
I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".

author:Blind date emotional story collection
I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".
I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".
I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".
I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".
I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".

The biggest embarrassment in the teaching profession is that almost all parents have participated in education and read books, so they feel that they have the capital to guide and give advice, and anyone can guide the teacher. Especially now, some parents may still have a high degree of education, and then they like to point fingers at teachers. Parents who don't understand education and psychology at all and don't want to study say that they have a doctorate degree in a certain major, so they don't agree with many of the teacher's words.

Two days ago, after the exam, the parents interviewed the Chinese teacher at the school gate, only to see the parents crying and shouting, tearfully accusing the Chinese teacher of giving her child 89 points, as a people's teacher's moral corruption, hurting the child's young mind, making him lose the motivation to learn, and he didn't want to go to school, it must be a mistake, and the child should get 90 points.

This kid used to be a class representative, which was pretty good. This semester is not right, the head teacher said that it is because her mother is too strong, she has to let the child fight, the child is lazy, does not want to fight, the child has a rebellious mentality, the more her mother says, the more she does not listen. It turned out to be my fault in her mother's mouth.. She was lying on the table in class, and I said it, and her mother said that she was not in good health after that time, and her condition was getting worse and worse.

I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".
I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".

The most speechless thing is that she said that I scolded their class representative: Why are these few books suitable for handing in. I'm really convinced, I give the class representative a gift at the end of the term, usually there are stickers in class, you can exchange gifts. I also scolded those who didn't turn in my homework in class, and he told her mother that I scolded her.

I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".

Let's put it this way, every parent thinks that their child is the material of Tsinghua University and Peking University, and he took a 90 exam in the lower grade to show off everywhere, but he doesn't know what is in junior high school, at least 70% of them are accompanied.

I was scolded by my parents, and I just wanted to reply "okay".