
Review: Suffering from cancer twice, still living to be 109 years old, the writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secret is these 5 points

author:Dr. Wan talks about health

Content Sources:

[1] Lian Zong. The 100-year-old life of the temperamental old man Ma Zhitu[J].Integrity Outlook,2024,(07):46-48.)

[2] Li Jun. Ma Zhitu:From a revolutionary to a writer's legendary life[J].Hongyan Chunqiu,2024,(04):26-32.DOI:10.16684/j.cnki.hycq.2024.04.010.

[3] Bi Xiaofeng, Gao Fei. Secretarial Work,2024,(04):79-80.

Ma Shitu is a famous writer, poet and calligrapher in mainland China. He devoted himself to the revolution in his youth, held many important leadership positions, and later worked deeply in the field of literature, and was known as the "Five Elders of Shuzhong" along with Ba Jin, Ai Wu and others. What few people know is that Jiang Wen's movie "Let the Bullets Fly" was adapted and produced based on his book "Ten Tales of the Night", which caused an uproar as soon as it came out.

What's even more shocking is that Ma Shitu has suffered from cancer twice, but he has beaten cancer twice and lived to the age of 109, which can't help but make people wonder what his anti-cancer secret and longevity secret are, and how does he fight off the disease?

Review: Suffering from cancer twice, still living to be 109 years old, the writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secret is these 5 points

In 1915, Ma Shitu was born in a family of scholars. At the age of six, he studied in a private school, memorized ancient texts, practiced calligraphy, and received the influence of traditional cultural knowledge. In 1931, he followed his father's teachings and went to study in Beiping, Nanjing and other places, and joined the Communist Party of China in 1938 without hesitation. When he was more than 100 years old, Ma Zhitu recalled the scene of joining the party at that time, and was so excited that he cried, which was an important turning point in his life.

At that time, the social changes were great and the survival of the family and the country was in ruin. During the period when Ma Shitu participated in underground work, he experienced countless setbacks and life and death tests. He often had two beards, two pairs of glasses hidden on his body, and a hat of different colors inside and out

The raincoat with different colors on both sides, when you see that the momentum is not right, you will immediately shave off your beard and change your image to avoid revealing your identity.

With a pair of broken skin and bloody feet, he walked through the mountains and wilderness, and was determined to fight the enemy to the end.

Finally survived that difficult time, people gradually had food and clothing, and ushered in a peaceful and prosperous era. However, in 2001, Ma Shitu suffered a major blow in his life. During a medical check-up at the hospital, he was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Kidney cancer, also known as renal cell carcinoma, is a malignant tumor that occurs in the urinary system, and the incidence of kidney cancer is second only to bladder cancer, with a incidence ratio of about 2:1 between men and women. With the increase of age, the probability of onset will also increase, and the high incidence age stage is about 40~55 years old, and the incidence rate in urban areas is slightly higher than that in rural areas.

Review: Suffering from cancer twice, still living to be 109 years old, the writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secret is these 5 points

In fact, before the diagnosis, Ma Zhitu often felt some dull pain in his waist, and occasionally felt dizzy and weak, but he never paid attention to it, but he just felt that he was getting older, and he had some muscle and bone problems. Who would have thought that a kidney cancer would be detected. The doctor told the family that the condition was very serious and that surgery was needed to remove a kidney, but Ma Shitu was 86 years old at this time, and the family did not dare to sign. Ma Zhitu smiled calmly and said, people eat grains and get sick, there is nothing to be afraid of, you don't dare to sign, then I will sign it myself. Thankfully, the surgery was so successful that the cancer cells were almost completely gone. After some recuperation, Ma Shitu's health began to gradually improve.

However, what I didn't expect was that life was full of ups and downs, and in 2007, Ma Shitu was diagnosed with lung cancer in the hospital at the age of 92. Once born and twice matured, Ma Zhitu did not feel the slightest fear this time, and still handled it calmly. While he was being treated in the hospital, he also wrote down the sequel to "Ten Tales of the Night", "The Continuation of the Tales of the Night". Ma Zhitu said bluntly that at this time, he remembered the story of Sima Qian's angry writing of "Historical Records", and he also had to resolutely fight against the disease and complete the creation of the manuscript. He had to fight his illness to the end, just as he was not afraid of death when he participated in the underground revolutionary struggle.

After more than half a year of medication, when Ma Shitu's first draft was written, the tumor in his lungs had subsided, and various physical indicators had gradually returned to normal, and he had once again successfully defeated the cancer.

Review: Suffering from cancer twice, still living to be 109 years old, the writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secret is these 5 points

Ma Shitu has worked hard in the field of literature all his life, leaving a strong mark in the literary world, and is the author of novels "Qingjiang Zhuang Song", "Ten Years of Vicissitudes", "Jinghua Night Tan", etc., and his calligraphy works are even more praised. However, he never cared about these false names, and did not hold birthday parties on his 90th and 100th birthdays, but held calligraphy exhibitions and charity sales of calligraphy works, and donated all the proceeds to college students from poor families, with a donation of 3.86 million yuan.

For the various tribulations of life, Ma Zhitu just replied with his calligraphy couplet: "If you have not suffered from the tribulation, how can you be called a steel man in your life, only after going through the vicious water and dangerous mountains, you can only know the situation of life." How can a person who is as steel as iron not live a long life? ”

Birthday boy Ma Zhitu lived to be 109 years old, and his experience of suffering from cancer twice and fighting off the disease can be called a miracle of life. Numerous cancer patients have been inspired and inspired by this. Reporters also went to interview and report, curiously asking him what his anti-cancer secrets and health tips were, and Ma Zhitu was also stingy, and said bluntly: "My anti-cancer health secret is very simple, that is, I have always insisted on these 5 little things, which are simple, cheap and effective, and everyone can do it." ”

Ma Shitu's summary of the secret of anti-cancer and longevity is very simple, that is, "eat, sleep, walk, write, and endure". He also once wrote a "three-character formula for longevity": don't say the old, serve the old; More than view, less trouble; Use your brain diligently and think more; Be content, self-esteem. Ma Shitu's personality is very open-minded and optimistic, he never sets limits for himself, and jokes that he doesn't know how to mix up to be over 100 years old. His mind is unfettered and untouched by the outside world, which allows him to live a long life and be creative.

Review: Suffering from cancer twice, still living to be 109 years old, the writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secret is these 5 points

In terms of diet, he maintains a light diet and a comprehensive and balanced intake of nutrients, which is the so-called eating. In terms of rest, we should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest, ensure adequate sleep, so that the body can repair cells. Usually Lima Zhitu also pays attention to physical exercise, and often participates in tai chi, walking, jogging and other sports. His life and rest are very regular, after breakfast, he reads books, newspapers and writes, and he has been doing it for more than ten years. Letting time pass, he just insisted on repeating the simple and regular rhythm of life.

In terms of mentality, Ma Zhitu is far beyond ordinary people, and he has truly "endured", he was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution. When he was playing chess with his son that day, he was summoned by the villain to criticize the fight, and he just said lightly to his son that he would not accept chess, and he would go back when he went. At the criticism meeting, he was still thinking about the endgame, and even wrote a poem, "Red eats black, black eats red, a scuffle is chaotic." Life is just a chess game, I advise idiots not to be serious. He often said that in order for a person to become a real person, he must go through torture and hardship. Without the hardships of hardship, it is difficult to achieve great things.

Review: Suffering from cancer twice, still living to be 109 years old, the writer Ma Shitu's anti-cancer and longevity secret is these 5 points

This indifferent mentality allowed him to successfully repel the disease and defeat the cancer cells. He never gives up easily, and his heart is firm. During the fight against cancer, he did not regard himself as a frail patient, but regarded cancer as a grind, and in it, he continued to fight and work hard to gain time for his life. He trusted the doctors, actively cooperated with the treatment, and adhered to the standard treatment, which allowed him to successfully defeat the cancer in the end.

In addition, keep a happy mood, be content, use your brain diligently, think more, eat vegetarian food often, eat only seven points full of meals, quit smoking and drinking, take frequent walks, and be happy to know your fate, so that he can live a long and leisurely life.

To sum up, adhering to tenacious willpower and scientific treatment methods, as well as a positive attitude and a reasonable diet, are conducive to fighting cancer cells. In addition, regular work and rest and a healthy lifestyle can help promote good health.

(Note: "Review: Twice Cancer, Still Living to 109 Years Old, Writer Ma Zhitu's Anti-Cancer and Longevity Secret is These 5 Points" Some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)