
In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

author:Tonghe 3110

Pension will make waves again in 2024: which province and city have more "money bags"?

Hey guys! Did you hear that? There are new changes in pensions in 2024! This time, it didn't go up a little bit, but it went up by another 20 yuan! Can't wait to know what the pension standard of your province and city is? Can it reach the legendary 1800 yuan/month? Don't worry, I'll take you to find out!

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

First, the pension competition: who competes?

First of all, let's have a pension "big competition". In this competition, each province and city is a player, and they each hold a different amount of pension and are ready to compete.

In this "big competition", there is one player who is particularly eye-catching, that is-Shanghai! That's right, it's Shanghai, which is known as the "magic capital". Shanghai's basic pension standard has always led the country, and it has reached an astonishing 1,400 yuan/month in 2023. Imagine if you retired in Shanghai and could receive so much money every month, would your life feel much better?

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

However, although Shanghai is strong, it is not without rivals. The basic pension standard in developed areas such as Beijing, Guangdong, and Jiangsu is not low. Together with Shanghai, they constitute the "first echelon" of pensions. Retirees in these areas, relatively speaking, can enjoy higher pension benefits.

Of course, in addition to these developed regions, there are also some relatively underdeveloped areas where pension standards are also worth paying attention to. For example, in Tibet, Qinghai and other places, although the basic pension standard is relatively low, the government is also constantly working to improve the pension level in these areas, so that the majority of retirees can enjoy a better life.

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

2. 1800 yuan/month: is it a dream or reality?

So, back to our original question: which province and city can reach 1,800 yuan/month pension?

I regret to tell you that at present, there is no province and city in the country that can meet this standard. Even in Shanghai, where the pension is the highest, it is difficult to reach 1,800 yuan/month in a short period of time according to the current adjustment range.

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

However, this does not mean that 1,800 yuan/month is an unattainable dream. In fact, if we take into account the personal account pension, it is possible for retirees in some areas to meet this standard.

Taking Shanghai as an example, if a retiree pays 15 years of pension insurance premiums according to the highest grade, then his personal account pension may reach a fairly high level. Coupled with the basic pension of 1,400 yuan/month, his total pension may exceed 1,800 yuan/month.

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

Of course, this is just a hypothetical example. In fact, everyone's pension level will be affected by a variety of factors, such as the number of years of contributions, the level of contributions, retirement age and so on. Therefore, we cannot simply measure the level of pension for each person with a single number.

3. How to calculate the pension?

Since the level of pension is affected by a variety of factors, how is it calculated?

Actually, the calculation of pensions is not complicated. It mainly consists of two parts: the basic pension and the personal account pension.

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

The basic pension is issued by the government, and its calculation formula is: the cumulative number of years of individual contributions × 1% of the cumulative salary of individuals × the number of months of basic pension. Among them, the number of months of basic pension is a fixed value, which varies according to different years of birth.

The personal account pension is calculated based on the pension account balance accumulated by the individual during the payment of pension insurance. The calculation formula is: the cumulative amount of personal account storage ÷ the number of months of issuance. Among them, the number of months is also a fixed value, which also varies according to different birth years.

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

Through these two formulas, we can roughly calculate the level of pension for each person. Of course, the specific calculation process may vary due to various factors, but in general, these two formulas are the basis for pension calculations.

Fourth, the editor's point of view: the "contest" between pension and happiness

Seeing this, you may feel that the formula for calculating pensions is a bit boring. However, I believe that there is a deep meaning behind these formulas.

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

First of all, the amount of pension is directly related to the quality of life of retirees. A higher level of pension can allow retirees to live a more comfortable and comfortable life in their old age; A lower pension level may make retirees face various difficulties in life.

Secondly, the amount of pension also reflects the degree of care for the elderly in society. A society that attaches importance to the elderly will strive to improve the level of pensions, so that the elderly can feel the warmth and care of the society; A society that ignores the elderly can leave them feeling lonely and helpless.

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

Therefore, Xiaobian believes that we should pay more attention to the issue of pensions, and strive to improve the level of pensions, so that the majority of retirees can enjoy a better life. At the same time, we should also strengthen the society's love and care for the elderly, so that the elderly can feel the warmth and care of the society in their old age.

5. Conclusion: Looking forward to a better tomorrow

In 2024, it will rise by another 20 yuan! Which of the 31 provinces and cities has a higher basic pension? Can it reach 1800 yuan?

Finally, let's look forward to a better tomorrow! I believe that in the near future, with the continuous development and progress of society, our pension level will continue to increase, so that the majority of retirees can enjoy a better life. At the same time, we should also strengthen our awareness of old-age care, make old-age planning in advance, and fully prepare for our later life.

That's the end of today's sharing, if you have any other thoughts or opinions, please leave a message in the comment area.

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