruitment list summary, double non-college dominant!

Second batch of recruitment needs

02 School recruitment itinerary

(1) Itinerary

One of the easiest provincial companies in the State Grid to go ashore, 24 recruitment list summary, double non-college dominant!

(2) Demand units and positions

1. State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center (Hohhot); power dispatching related positions;

2. State Grid Mengdong Digital Division (Hohhot); Information and communication operation and maintenance related positions; State Grid Mengdong Economic Research Institute, State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Research Institute (Hohhot); electrical technology and other related positions;

3. State Grid Inner Mongolia UHV Company (Xilinhot, Ordos region), State Grid Mengdong Power Supply Service Supervision and Support Center (Tongliao City), State Grid Lulunbuir, Xing'an, Tongliao, Chifeng Power Supply Company Headquarters and Qixian Power Supply Company under its jurisdiction: production and marketing, information and communication operation and maintenance and other related positions.

(3) Recruitment process

1. Online registration: All applicants who participate in the company's campus recruitment must register through the online application channel, complete the information filling in as required, and upload the attachments. The deadline for entries is Oct. 25.

2. Resume screening: Applicants are requested to complete the online application at the specified time as required, and must upload the necessary supporting materials in the electronic attachment: student status verification report (including doctoral students, master's students, undergraduate students), transcripts, employment recommendation forms, various grade certificates (such as English level 4 and 6 certificates and computer grade certificates, etc.), enlistment certificate (for those with military experience), etc.

3. Comprehensive evaluation: According to the results of the preliminary review of resumes, the relevant recruiting units will organize candidates to carry out assessments and interviews at the right time, and the comprehensive evaluation, interview results and other factors will be selected to determine the candidates to be hired for campus recruitment and sign an employment agreement.

03 Treatment and school recruitment experience

The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, referred to as "Inner Mongolia", is located in northern China, covering an area of 1.183 million square kilometers, second only to Xinjiang and Tibet. There are two power grids in the Inner Mongolia region, namely Mengdong Power Grid (State Grid Inner Mongolia Eastern Electric Power Company) and Mengxi Didian (Inner Mongolia Electric Power Group, a local enterprise). Mengdong Power Grid is mainly responsible for the planning, construction, operation and management of power supply services in the cities of Chifeng, Tongliao, Xing'an and Hulunbuir in eastern Inner Mongolia.

Compared with Mengdong and Mengxi, Mengxi will be treated better. The treatment of Mengdong Power Grid is considered to be low-end in the country, and the specific treatment is close to that of Heilongjiang. The most fierce competition in a group of city bureaus is Chifeng, followed by Tongliao. Mengdong Power Grid is a good choice for locals to go home, and the treatment in ordinary areas is average, and outsiders should consider carefully.

School Recruitment Experience:

Offline interview, about 10 minutes in total, semi-structured interview (1 minute self-introduction, the interviewer asks a question to answer one); The two interviewers asked questions together, basically chatted at home, took away the resume after the interview, and then called directly about the admission and signed the employment agreement.

Strong 985 colleges and universities and North China Electric Power University electrical engineering masters, if the bachelor's and master's degrees are electricians, there is a chance to enter the provincial transfer, but you need to participate in the written examination organized by the State Grid Corporation and pass the line; 985, 211 and the original power deployment colleges and universities of electrical engineering/985 colleges and universities of computer science/985 colleges and universities of communication have the opportunity to be hired to the company's directly affiliated units, and can be directly signed without taking the unified examination.

One of the easiest provincial companies in the State Grid to go ashore, 24 recruitment list summary, double non-college dominant!

The new house prices in Hohhot in 2023~2024 are shown in the figure below, from Anjuke, the average price of new houses in Hohhot in June 2024 is 10,834 yuan/m².

One of the easiest provincial companies in the State Grid to go ashore, 24 recruitment list summary, double non-college dominant!

04 Recruitment

Brother NERO summarized the second batch of employment in Mengdong Power Grid in 24 years and the second batch of employment in 23~

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One of the easiest provincial companies in the State Grid to go ashore, 24 recruitment list summary, double non-college dominant!

24. Summary of the number of employees in the first batch and the second batch of Mengdong Power Grid

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One of the easiest provincial companies in the State Grid to go ashore, 24 recruitment list summary, double non-college dominant!

23. Summary of the number of employees in the first batch and the second batch of Mengdong Power Grid

The top 3 in the 24th batch of Mengdong Power Grid registration popularity are the headquarters of Mengdong Power Supply Company (1455 people), Chifeng Power Supply Company (1305 people), and Tongliao Power Supply Company (1176 people). The total number of applicants in a batch is 18,232, the number of pre-recruits is 700, and the actual number of admissions is 528 (including early approval), with a ratio of 34.53:1.

The top 3 in the second batch of Mengdong Power Grid registration in the 24th session are Chifeng Power Supply Company (1,855 people), Hulunbuir Power Supply Company (811 people), and Hulunbuir Power Supply Company Headquarters (612 people). The total number of applicants in the second batch is 18,421, the number of pre-recruits is 200, the actual number of admissions is 203, and the ratio of applicants is 90.74:1.

The universities with the largest number of hires in 2024 are Liaoning Technical University, Shenyang Institute of Technology, Northeast Electric Power University, Liaoning University of Science and Technology, etc.

There are no 985 colleges and universities in Inner Mongolia, and there is 1 of the 211 universities, namely Inner Mongolia University. The dominant disciplines of Inner Mongolia University are biology, ethnology, Chinese Chinese language and literature, etc., and the number of people entering the power grid every year is not large.

Shenyang Institute of Technology is a provincial key undergraduate college jointly established by the Liaoning Provincial People's Government and the State Power Investment Corporation, and is the only local undergraduate university in Liaoning Province with energy and power as the main discipline.

Northeast Electric Power University, Liaoning University of Science and Technology, Liaoning Technical University and other colleges and universities are geographically close to the cities of Mengdong, and the number of graduates entering the Mengdong Power Grid is quite large.