
The gallbladder meridian cannot be knocked casually, and the wrong knock will hurt the body

author:Health Road Plue

In recent years, with the gradual popularization of theories such as meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, a fashionable fitness method has become popular - knocking on the gallbladder meridian.

The gallbladder meridian cannot be knocked casually, and the wrong knock will hurt the body

I often see such a person in the outpatient clinic, when he describes his condition to the doctor, he talks about how he exercises and how he knocks on the gallbladder meridian.

Some people knock on the gallbladder meridian, and indeed the physical symptoms have been alleviated and improved, but with the same fitness method, some people have obvious discomfort after exercising, such as: dizziness, nausea, body fever, fatigue and weakness, irritability, insomnia, menstrual irregularities, etc., as well as some other symptoms of head and face fire.

Why is that?

Medical case: Knocking on the gallbladder meridian causes irritability and insomnia

I met such a patient in the outpatient clinic surnamed Yang, who was a middle-aged woman.

This woman suffers from chronic gastritis, which is a symptom of weak spleen and stomach with traditional Chinese medicine, but she has a very small heart and eyes, and loves to be angry, and her temperament is very impatient.

Later, she heard others say that so-and-so's stomach disease is knocked on the gallbladder meridian, she knocked on the gallbladder meridian according to the appearance of others, the effect is still good in the first week or two, the person is also in good spirits, and the meal is fragrant, but then the more the knock is more and more ineffective, the stomach returned to the original state, either pain or bloating, and then it increased the problem of insomnia, upset all night long, excited, unable to sleep, so I came to the outpatient clinic for treatment.

is also knocking on the gallbladder scripture, why is it that some people have a better effect, but she is more serious?

First of all, she is impatient and angry. Many illnesses are not unrelated to emotions, and modern Chinese medicine does take a little time. People who love to be angry and impatient will have a particularly strong liver fire, and their liver and gallbladder will have a certain impact at this time. If the liver wood is too vigorous, it is easy to overcome the spleen and soil, and it will also aggravate the problem of weak spleen and stomach.

As the saying goes, the best health regimen is to nourish the heart. Nurture your mind and calm yourself, and many diseases will get better.

Secondly, her illness is mainly due to the weakness of the spleen and stomach, and the disease mainly lies in the spleen and stomach but not in the gallbladder, and she knocks for too long and too hard, which leads to the rise of the fire in the gallbladder meridian, so not only the stomach disease is not cured, but it causes irritability and insomnia.

Meridian therapy also requires syndrome differentiation and treatment

The characteristics of TCM treatment are syndrome differentiation and treatment, and meridian therapy is one of the treatment methods of TCM, so naturally this principle cannot be violated.

The gallbladder meridian cannot be knocked casually, and the wrong knock will hurt the body

1. Using meridian therapy, first distinguish between the deficiency, reality, cold and heat of the disease.

The human body has 12 meridians, which correspond to each internal organ of the body, and the lesions of the viscera can often be shown through the meridians.

On the contrary, according to the abnormal signs outside the body, it can also be judged which meridian and which viscera has problems, so as to solve these problems by adjusting the meridians (such as knocking the gallbladder meridian) and straightening out the qi and blood of the viscera.

Generally speaking, the lesions of which viscera are, of course, are treated first by the meridians to which they belong. For example, heart lesions are treated with heart meridians and pericardial meridians, respiratory diseases are treated with lung meridians, and sciatic nerve pain is treated with bladder meridians.

In addition, it can be treated in combination with the meridians that are on the surface and inside, for example, gastrointestinal disorders can be treated with the spleen meridian that is the surface and the inside, and the lesions of the bile meridian can not only "knock the gallbladder meridian", but also "knock the liver meridian".

2. Meridian therapy focuses on the adjustment of the body's qi.

If the qi does not rise, there is fatigue, mental fatigue, stomach, uterus and other internal organs prolapse, etc., it is necessary to treat it through the yang meridian;

The yin meridian acupuncture points have the effect of nourishing yin and constricting and descending, and if there are these diseases such as red face, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia and dreams, it is necessary to treat them through the yin meridian.

For example, the lesions of the heart and abdomen and gynecology belong to more yin deficiency, which can be treated by Ren Mai; Lesions of the cervical spine, lumbar spine, sexual dysfunction, etc., which belong to yang deficiency and can be treated by supervising the pulse.

In addition, meridian therapy is by no means a simple tapping, it is more effective to use moxibustion or meridian jar to dredge deeper along the meridians.

How to knock on the gallbladder meridian?

Where is the bile meridian located?

The gallbladder meridian is a meridian on the outside of the body, from the eyes to the toes. The meridian tour map is complex, but in a nutshell it is on the outside of the body. To be more specific, the gallbladder meridian is in the seam of our outer trousers.

The gallbladder meridian cannot be knocked casually, and the wrong knock will hurt the body

Knock on the gall Sutra matters:

Gestures: Slightly clenched fists, fist faces, rhythmic slapping

Posture: Sitting, standing, lying flat

The gallbladder meridian cannot be knocked casually, and the wrong knock will hurt the body

Who can knock on the gall sutra?

People with poor qi in the gallbladder meridian and ordinary yang deficiency can knock on the gallbladder meridian.

Knocking on the gallbladder meridian can dredge the meridians and discharge the disease, which can not only regulate the lesions of the gallbladder meridian, but also improve the gastrointestinal function. However, the gallbladder meridian ultimately belongs to the yang meridian of the human body, and knocking on the gallbladder meridian is to diverge the body's qi outward and rise upward.

For patients with yin and blood deficiency, especially when there are already symptoms of rising deficiency such as dizziness, nausea, fatigue, weakness, irritability, insomnia and toothache, knocking on the gallbladder meridian will aggravate the condition.

To put it simply, at this time, the human body is like a boiling kettle that is about to boil dry, knocking on the gallbladder meridian is equivalent to adding fire, and the more it burns, the drier it is, the more it burns, the more it will be dry, and the person will feel very energetic at first, and then the Yin Jin will lose badly, and the condition will become more and more serious.

The gallbladder belongs to the yang meridian, and people with yang deficiency knock on the gallbladder meridian, which can play a role in invigorating the yang energy of the human body. Obviously, for patients with yang deficiency, there is merit in knocking on the gallbladder meridian, and it will be effective.

If the body has already shown symptoms of false fire, does not listen to the doctor's instructions, and keeps knocking, it is obsessed. At this time, it is recommended to eat therapy, eat some foods that clear the liver fire or nourish the liver.

The gallbladder meridian cannot be knocked casually, and the wrong knock will hurt the body

In TCM treatment, it is very important to distinguish between the virtual and the real

TCM treatment should first distinguish between cold, heat, deficiency and reality, using hot medicine for cold syndrome, cold medicine for hot syndrome, supplementing for deficiency syndrome, and using laxative for empirical evidence, which is the general principle under general circumstances.

If the patient is originally false, you still use laxatives to treat him, and if the patient has internal stasis, you still have to give him tonics, which is a violation of the commandment of "false and real".

Benign stimulation of meridian acupuncture points can dredge qi and blood, balance yin and yang, and is conducive to health preservation, while adverse stimulation of meridians can also cause diseases. Even if the same acupuncture point is different due to the different laxative techniques, the effect is very different.

Generally speaking, clockwise twisting to line needle is the tonic method, and counterclockwise is the laxative method; The technique is very gentle, the needle in and out is very slow for the tonic method, the technique is very heavy, and the needle in and out is very fast for the laxative method.

The same is true for massage, where heavy manual manipulation is also a laxative method. If you don't know how to press some parts of the body and meridians indiscriminately, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Blindly following the trend is a big misunderstanding of public health rehabilitation, so you must find out the health care method that suits you according to your physical condition, if you use it improperly, it will harm yourself!