
Review: The director of the hematology department was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, sharing 5 experiences

author:Dr. Wan talks about health

Content Sources:

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Li Jianqiao, 46, who lives in Zhejiang, is the head of the hematology department of a hospital. As a doctor, Li Jianqiao always adheres to the duty of helping the world and saving people, and treats every patient patiently and carefully. He was born in a medical family, his father is also a doctor, Li Jianqiao has been exposed to it since he was a child, and has a deep understanding of the pain and helplessness of patients, and he is determined to be a good doctor.

After years of clinical practice and continuous learning, Li Jianqiao became the director of the Department of Hematology, which means that the burden on his shoulders is heavier. Patients come all the way to see him, pinning all their hopes on him, and he cannot live up to the trust of his patients. However, the work tasks of the hospital are very heavy, Li Jianqiao has to see dozens or even hundreds of patients every day, and the perennial high pressure and fatigue have buried a hidden health hazard for him after all.

Review: The director of the hematology department was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, sharing 5 experiences

In February 2012, it was drizzling and the weather was very cold. Li Jianqiao walked into the department as usual, but not long after he sat down in his seat, he felt an itch in his throat and couldn't help but start coughing. Thinking of the cold wind blowing back last night, Li Jianqiao suspected that he had a cold, and he didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that he would get better after a while by taking some anti-inflammatory drugs.

However, to his surprise, this time the cold symptoms lasted for a very long time, and Li Jianqiao coughed intermittently for more than half a month, and he never got better, and the cough still had a little white phlegm. His wife cooked him some rock sugar pears to eat, and after Li Jianqiao insisted on taking them for a few days, his throat discomfort was much better, and his chest seemed to be less stuffy. He put his mind at ease, didn't think much about it, and continued to devote himself to work and life.

In July, Li Jianqiao felt that his appetite had dropped a lot, and he had lost a lot of weight. The hospital was overcrowded every day, and he thought that maybe he was too tired from work lately and didn't pay attention to it. Until August 13, the hospital organized a doctor's physical examination, and Li Jianqiao continued to return to his job after completing the examination project. Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, I received a call from a colleague in the radiology department, who asked him to go for a follow-up chest X-ray.

Review: The director of the hematology department was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, sharing 5 experiences

Li Jianqiao has always been in good health, and he didn't care, thinking that it would be just a matter of a few minutes, and he would come back soon after a check-up. As a result, as soon as he arrived there to take a CT scan, the other party asked him to do an MRI, and then Li Jianqiao realized that something was wrong. He chuckled in his heart, and years of clinical experience told him that there was something wrong with his body.

Li Jianqiao didn't beat around the bush anymore, and asked directly. Seeing his serious expression, his colleague had no choice but to tell him the truth that there was a circular shadow of about 5cm in his left lower lung, and the lesion involved the hilum and adjacent mediastinal pleura, and there were multiple lymph node metastases, which was estimated to be lung cancer.

Lung cancer is the first malignant tumor in mainland China in terms of incidence and mortality, and the symptoms of lung cancer in the early stage are not obvious, and most patients often come to the hospital for treatment, which is often in the middle and advanced stages, and the treatment is difficult, and the patients will also lose confidence, resulting in poor quality of life and prognosis.

Review: The director of the hematology department was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, sharing 5 experiences

After pathological examination, Li Jianqiao was finally diagnosed with stage IIIB lung squamous cell carcinoma, which belongs to the middle and advanced stage of lung cancer, and because intrapulmonary metastasis has occurred, the significance of surgery at this time is not very great. Only adjuvant therapy combining radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy can be used to control the disease and improve the survival time.

Immunotherapy is a method of activating the body's own immune system through drugs, so as to achieve the anti-cancer effect of immune cells. Immunotherapy for lung cancer is mainly to achieve anti-cancer effect by labeling cancer cells with drugs and allowing immune cells to recognize the attack. Commonly used drugs include PD-1 monoclonal antibodies such as pembrolizumab and nivolumab monoclonal antibodies.

After learning that he had been diagnosed with cancer, Li Jianqiao's pupils contracted suddenly, and the identity change from the director of the hematology department to a cancer patient was only a matter of one morning, and his heart was greatly impacted. However, one of the things he often said to his patients was not to give up easily, but he didn't expect it to be confirmed to him in the end.

Review: The director of the hematology department was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, sharing 5 experiences

Li Jianqiao decided to actively accept treatment, and he knew that if he didn't even have the confidence to fight cancer, he would really lose. Accompanied by his family, Li Jianqiao was admitted to the hospital and began to receive formal treatment. After a combination of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy, Li Jianqiao's hair fell out a lot, and the number of white blood cells dropped a lot. His wife has always been by his side to accompany him and take care of all kinds of daily chores.

After 4 phases of treatment, the doctor was surprised to find that Li Jianqiao's diseased tissues had basically disappeared, and the spread of cancer cells had been effectively controlled.

Li Jianqiao finally relied on his tenacious willpower to endure that difficult period. Originally, he just went for treatment with the mentality of not giving up, but he didn't expect that this insistence would be 8 years, and Li Jianqiao's lung cancer never recurred. On September 17, 2020, Li Jianqiao's re-examination results showed that all indicators of his body basically returned to normal, which means that he successfully defeated cancer, which can be called a miracle in the history of medicine, and many reporters came to interview and report his deeds.

The reporter asked directly: "Dr. Li, I heard that the five-year survival rate of patients with advanced lung cancer is very low, how did you manage to fight cancer for 8 years without recurrence?" Li Jianqiao said gently: "I am a doctor myself, more than 8 years of anti-cancer road, I continue to read the classics, learn around, summarize my own experience and other cancer friends, and finally come up with five valuable and low-cost methods, follow these 5 points of experience to do, it is not a problem to live for more than ten or even twenty years!" ”

The first point is to quit smoking

Li Jianqiao used to have the habit of smoking, and tobacco contains dozens of chemical carcinogens, and the damage to the lungs cannot be ignored. Smoking is an important cause of lung cancer, and quitting smoking can reduce the incidence of lung cancer at the source.

Review: The director of the hematology department was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, sharing 5 experiences

The second point is to adhere to the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine

Li Jianqiao believes that Chinese and Western medicine have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they need to be viewed dialectically and unifiedly. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that lung cancer is mainly caused by internal injuries, internal injuries in diet, weakness of righteous qi and other reasons, due to the different physical constitutions, with the growth of age, the body's qi, blood, fluid and viscera meridians are constantly changing, and the occurrence of lung cancer is closely related to "deficiency, phlegm, and stasis". The syndrome of virtual and real mixed syndrome is the most common syndrome in clinical practice, and the treatment principle is mainly to strengthen the right and dispel the evil, and attack and supplement at the same time.

That is to say, patients with advanced stage of lung cancer mainly focus on strengthening the body, supplemented by the method of nourishing qi and nourishing yin, strengthening the spleen and lungs, because the middle and advanced stage of lung cancer has often affected the whole body, so it is necessary to comprehensively regulate the body, according to the constitution syndrome differentiation treatment, promote the balance of yin and yang within the body, improve their own righteousness, so as to achieve the effect of promoting physical recovery.

The third point is to keep exercising

Exercise helps to promote blood circulation in the body and can also play a role in improving the effectiveness of medicine. For example, Baduanjin, Vajra Gong, Longevity Gong, Swimming, Qigong, etc., these sports help to promote metabolism and expel exhaust gases, moisture and harmful substances from the body.

Review: The director of the hematology department was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and has never recurred after fighting cancer for 8 years, sharing 5 experiences

The fourth point is regular work and rest

Ensuring sufficient sleep and rest time, regular work and rest life, is conducive to promoting the body's cell repair and improving the body's immunity. When the body's immune system comes into play, it can fight cancer cells.

The fifth point is to eat a reasonable diet

Lung cancer patients have a light diet and need to ensure the intake of nutrients, and tumors are wasting diseases. Li Jianqiao's daily intake of vegetables and fruits is about 300~500g, and eating with a variety of different colors is conducive to regulating the internal organs, such as black fungus,

Foods rich in vitamin C, such as asparagus, red dates, tomatoes, loofahs, green peppers, citrus, and strawberries, help prevent the formation and spread of cancer cells and improve the body's ability to resist diseases. In life, pay attention to a balanced diet, cereals and legumes, are properly balanced, often eat barley porridge, millet porridge is conducive to nourishing the spleen and stomach, anti-tumor.

To sum up, the above five points are worth learning from. In addition, maintaining a calm mind and actively receiving treatment can help strengthen the immune system and promote physical healing.

(Note: "Review: The director of the Department of Hematology was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, has never recurred after 8 years of fighting cancer, and shares 5 points of experience" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)