
Pension good news, 70~79-year-old retirees, can an additional 19~27 yuan / month, really?

author:Tonghe 3110

Pension Secret: 70~79-year-old retirees, there is a "little surprise" in the monthly increase amount!

In the long river of life, we are all looking forward to a warmth and surprise. For those old people who have worked hard all their lives, every adjustment of the pension is like a warm breeze in spring, bringing them hope and expectation. Today, let's talk about this "pension secret" that countless old people are looking forward to - 7079-year-old retirees, their pensions can increase by an additional 1927 yuan / month! This is not groundless, but real good news!

Pension good news, 70~79-year-old retirees, can an additional 19~27 yuan / month, really?

1. The "little secret" of pensions

Do you know? In fact, there are many "little secrets" in the issuance of pensions. It is not only related to the number of years you have paid and the base of your contributions, but also some other factors. For example, age is an important consideration. In order to give back to the elderly who are older and have made contributions to the society, many places have set up an elderly tilt policy, which is the theme we are going to talk about today - 70~79-year-old retirees, their pensions can be increased!

2. How much does it go up? How to rise?

So, what exactly is this "little surprise"? How is it calculated? Don't worry, I'm here to reveal the secret to you!

Pension good news, 70~79-year-old retirees, can an additional 19~27 yuan / month, really?

First of all, we must make a clear premise, that is, this "little surprise" is not a unified national standard, but set by each locality according to its own actual situation. Generally speaking, this additional increase is between 19~27 yuan/month, and the specific amount depends on local policies.

Next, let's take Jiangsu Province as an example to talk in detail about how this "little surprise" is calculated.

Suppose Uncle Wang is 75 years old this year, he has worked in a company for 30 years, and he can receive a pension of 3,000 yuan every month after retirement. So, under the elderly tilt policy in Jiangsu Province, how much more money can Uncle Wang receive every month?

Pension good news, 70~79-year-old retirees, can an additional 19~27 yuan / month, really?

According to the policy of Jiangsu Province, retirees aged 75~79 can increase their pension by an additional 27 yuan per month. Therefore, Uncle Wang's pension has become 3,000 yuan + 27 yuan = 3,027 yuan / month! Isn't it simple?

3. The story behind it

Of course, behind this "little surprise", there are also many touching stories.

Pension good news, 70~79-year-old retirees, can an additional 19~27 yuan / month, really?

Imagine that Uncle Wang made countless efforts for his family and society when he was young. He worked hard and saved money to give his family a better life. Now, he is old and not as good as he used to be. But every time he receives that extra pension, he will feel extremely warm and satisfied in his heart. He knows that this is the recognition and respect of the society for him, and it is also a reward for his past efforts.

Pension good news, 70~79-year-old retirees, can an additional 19~27 yuan / month, really?

And there are many, many old people like Uncle Wang. They may not be wealthy, but they have a grateful heart. They know that their pension is not easy to come by, and they also know that it is the love and care of the society for them. Therefore, they cherish this hard-won "little surprise" more, and they also love life and enjoy their old age more.

Fourth, such a view

The editor believes that although the amount of this "little surprise" is not large, it is of great significance. It's not just an extra income, it's a sign of respect and love. It makes the elderly feel the warmth and care of the society, and also gives them more confidence and courage to face the future life.

Pension good news, 70~79-year-old retirees, can an additional 19~27 yuan / month, really?

At the same time, this "little surprise" also reminds each of us to cherish the present time, work hard and live actively. Only in this way can we enjoy better treatment and benefits in the future.

5. Personal perception

Writing this, the editor can't help but feel a lot of emotion. When I think back to my parents and grandparents' generation, they gave so much for their families and society. Now that they are old, it is time for them to need our care and attention. And the appearance of this "little surprise" undoubtedly brought them more comfort and happiness.

Pension good news, 70~79-year-old retirees, can an additional 19~27 yuan / month, really?

At the same time, I also deeply understand the importance of the social security system. Only by establishing a sound social security system can more people enjoy fair, just and reasonable treatment and welfare. I hope that our society can get better and better in the future, so that every old man can live a happy and happy life!

Well, dear readers, that's all for today's "Pension Secrets"! I hope this "little surprise" can bring you a trace of warmth and touch. If you think this topic is interesting and meaningful, you might as well like it and retweet it! Let's send more love and blessings to those old people who have worked hard all their lives!

That's the end of today's sharing, if you have any other thoughts or opinions, please leave a message in the comment area.

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