
What happened to the man who gave his salary to his wife? Listen to the truth from those who have come before!

author:Believe in an emotion

In marriage, who earns the money and who manages the money? This is a headache for many couples. Some people say that men are rakes who grab money, and women are boxes that hold money. This proverb may reflect part of the phenomenon, where men work hard to earn money while women act as housekeepers in the home, and in some families, men give all their wages to their wives, so what happens to the men who give them all their wages?

What happened to the man who gave his salary to his wife? Listen to the truth from those who have come before!

Mr. Wang is 32 years old

My wife and I run a marble factory together, and I concentrate on fabrication and installation, while my wife is good at communicating with customers and providing quality post-production services. In terms of managing our family finances, I chose to hand over all my income to my wife and keep all my bank cards in her custody. Since I have a low education level and am not sensitive to numbers, I prefer to let my wife manage my finances, which not only saves me peace of mind and effort, but also keeps the family finances in order.

Although I sometimes feel some financial inconveniences, such as wanting to honor my parents but being unable to act in time, on the whole, I am quite comfortable with handing over the management of my finances to my wife, who has managed her wisely, and our family's financial situation has been able to develop steadily, so that we can save for a year. This approach also helps to avoid the problems that may arise from extravagance and waste when men manage their finances, and makes the family more financially secure.

Mutual trust and cooperation are essential in couples. I chose to hand over the economic management to my wife, on the one hand, because of my own lack of confidence in digital management, and on the other hand, because of trust and respect for my wife. Although there are sometimes some minor inconveniences, these problems can be reasonably arranged and solved in the entire family economic system, and in the end, we have been working together to run this mom-and-pop shop for the happiness and stability of the family.

What happened to the man who gave his salary to his wife? Listen to the truth from those who have come before!

Mr. Huang is 35 years old

My wife and I both work in the company, and my wife is good at housework and financial management, and she is good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, including carefully educating and guiding children, all of which are her main responsibilities. Therefore, I am very relieved to concentrate on work, and my monthly salary is all managed by my lover, and I can ask my lover for money at any time for my usual expenses and social interactions, even if it includes pocket money for smoking and drinking, my lover always takes the initiative to give it to me, without much control.

Occasionally, I would hesitate, and a friend would remind me: you give all your salary to your wife without reservation, what if there is a separation in the future? Whenever I hear such a reminder, I always feel a little nervous in my heart, but based on the deep relationship between us, I am convinced that there is no problem between us, and I am still very relieved to hand over my salary to my lover. As long as I don't notice any disagreement from her, I will continue to believe in her responsible management and trust in the precious relationship between us.

Trust and understanding are essential in family relationships, and I chose to leave my finances in the hands of my lover because of her intelligence and carefulness, as well as to show respect and recognition for her.

What happened to the man who gave his salary to his wife? Listen to the truth from those who have come before!

Mr. Li is 38 years old

My wife and I run a fruit wholesale business together, and we have always had a very good relationship as husband and wife. To be honest, when I first started my business, since my family was not wealthy, all the initial funds were provided by my wife, and through our joint efforts and unremitting struggle, our business grew from small to large, and our income grew from less to more, and our life became more and more affluent. In addition to my hard work, all these achievements are inseparable from my wife's support and contribution in business management.

My wife manages all the income in the family, and I am mainly responsible for purchasing and selling. The daily capital flow and basic expenses are provided to me by my wife, and we have a good cooperation model and tacit understanding. I think this arrangement is reasonable and normal. In this cooperation model, we can better divide labor and cooperate, perform their own duties, and make business operations smoother and more efficient.

I believe that with each other's support, our business will grow bigger and bigger, and our income will become more and more lucrative. We will continue to work together to run this business well and create a better future together. Our tacit understanding and cooperation model not only bring us the joy of success, but also deepen the relationship between us, so that we can trust and cherish each other more.