
According to the survey, 70% of good mothers-in-law have 5 characteristics, in contrast, depending on how many you have

author:The starting point of the baby's story

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoli~

After marriage, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are also the pillars of happiness in the family.

If the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is good, the family happiness index will be higher and higher.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law observe poorly, and the contradictions between husband and wife are difficult to be happy with the extension of life.

For women, marriage is also a second rebirth, and they all hope to marry into a good family, but facing the mother-in-law has always been an anxiety problem for countless women.

The hotly discussed issue after marriage is the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

In Xiaoli's view, in fact, many women have the wrong starting point when they get married. Received the gossip of the people, and began to have a bad opinion of the mother-in-law, with the mentality of not accepting the will, not to suffer a little loss, it is difficult to get along with the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

According to the survey, 70% of good mothers-in-law have 5 characteristics, in contrast, depending on how many you have

When getting along with my mother-in-law, impression is the first thing.

Mom should not be influenced by outsiders, and whether her mother-in-law is good or not has to know by herself.

Although the mother-in-law did not give birth to herself and raised herself, as a daughter-in-law, she is also a junior, and at least she must have it in the end.

After marriage, you should lower your profile when you get along with your mother-in-law, which is the first step in a good relationship. If it is too tough, it will intensify the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

According to the survey, 70% of babies have these 5 characteristics, which can be compared

According to the survey, 70% of good mothers-in-law have 5 characteristics, in contrast, depending on how many you have


Maintain a sense of boundaries

A smart mother-in-law will always maintain a certain sense of boundaries after her son gets married.

Keep a certain distance from your daughter-in-law, and will take the initiative to live separately, and if your daughter-in-law wants to live with her, she will also move in together.

It all depends on the wishes of the daughter-in-law and son.

Maintaining a sense of boundaries is not to want their children to be separated from themselves, the elderly in their later years hope to have the concern of their children and grandchildren, so the mother-in-law has such a practice, just to maintain a sense of boundaries, after all, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law live together, and they must not understand all aspects of their personality at the beginning, and it is easy to say that the tone of speech is easy to contradict.

According to the survey, 70% of good mothers-in-law have 5 characteristics, in contrast, depending on how many you have


Pointing fingers at your daughter-in-law

In life, whether it is work or food, my mother-in-law always points to me.

Don't stay up late for your daughter-in-law, and don't let your daughter-in-law eat junk food.

These are not nonsensical pointers, but they are for the sake of young people's health.

As long as the mother-in-law takes care of herself, she is actually very happy, just like a mother takes care of her daughter, she can make herself less detouring.


Be a strong backing for your family

A good mother-in-law is also the backing of a family.

Especially when it comes to important matters at home, my mother-in-law is always able to give good advice.

The daughter-in-law has a job and may be willing to help with the baby.

The daughter-in-law takes the baby, and the mother-in-law will also do the housework at home, and cook three meals a day, urging the young people to eat on time, etc.

A good mother-in-law usually has this characteristic, and when she meets such a mother-in-law, the happiness index will be higher.


Daughters-in-law and sons are equal and treat them equally

A good mother-in-law treats her daughter-in-law and son equally.

There will inevitably be conflicts between husband and wife, and a good mother-in-law will not take sides of the party, and will not think that her daughter-in-law was not born by herself, so she will be prejudiced against her daughter-in-law, and a good mother-in-law will treat her equally. even protects her daughter-in-law, after all, she is a girl, and stands on her daughter-in-law's side to help her daughter-in-law speak.


Say "what do you think?"

Although my mother-in-law is a person from the past, she pays attention to the big and small things of the family by herself.

However, the mother-in-law was also a daughter-in-law who transformed into a mother-in-law, and she especially understands the psychology and mood of her daughter-in-law.

When the mother-in-law always puts "what do you think" on her lips, mothers should also be happy, and such a statement also means that she has a status in the mother-in-law's psychology.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]