
Vancl Eslite is of high quality and low price, and Lei Jun has stood on the platform many times, why can't it be popular?

author:Warm Ten Streets

Chen Nian said in his self-review that around 2010 was the peak of Vancl, at that time the goal of Vancl was 10 billion sales a year, and it was rushing to go public, the whole company was full of passion, but later was poured a basin of cold water by the market, which led to the fading of passion, the company almost collapsed, and could only frantically lay off employees and break their arms to survive.

Vancl Eslite is of high quality and low price, and Lei Jun has stood on the platform many times, why can't it be popular?

In fact, on the whole, in addition to the peak of Vanke's goods, there are many defective products in the company's internal management chaos, and the overall quality is still good after returning to calm, and the price is relatively cheap.

Vancl Eslite is of high quality and low price, and Lei Jun has stood on the platform many times, why can't it be popular?

Vancl has rarely been mentioned again in recent years, but Vancl has not gone out of business, but it has been a little tepid, Lei Jun stood on the platform a while ago, which attracted a lot of traffic to the old man, but obviously Vancl has no ability to retain traffic, and now the live broadcast room has returned to the ten-digit status quo.

Vancl Eslite is of high quality and low price, and Lei Jun has stood on the platform many times, why can't it be popular?

Some people say that Lei Jun is indeed a friend worth making, Lei Jun has always been a big man's identity, but he rarely holds a shelf, and Chen Nian's acquaintance comes from the founding of the excellent network, Lei Jun invited Chen to manage it with a lot of money, and the two became acquainted, and later the excellent network was acquired, the two of them each looked for another opportunity, but they have always been in contact, and then Chen Nian went to found Vancl Eslite, Lei Jun decisively gave the investment.

Even now, Lei Jun often wears Vanke clothes at press conferences or in private, Lei Jun can basically be said to be an image spokesperson, and Chen Nian is also deeply grateful, every time Lei Jun broadcasts live, he will go to grab a list to show it, with such a small price, he will retain a big guy to stand for him, Chen Nian really understands the return on investment.

Vancl Eslite is of high quality and low price, and Lei Jun has stood on the platform many times, why can't it be popular?

If you want to say why Vancl can't get popular now, I think the main reason is that Vancl is indeed relatively ordinary, with many product lines, clothes, pants, shirts, shoes, everything, but nothing is fine, and there is no phenomenal good product.