
6 reasons why others don't respect you

author:Single-minded kitten yl
6 reasons why others don't respect you
6 reasons why others don't respect you
6 reasons why others don't respect you
6 reasons why others don't respect you

Hao Chuan, a young man who is always smiling, always walks on the bustling streets with an easy-going and indifferent attitude. He loves life and is helpful, but strangely enough, there are always people who don't respect him enough. Hao Chuan couldn't help but start thinking, what is the reason behind this?

One day, Hao Chuan met an old friend Xiao Li on the street. Xiao Li is a straight man and never beats around the bush when he speaks. The two sat down to chat, and Hao Chuan couldn't help but confide his doubts to Xiao Li.

"Xiao Li, why do you say that some people always disrespect me? I treat people sincerely and do my best, but there always seems to be people who ignore me. Hao Chuan said helplessly.

Xiao Li pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Hao Chuan, this matter, it's not easy to say. You know, respect between people is not a one-sided thing. Some people don't respect you, and it may have something to do with your performance, or it may have something to do with their own mentality. However, I can help you analyze the analysis. ”

Xiao Li paused and continued: "First of all, are you sometimes too easy-going? Some people may feel that you are too approachable and don't have that feeling of 'superiority', so they don't respect you very much. It's like if you invite someone to dinner and choose that kind of street food every time, while delicious, it may not seem so formal. ”

Hao Chuan thought for a while and nodded: "You have a point. I really don't like putting on a show, maybe it really feels that way. ”

Xiao Li continued: "Secondly, are you sometimes too tolerant? Some people may think that you are a bully, so they don't take you seriously. This kind of person, you have to show your principles and bottom line appropriately. ”

Hao Chuan sighed: "You're right. I do sometimes fear of offending people, so I don't dare to express my true thoughts. ”

Xiao Li smiled again: "Also, are you not very good at expressing yourself?" Sometimes you do a lot of things, but others don't know about it, so naturally they don't respect your efforts. You have to learn to present your results and efforts appropriately. ”

Hao Chuan touched his head: "Well, I'm also aware of this." I'm really not very good at talking, and sometimes I do a lot of things and don't know how to talk to people. ”

Xiao Li nodded: "So, Hao Chuan, if you want to win the respect of others, you have to start from these aspects." First of all, you have to maintain certain principles and bottom lines to let others know that you are not something you can bully casually. Secondly, you have to learn to present yourself appropriately and let others see your efforts and results. Finally, you have to be confident and believe that you deserve the respect of others. ”

Hao Chuan listened to Xiao Li's words, and his heart suddenly brightened. He looked at Xiao Li gratefully: "Thank you, Xiao Li, you are really my mentor and friend." I'll take your word to heart. ”

From that day on, Hao Chuan began to try to change his way of doing things. He is no longer so easy-going, but has learned to express his principles and bottom line when appropriate; He is no longer so tolerant, but has learned to defend his rights and interests when needed; He began to try to take the initiative to show his achievements and efforts, so that more people could see his efforts.

Gradually, Hao Chuan found that the attitudes of the people around him began to change. They began to respect his opinions and ideas more, and also recognized his efforts more. Hao Chuan's heart was full of a sense of accomplishment and pride, and he understood that this was the result of his own change.

One night, Hao Chuan walked alone on the street, thinking about the changes he had made during this time. He suddenly realized that respect is not a handout given by others, but a reward earned by his own efforts. Only when you are truly worthy of respect will others give you the respect you deserve.

Hao Chuan took a deep breath and looked up at the starry sky. His heart is full of hope and longing, and he believes that as long as he continues to work hard, he will be able to win the respect and recognition of more people.

This story teaches us a truth: respect is not a handout from others, but a reward earned by one's own efforts. When we truly deserve respect, others will naturally give us the respect we deserve. So, let's all be like Hao Chuan, keep working hard, keep improving, and become the person worthy of respect!