
There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

author:Cold-eyed spring and autumn


There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

Tang Shangjun posted his own place to study!

A small desk of less than 1 square meter, one after another endless textbooks, one after another endless volumes, one after another densely packed with notebooks...... This is Tang Shangjun's habit that he has not been able to shake in the past 16 years, and it is also the most precious memory he has treasured in the past 16 years.

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

Tang Shangjun's greatest significance is that he has achieved the "college entrance examination" to the extreme, showing the best appearance of ordinary people achieving perfection. Of course, on this battlefield, he is not the best, but he is the hardest, he put his life still on the "college entrance examination", however, no longer move forward, follow his beautiful dream, after a full sixteen years, his mind is still stuck in the college entrance examination, it can also be said that there are many troubles behind life.

Some people say that Tang Shangjun is stubborn, and he has gone to the dark one by one;

Some people say that Tang Shangjun didn't know how to be flexible and lived the whole person on the high school campus;

Some people say that Tang Shangjun is very persistent, and he looks very beautiful and beautiful chasing his dreams all the way......

In short, there is everything, but I see the difficulties on the road of Tang Shangjun's growth, for this reason, he has become a man from a young man to a middle-aged man, he has no house, no car, no lover, and has stayed up for 16 years between a desk, until the past is boiled into medicine, and he is used to heal himself. Tang Shangjun's difficulties are like the difficulties of each of us, and Tang Shangjun's difficult problems also trap our souls and hearts. From Tang Shangjun, I saw too many shadows of ordinary people.

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

I often think that Tang Shangjun stopped his life at the age of 35 and stopped at the college entrance examination, so we have gone through the college entrance examination and 35 years old, what have we gained more than him?

It seems that none of Tang Shangjun's perplexing problems have been solved by us.

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

Tang Shangjun dreams of being admitted to Tsinghua University and the most famous university in the country, so why does he have such a persistent dream? Obviously, being admitted to a prestigious school and Tsinghua University means that your life has reached a new level, a new level, and even a leap forward in class. Although being admitted to Tsinghua University does not necessarily mean the achievement of these goals, this probability is still very large.

It is conceivable that Tang Shangjun is eager to get out of the "100,000 mountains", eager to get out of the closed small mountain village in Shangsi County, he does not want his children and grandchildren to work at sunrise and rest in the sunset to complete one life after another, it is to embrace such a not great, but incomparably simple imagination, in the cruel reality is difficult to achieve his wishes, and there is really no other way, he is on the "rereading" of the ring, repeating round and round, waiting for the college entrance examination to bring about a change in fate.

In fact, Tang Shangjun's idea is right, although compared with the first few years of reform and opening up, the gold content of the college entrance examination has greatly declined, but for the majority of rural candidates, for the majority of ordinary candidates, the college entrance examination is a springboard, a springboard to change fate, especially for those who are admitted to famous schools and ordinary universities, there is still a world of difference.

Those proud children who are admitted to prestigious schools have embarked on the fast track of life and worked hard to achieve new heights in the vast world outside, while children who have come out of ordinary schools are generally very difficult.

Huang Deng, a teacher from Shenzhen Polytechnic University, revealed the difficulties of those students' survival in "My "Two Books" Students", all of which are shocking, all real and cruel, washed into a river in the years of time, flowing out of a faint sadness, the difficulty of changing fate, and the difficulty of going to the sky.

You see that the students of those famous schools, from the green channel of the selection and transfer of students to become civil servants, went ashore, and complained leisurely, concocting a small composition of "mountain flowers to sea trees, it is better to be on the spring breeze", even a prefecture-level city like Jiayuguan is not in her eyes, however, she knows how many poor students, how many "two" and "three" students have worked hard for many years for a grassroots post and for the establishment of a township.

In the black-pressed examination room, nearly 10,000 students refer to civil servants, and the landing rate is still less than 10%, which is unimaginably tragic and unusually difficult. From this point of view, Tang Shangjun and countless Tang Shangjun are right to cling to the dream of a famous school, not a famous school, and their life will be difficult step by step.

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

I graduated from 211 colleges, and worked hard to get ashore in the township business, and then I wasted all my efforts to get out of the encirclement and transferred to the county, from the college entrance examination to the present, it has been 15 years, and I am still struggling to make a living in the small county, talking about class leapfrogging, and I have no shame to talk about getting out of the small county. People who have lived in life know how difficult the road to upward compatibility is, even if they don't sleep or rest, they only maintain food and clothing, and do not increase the burden of society.

Look at the surrounding crowd, look at Tang Shangju's life, and even feel lucky, no matter how much wind, frost, rain and snow he has experienced, no matter how much ridicule and coldness he has experienced, in 2024, after all, he has passed the 600+ subline, and it is already appropriate to enter 985, even if he can't enter Tsinghua University, with his IQ, he can strive for such a good result, to be honest, it is not easy!

After all, he only scored 371 points in the college entrance examination in the first year, and he didn't even reach the college line, and after 16 years, he should cherish such a happy ending!

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

Compared with Tang Shangjun, I often wonder, what is more and what is missing in my life? How do you spend your life after the age of 35?

In the vast sea of people, I am just an ordinary member, without Tang Shangjun's paranoia, without Tang Shangjun's stubbornness, I took the college entrance examination at the most appropriate age, and then went to university, and found a job in a small county town, married my own children, and passed the water.

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

I bought a house in a small county town, raised two boys, took care of my parents, and the two boys were also repeating my old path, going to school, studying, and the eldest was also distressed about not being admitted to a 985 school, even if he tried his best, his grades were just like that, Tang Shang's dilemma of not being admitted to Tsinghua University was repeated in the two generations of our father and son, and the problems that one generation could not solve, you see, were still left to the next generation.

If I had been a little more stubborn back then, I had repeated my studies for many years and was admitted to a prestigious school of 985, which would have opened up the living space of the next generation and allowed him to have a broad stage.

Tang Shanghuan is persevering hard, he longs for Phoenix Nirvana, he longs for change of fate. Me too, all my life, I have been longing to get out of the small county town and change my fate. However, the cruel truth is that if ordinary people want to get out of the mountains, from small villages, and from small counties, in addition to studying, in addition to the college entrance examination, is there any other way to get out of the summer?

My answer is no, yes really.

In the past, there were only two ways to change the fate of rural people: to become a soldier and to take a school examination. However, up to now, the road of becoming a soldier is becoming more and more impassable, and there are fewer and fewer rural soldiers and high school students joining the army, and the main body of soldiers is already college students.

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

Although we are well aware that the content of being admitted to a university is getting lower and lower, the gold content of being admitted to a prestigious school and being admitted to a first-class university is overflowing with a "premium" effect, highlighting its scarcity and unique value.

The value of a prestigious school will never go out of style, and Tang Shangskirt's dream of being admitted to Tsinghua University can never be ridiculed.

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

Behind Tang Shangjun, it shows a kind of difficulty in life, a kind of difficulty that little people can't control their own destiny, but they are unwilling to go with the flow.

In Tang Shangjun's eyes, time "slowed down", he used his best youth to do a thing of Niu B, now it seems that this matter itself may not be much bull B, but he did let Tang Shangjun himself Niu B, that is to say, Tang Shangjun has been repeating for sixteen consecutive years, and this matter is even far more important than his admission to a prestigious school.

He used his stubbornness, paranoia, and tendon to make Tang Shangjun a unique existence, a unique landscape, and a topic king with his own traffic, emitting a unique brilliance. Tang Shangjun is Tang Shangjun, no matter when he is or where he is, he has his own topic and is the undisputed focus.

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

There are countless treasures hidden in him, and countless topics are hidden.

For example: persistence and direction, sinking and confusion, stubbornness and career change...... Each topic can be discussed endlessly and endlessly. Kind parents can be inspirational and educate their children, if they don't do well in the exam in one year, learn from Tang Shangjun, and fight again in the next year; Malicious parents can warn that if you don't study well, you will be like Tang Shangjun and will not stop repeating...... In short, Tang Shangjun will always be mentioned, whether it is good or bad, he will always be there.

It can even be said that as long as China's college entrance examination system exists, Tang Shangjun will be tied to the chariot of the college entrance examination and become the eternal "topic king" and "traffic king" until he is surpassed. However, now it seems that the signs of surpassing Tang Shangjun's 16 college entrance examinations have not yet appeared, and more importantly, no one seems to want to become Tang Shangjun's second person to take over Tang Shangjun's baton, so Tang Shangjun has become a lonely existence that has never been seen in the past and no one in the future, and will always be where it is, inspiring people's thinking and thinking.

There is a Tang Shangjun living in everyone's heart

In fact, in Tang Shangjun's live broadcast of replying to the college entrance examination results, his live broadcast reached 20 million+.

At present, the exchange ratio of the sound wave and RMB on the Douyin platform is 1:10, that is, 1 yuan = 10 sound waves, 1 sound wave = 1 cent, and then through conversion, it is obtained: 1000w sound wave = 1 million yuan, and then according to the individual anchor and the platform fifty-fifty split, then if the anchor has 1000w sound wave, the withdrawal income obtained is about 500,000.

Of course, this income does not deduct some personal income tax, withdrawal fees and other other money that needs to be deducted. According to this rule, if Tang Shangjun's live broadcast sound wave is really 2000+, then the income he can get is about 1 million+ before tax!

At the live broadcast site, hundreds of thousands of netizens interacted enthusiastically, expressing their support and encouragement to Tang Shangjun with gifts, and also announcing that Tang Shangjun has entered a new era of "traffic is king".

Tang Shangjun is not sure whether he can realize his dream of Tsinghua University with his sixteen-year college entrance examination, but the only thing that is certain is that he has become a new Internet celebrity and has found a better way out for himself.

Tang Shangjun is a special existence under the college entrance examination system, he represents the kind of no resources, no background, in a closed environment, unswerving to go out of the children's efforts and pursuits, although the road is extreme, but his efforts should not be erased, from him, can see our own shadow, inspire us all the way forward.