
After marriage, which is closer to mother-in-law or mother? The mouth said, far less than 3 things to confirm

author:The starting point of the baby's story

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoli~

Which one is my mother-in-law and my mother?

After marriage, this kind of topic is also very hotly discussed, and countless mothers will say that it must be the mother who gave birth to her and raised her that will be closer. On the contrary, he is like a stranger with his mother-in-law.

But in reality, many women don't think so after marriage.

The mouth says that it is my mother's family, but my status in my mother-in-law's family is much higher than that of my mother's family, which is also the deep feeling of many women after marriage, which also makes me deeply believe.

Although the mother is related by blood, there is also a saying among the people that "a married daughter is like water spilled".

In my opinion, many women have a much better relationship with their mother-in-law after marriage than with their own mother. So the mouth said, it's really not as good as 3 things to confirm, to see if your mother-in-law cares more about you or your own mother cares more about you.

After marriage, which is closer to mother-in-law or mother? The mouth said, far less than 3 things to confirm


At the time of marriage

When you get married, you can actually see the way your mother and mother-in-law behave, as well as your status in your mind.

If the mother blindly values the bride price, she may not care about her future happiness at all. In such a situation, you also have to face the fact that you are like a stranger in your mother's heart.

There are many mothers who marry their daughters with the psychology of suffering losses, and the interests are always in front of the happiness of their daughters, so the status of their mother's family will be very low after marriage.

After marriage, which is closer to mother-in-law or mother? The mouth said, far less than 3 things to confirm


When pregnant

After pregnancy, more care comes from the mother-in-law, and the mother will occasionally call to greet her.

In such a situation, the relationship between the mother-in-law may be closer to herself, after all, the mother-in-law is a person who has come over, and she will also give herself more guidance to avoid detours.

On the contrary, as a mother, after learning that her daughter is pregnant, she still has to have at least greetings and care, and if she never takes the initiative to call and send messages to greet her mother, she does not treat her daughter as her own.

Through a pregnancy, it can also be perceived which mother-in-law or mother is closer.

After marriage, which is closer to mother-in-law or mother? The mouth said, far less than 3 things to confirm


During confinement

There are often mothers who say that they go back to their parents' house during confinement, but some mothers refuse their daughter's decision, some mothers don't want to be troubled, and some mothers don't want to spend a penny on their daughters, so they take the initiative to ask for money.

As a mother-in-law, her daughter-in-law may be confined, and she will be willing to take the initiative to take care of her daughter-in-law.

This is the gap between the two mothers, although the mother-in-law is not born and raised by herself, but after marrying into the mother-in-law's family, I believe that many mothers-in-law will still treat their daughter-in-law as a daughter.

After women experience these 3 things, they can understand whether their mother-in-law is closer to them or their mother. The mouth is really not necessarily correct.

In my opinion, both mother-in-law and mother-in-law are my own relatives. However, after marriage, he also has a family, and no matter who he is close to, he is not as good as his own family. Sometimes I care too much about what my parents and in-laws think of me, which will make me anxious, so I have to face it calmly after marriage, no matter how far or near the relationship is.

Some mothers may constantly exploit their daughter's happiness in the name of giving birth to you and raising you, always feeling that their daughter owes themselves a debt to them, and never cares about their daughter's happiness, but always puts pressure on their daughter through trivial things.

Finally, I also want to ask everyone, after you get married, which is closer to your mother-in-law or mother?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]