
What kind of disease produces sweat, stinky sweat comes from the liver, weak sweat comes from the lungs, and cold sweat comes from the kidneys!

author:Health Road Plue
What kind of disease produces sweat, stinky sweat comes from the liver, weak sweat comes from the lungs, and cold sweat comes from the kidneys!

When the weather is hot, they love to sweat, especially those who are fatter, they sweat when they move, and the sweat is sticky, which makes people very uncomfortable, so many people try their best not to sweat and sweat less, in fact, these practices are completely contrary to the physiological laws of the human body.

As the saying goes, "It's better to invite someone to eat than to ask someone to sweat". Sweat regulates body temperature, body fluids, excretes waste products from the body, and keeps the surface of the skin acidic, preventing the invasion of certain bacteria into the body.

However, if there are these kinds of "sweat", you should pay attention, it is a silent warning issued by the body, and you need to pay extra attention!

1. Sweating in these parts may cause problems in the body

What kind of disease produces sweat, stinky sweat comes from the liver, weak sweat comes from the lungs, and cold sweat comes from the kidneys!


Stinky sweat originates in the liver

If you have stinky sweat, you should consider whether it is a problem of dampness and heat in the liver and spleen, that is to say, stinky sweat originates from the liver and spleen, especially it is closely related to the liver.

For example, a person is always in poor mood, depressed, and has a depressed liver qi for a long time. When the liver is depressed and turns into fire, internal heat will be generated, and at the same time, the qi of the spleen and stomach will also be lost in good health, and dampness and heat will be produced to trap the middle coke.

In this way, the liver and spleen are moist and hot, and the skin surface is fumigated, and sweat will occur, because this sweat is formed by the evil essence of dampness and heat for a long time, so the taste is filthy.

The dampness and heat of the liver and spleen are biased towards the dampness and heat of the liver meridian: this kind of stinky sweat is easy to extravasate along the reach of the liver meridian, and such patients often have problems such as bitter mouth, yellow tongue coating, and yellow urine.

Suggested moxibustion acupuncture points: Qimen (Qimen acupoint is the Yin and Liver meridian acupoints of the foot and the liver, which is the recruitment point of the liver), Ququan (where the water and dampness of the liver meridian gather), Yangling Spring (where a large amount of water is vaporized by the ground of the gallbladder meridian), Yinling Spring, Taichong (where the water and dampness of the liver meridian rush upward).

People with dampness and heat in the liver and spleen are biased towards dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach: often sweat in the hands and feet, because the spleen dominates the limbs.

Suggested moxibustion acupuncture points: Spleen Yu, Zusanli, Fenglong, Jiexi (the ground part of the stomach meridian is dissolved by this acupoint and overflows in all directions).


Sweating originates in the lungs

Under normal circumstances, hypohidrosis mainly refers to lung qi deficiency, lung qi weakness, it is particularly easy to sweat, and it is easy to commit common lung diseases such as colds, coughs, asthma, pneumonia, etc., this is because the lung is not solid, and the disease will attack the lungs.

In response to this situation, we can moxibustion some acupuncture points that promote lung and solid surfaces, such as: large vertebrae, wind gate, lung yu, ointment (one of the commonly used acupoints of the foot sun bladder meridian), kidney yu, etc., which can not only effectively alleviate the symptoms of hypohidrosis, but also enhance immunity and avoid some lung diseases.


Cold sweat originates in the kidneys

When we are frightened, we often break out in a cold sweat, why? Because panic will cause the kidney qi to go downward, and the kidney yang will be depressed, and the hands and feet will be cold, and the sweat will be lukewarm.

In addition, if you often break out in cold sweats for no reason, you should first consider whether it is caused by kidney yang deficiency, because kidney yang is the foundation of yang qi in the body! If the kidney yang is weak, it will lead to the weakening of the yang qi of the body.

The Wei Qi has the effect of solidifying the Jin liquid, and when the Yang Wei Qi is weakened, the Jin liquid will leak out, resulting in excessive sweating. At the same time, because the kidney yang cannot be warm, the sweat is cold.

In view of this situation, it is recommended to warm and replenish the kidney yang, and moxibustion is recommended: Mingmen, Kidney Yu, Shenque, Guan Yuan, Yongquan, or direct moxibustion to supervise the pulse (the yang energy of the Du Mai and the whole body, as long as the yang qi is weakened, you can find suitable acupuncture points on the Du pulse for treatment).

It should be noted that moxibustion, as a way of health care, focuses on improving conditioning, and contraindications such as smoking, alcohol, and cold should be avoided during use to avoid uncomfortable symptoms.

Second, the sweat color is abnormal, and there are problems with the liver, lungs and gallbladder

What kind of disease produces sweat, stinky sweat comes from the liver, weak sweat comes from the lungs, and cold sweat comes from the kidneys!

Real sweat has no color, such as yellow because microorganisms have a chemical reaction to some trace elements in sweat.

Moreover, some people with physical diseases will also show different colors of sweat, and when sweat is different from the general color, it is necessary to consider whether it is a physical illness and need to see a doctor in time.


Yellow Khan

Sweat is yellow, mostly caused by a high concentration of a substance called bilirubin in the blood, mainly seen in hepatobiliary diseases, such as acute and chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, etc. In addition, excessive consumption of fruits and vegetables such as carrots, oranges, and oranges can also cause temporary yellow sweats.

At this time, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time, such as patients with several common hepatobiliary diseases such as chronic hepatitis and fatty liver, and can use tangerine peel for daily conditioning; For chronic viral hepatitis, you can use Codonopsis tangerine peel lean meat soup, tangerine peel pork ribs, tangerine peel millet porridge, etc.; For liver cirrhosis, you can use Codonopsis lentils, tangerine peel porridge, corn silk tangerine peel drink, etc.


White sweat

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, white belongs to the lungs, and white sweat appears when the lung color is exposed, which is mostly caused by lung yang deficiency and is often related to weak lung function. Sometimes, severe pain, such as stomach pain, can cause white sweating.

In the treatment of lung yang deficiency, it is advisable to warm the lungs and strengthen the spleen, invigorate qi and dissolve saliva. In terms of medicine, you can choose asaroxin, dried ginger, cinnamon branch, ephedra, salvia, ginseng, licorice, etc.; In terms of diet, you can choose clams, walnut kernels, ginkgo seeds, yams, goose meat and other foods that warm the lungs and dispel cold.


Red sweat

The red appearance of sweat is mostly related to endocrine dysfunction, or it may be bleeding in one part of the body. It can be caused by pigment-producing bacteria on the face and armpits, or it can be caused by drugs, such as taking chemicals such as potassium iodide, and red sweat may occur.

Endocrine disorders, daily work and rest diet should be paid more attention, especially if you can't stay up late, and at the same time, you can use Siwu soup for conditioning; If there is bleeding in a certain part of the body, it is important to seek medical attention in time to stop the bleeding.


Green Sweat

A blue-green turn in sweat suggests bile leakage, such as acute purulent cholangitis.

3. The smell of sweat is abnormal, and the body has symptoms

What kind of disease produces sweat, stinky sweat comes from the liver, weak sweat comes from the lungs, and cold sweat comes from the kidneys!

People with different diseases smell different types of sweat, and you can detect certain diseases in your body by smelling the smell of sweat.



Sweat has a special fishy smell, which may be related to heat syndrome or damp heat syndrome, which generally belongs to liver fever or is more common in liver cirrhosis.

From a TCM perspective, the liver is responsible for processing and breaking down toxic substances. Fried food, tobacco and alcohol in the daily diet all accumulate a lot of toxic substances in the body, increase the burden on the liver, cause liver heat, and sweating is a way of detoxification, so the sweat of people with liver fever has a peculiar smell.

Patients with liver cirrhosis cannot decompose the proteins in the body, and many proteins are decomposed by bacteria with sweat, resulting in a special fishy odor.

With this taste, we have to drink more chrysanthemum tea every day to relieve the symptoms.


Aromatic aroma

If there is an aromatic smell in the sweat, it is often a sign of thirst-quenching patients, and some children can emit a unique fragrance like a maple tree in the sweat, indicating that the child has maple thirst-quenching disease, which is a hereditary disease.

Note: Do not drink ice-cold drinks after sweating, and appropriately supplement boiled water or light salt water at room temperature, and consume a small amount of water multiple times.


Urine odor

Sweat contains urine gas, and after sweat dries, it will leave crystals on the skin, which is a sign of uremia, which is a symptom of uremia kidney qi failure, and the condition is more serious.



If there is a sour smell in the sweat, you may have active rheumatic disease, and long-term use of antipyretic and analgesic drugs such as salicylic acid can also cause the sweat to smell sour.

Don't be careless when these "sweat feelings" appear, and timely conditioning will nip serious illnesses in the bud!