
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed

author:Wise Pencil S
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed
"Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, but my daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law?" Compared with the funny jokes, I laughed

The town in the early morning, the small river is babbling, and the sun shines on the river, sparkling. The townspeople are getting up and starting their busy and ordinary day. In this peaceful and beautiful scene, an interesting story caused by a misunderstanding is about to be staged.

Li Xiaozhi is a resident of the town, he has an open-minded personality and likes to joke. This morning, as usual, he walked by the creek, enjoying the fresh air and quiet time. Suddenly, he heard an argument not far away, and curiosity drove him closer to find out.

I saw two middle-aged women arguing fiercely about something, one of them was Li Xiaozhi's neighbor Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang is a warm-hearted person, but sometimes she offends people because she is too straightforward. The other woman is a new resident of the town, Aunt Zhang. Aunt Zhang has just moved from the city and is not yet comfortable with life in a small town.

Li Xiaozhi quietly approached and heard the conversation between the two. It turned out that the two were arguing about the topic of "daughter-in-law". Aunt Wang believes that as a daughter-in-law, she should take on more housework and take care of the family, while Aunt Zhang believes that in modern society, men and women are equal, and daughters-in-law should not be tied to traditional roles.

The two had very different views and soon became engulfed in heated arguments. Aunt Wang said eloquently: "Your daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, so you have to bear the responsibility of a daughter-in-law!" In our time, daughters-in-law did this! Not to be outdone, Aunt Zhang retorted: "It's a new era, men and women are equal!" My daughter-in-law is also human, she has her own life and career! ”

The voices of the two became louder and louder, attracting many passers-by to watch. Li Xiaozhi watched this scene and felt very interesting. He decided to join the argument and surprise the two.

He cleared his throat and said loudly, "Aunt Wang, Aunt Zhang, don't make any noise!" Actually, my daughter-in-law is also a daughter-in-law, but she is not an ordinary daughter-in-law! ”

The two were attracted by Li Xiaozhi's words and turned their heads to look at him. Li Xiaozhi proudly continued: "My daughter-in-law is not only beautiful, smart and capable, but also very understanding. She never let me worry about my family and always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. Therefore, I think the role of daughter-in-law is not used to restrain people, but to support each other and grow together! ”

Aunt Wang and Aunt Zhang listened to Li Xiaozhi's words and fell into deep thought. They are beginning to realize that their ideas may be outdated. In this new era, men and women should treat each other as equals and share the responsibilities and obligations of the family.

Li Xiaozhi looked at the expressions of the two of them gradually calming down, and was secretly proud in his heart. He knew his words had done their job. He turned away from the river and continued his walk. And this interesting story caused by the "daughter-in-law" has also become a talking point in the town.

Since then, the relationship between Aunt Wang and Aunt Zhang has also become harmonious. They began to respect and understand each other, and jointly contributed to the harmony and development of the town. And Li Xiaozhi also became a celebrity in the town because of this unexpected "mediation".