
How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?

author:Liu Yizhi Psychology

Let's take a look at [Personality Self-Correction] How to get rid of the nitpicky personality, stay away from the dilemma of idealism, and achieve a career breakthrough? In psychology, the so-called "healthy person" is often idealized, which ignores the complexity of the individual. A healthy person should have agency, clear self-boundaries, wisdom and courage, and be able to show vulnerability in moderation. They should not be excessively narcissistic, have no borderline reactions or neurotic symptoms, have inner cohesion, have ambitions and aspirational goals, and can achieve these goals through skills. They should be creative, have a sense of humor, empathize with them, avoid too much projection, be able to build attachment and accept separation.

How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?
How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?
How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?

However, by screening by such criteria, we may mistakenly dismiss many people as "unhealthy." This way of defining it stems from different understandings of pathology in different schools of psychology, and even a hypothesis, which ultimately forms a kind of work goal.

How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?
How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?

For example, Freud's theory of "love and ability to work" considers social adaptability more and ignores the importance of introspective experience. This prompted Kohut to conduct a second analysis of Mr. Z. Mahler's idea of the independence of the mind was eventually dismissed as a myth by infant psychology, and attachment and the self-object relationship were lifelong pursuits. Experience is never fully integrated, and healthy dissociation mechanisms exist naturally in the world of human experience, rather than being completely unified.

How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?
How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?

Even individuals with secure attachment may exhibit obsessive-compulsive neurotic symptoms, while those who are thought to lack the object differentiation function may have a very cohesive self.

How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?
How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?

Personality is an extremely complex morphology that exhibits characteristics that go beyond standard parameters due to individual differences. These traits or deficiencies do not necessarily reflect how healthy a person is at the personality level. The characteristics themselves are not the essence, the key is how these characteristics are organized by the mental level. For example, even compulsive behaviors are motivated at the limbic level and at the neurotic level to be completely different, and what really speaks for itself is what these symptoms or behaviors try to defend against or counteract.

How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?
How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?
How to break character flaws? How can overly idealistic be corrected?

To sum up: the so-called "healthy people" are not without flaws, and may even have many. This specificity is more of a reflection of a person's personal experience in a particular environment. People are always flawed, and that's part of human nature. For this topic, partners with relevant experience can leave a message together to discuss more solutions?