
Look at the picture and guess the idiom: brainstorm, come and challenge it.

author:Warm Xiaoyou

Figure 1:

[Explanation] means that each person's mind is also different like each person's face.

Insight reminds us to respect and understand the differences of others when interacting with others, not to measure others by our own standards, and not to draw conclusions about others easily. Only by understanding and understanding others can we get along better with others and establish harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Look at the picture and guess the idiom: brainstorm, come and challenge it.

▲: Figure 1


[Explanation] is a metaphor for people with vast powers and terrifying strength.

We can understand that in some cases, people need to show extraordinary ability and wisdom to deal with challenges and difficulties. It also encourages us to dare to challenge ourselves and unleash our potential in the face of difficulties to cope with various challenges in life.

Look at the picture and guess the idiom: brainstorm, come and challenge it.

▲: Figure 2


Explanation: The metaphor pursues things that are secondary and non-fundamental.

Perception reminds us that when dealing with problems, we must have an overall concept, and do not only stare at the details, but ignore the essence and core of the problem. At the same time, it also reminds us to focus on the key points in our studies and work, and not to waste time on irrelevant things.

Look at the picture and guess the idiom: brainstorm, come and challenge it.

▲: Figure 3


【Explanation】A metaphor for the waste of talent or improper personnel arrangement

Perception tells us that sometimes we may, for various reasons, put capable and talented people or resources in inappropriate positions or circumstances, resulting in their potential not being fully realized, which is a huge waste.

Look at the picture and guess the idiom: brainstorm, come and challenge it.

▲: Figure 4


【Explanation】The east wind blew through the horse's ears and disappeared in an instant. This metaphor is deaf and indifferent.

We should respect each other's feedback and opinions, and don't blindly insist on our own opinions and ignore the feelings and needs of the other party. In communication, it is equally important to listen to and understand the other person's point of view.

Look at the picture and guess the idiom: brainstorm, come and challenge it.

▲: Figure 5


【Explanation】The roots of the trees are coiled and the programs are staggered. The metaphor is complex and not easy to decompose.

We can understand that in the face of complex problems, we need to calmly analyze, sort out the clues, find the root cause and key of the problem, and then take targeted measures to solve it.

Look at the picture and guess the idiom: brainstorm, come and challenge it.

▲: Figure 6


[Explanation] describes reading diligently day and night

Perception tells us that success and achievement often come from unremitting efforts and perseverance. No matter what difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we are willing to put in enough effort and time, and persistently pursue our goals, we will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties and achieve the results we want.

Look at the picture and guess the idiom: brainstorm, come and challenge it.

▲: Figure 7


【Explanation】The parable is often heard, and there is no new old saying.

Insight reminds us to keep an innovative mindset, constantly explore and try new methods and ideas, and express our views and ideas in a more vivid, interesting and inspiring way.

Look at the picture and guess the idiom: brainstorm, come and challenge it.

▲: Figure 8

That's all for this issue, how many have you guessed?

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Every day, I will share interesting idioms with you to look at pictures and guess idioms, remember to follow me

The answer to the last issue was announced: looking for a needle in a haystack, a moment of gold, preemptive, out of place, showing his tail and hiding his head, raising his noble hand, fledgling, and a stone's throw.