
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?

author:There are always endless kisses
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?

Two days ago, I couldn't bear to delete the boy I knew on a blind date from my contact list. Before that, we had a good chat about the hitchhiking. I remember that I didn't get a ticket that day, and he offered to give me a ride, which I gratefully accepted. I wanted to treat him to dinner in the evening, but because it was too late, I went to the supermarket to buy some snacks instead.

Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?

We kept in touch for the next few days. He invited me to go to him several times, and I did. But every time we met, he always found all kinds of reasons to make me pay. I remember the second time we met, he said he was going to the movies, and then he handed me the movie card and asked me to buy my own tickets. I stupidly asked him if he had my number linked, and he was vague. Later I learned that the card couldn't be untied at all.

Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?

What made me even more unacceptable was that he even had to pay for me to pick me up from the station. Every time he goes out, he chooses the kind of place where he eats with more than ten or twenty yuan per capita, and then asks me to pay out of my pocket. I began to wonder if he was really on a blind date with me, or was he just looking for a free meal ticket?

Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?
Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?

The most outrageous thing is that on Women's Day, he actually transferred 520 yuan to me. I immediately refused, after all, we are not together yet, and I cannot accept such a transfer. Looking back now, I'm so glad I stopped my losses in time and didn't continue to entangle with him.

Seven Days of Blind Date: From Enthusiasm to Coldness, Why Did I Delete Him?