
The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

author:The dragon squire

It has been more than two years since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war on February 24, 2022; The new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict escalated and spilled over into the Lebanese-Israeli conflict, which also lasted for more than eight months.

At the beginning of the successful provocation of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the United States was in high spirits, fantasizing that it could achieve "rebirth", but it never expected that the Middle East would be set on fire, and it suddenly fell directly into the Arctic Ocean from the crater. Now the United States is facing not only losing its status as the "boss" of the world, but also probably not even having the qualifications to be the "second boss."

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

Today we will discuss three main issues:

(1) Why does the United States have to provoke the Russia-Ukraine war?

(2) Why is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so powerful?

(3) Why does the United States not handle the Middle East issue well, and it has no chance to even be the second leader?

Let's start with the first question: why does the United States have to provoke the Russia-Ukraine war?

The answer is to block the energy cooperation projects reached between Russia and the EU and maintain the hegemony of the dollar; The "Nord Stream 2" project signed between the EU and Russia led by Germany and France is the fundamental reason why the United States is eager to provoke this war!

Negotiations began in 2011 on the Nord Stream 2 gas transmission project. In June 2015, Gazprom formed a joint company with five EU energy giants, including Shell, to build Nord Stream 2.

In September 2015, Gazprom signed a contract with six energy companies, including the French energy giant Engie Group, to form a joint company to jointly design, finance, build and operate the Nord Stream 2 project. The partnership between these six companies will be adjusted to Gazprom with a 50% stake; France's ENGIE, Austria's oil and gas group, Royal Dutch Shell, Germany's Uniper and Germany's Wintershall each accounted for 10%.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

In March 2018, all the necessary construction permits were obtained for the project in Germany, followed by all necessary construction and operation permits issued in Finland.

In 2019, due to pressure from the United States, the construction of the project basically came to a standstill. Because the United States previously accounted for a relatively large share of natural gas supply in Europe, after the completion of the Nord Stream 2 project.

It is reported that after Nord Stream 2 is put into operation, it will allow Russia to increase its natural gas transmission capacity to the Baltic Sea coast to 110 billion cubic meters; It will meet more than 40% of Europe's natural gas and other energy needs.

Therefore, the U.S. government has always regarded Nord Stream 2 as a thorn in its side, and on the issue of opposing Nord Stream 2, then-US President Trump and President-elect Biden were surprisingly unanimous. Therefore, the United States not only asked the European Union to stop construction, but also repeatedly threatened to impose sanctions on Russia and relevant European countries, resulting in a long-term stagnation of the project.

In addition, the previous Russian pipeline to Europe for transporting natural gas passed through Ukraine, and a large "transit fee" had to be paid. However, Nord Stream 2 does not need to transit through Ukraine, Poland and other countries, but directly crosses the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany, and then uses Germany as a transit station to transport to other European countries, such as Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, etc.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated
The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

Since the Nord Stream 2 project bypasses Ukraine, Poland and other Eastern European countries, the United States has deliberately hyped the project as a Russian attack on Ukraine, saying that the project will endanger Ukraine's economy and security. This gives Ukraine, Poland and other countries a reason to stand on the same front with the United States and oppose Nord Stream 2.

In fact, Russia no longer takes care of Ukraine, that is, the pro-American faction is "anti-Russian" after coming to power, and before that, massacres of Slavs took place in the eastern regions of Ukraine and in the Crimea. Russia, as the "mother's home" of the Ukrainian Slavs, if it does not react, will affect internal unity and become an excellent opportunity for the opposition of the Putin government to bring down Putin.

Therefore, Putin's government's seizure of Crimea in 2014 was "politically correct" and strategically correct, as well as a warning to the Ukrainian government.

For European countries that focus on their own economic development and rely on industrial manufacturing support, Russia's price of about 30% cheaper is undoubtedly a huge temptation. This means that the cost of their products will be reduced by 30%, which will enhance the market competitiveness of their products; Especially in the face of China's continuous rise in manufacturing, they also urgently need to find a breakthrough to improve the competitiveness of their products.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

After weighing the pros and cons, Germany and France led the EU and Russia to reach an agreement, not afraid of US sanctions, and after a period of hiatus, the German part of Nord Stream 2 was completed in December 2020. It is estimated that Trump was not re-elected because he failed to stop this project, and even exposed the "Russiagate" incident.

After Biden took office in 2021, he announced a full withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in April, and then deployed troops to Poland and continued to send weapons to Europe in preparation for war. At the same time, Jewish capital has taken advantage of media hegemony to assist in creating the "Russian threat theory" in Europe.

Zelensky, a Jew, also tried his best to cooperate with the United States to constantly provoke Russia, intensified his "anti-Russia", suppressed the Slavs in eastern Ukraine, and directly wrote Ukraine's accession to NATO into the constitution.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

At the same time, as the Nord Stream 2 pipeline began to deliver gas to Europe, the impact on the dollar was immediate, and the euro quickly surpassed the dollar.

In August 2021, the laying of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline began to enter the final stage, and on September 6, it was announced that the project was fully completed. So far.

It is precisely the position of the euro that surpasses the dollar that makes the Jewish plutocracy, which dominates the economy and politics of the United States, completely unable to sit still, and if it does not cut off the energy cooperation between Russia and the European Union, the status of the dollar will inevitably continue to decline. For the United States, the debt crisis will also further exacerbate internal divisions.

During this period, the United States not only supported von der Laide to become the president of the European Union, but also helped Scholz to come to power and become German chancellor, ending Merkel's 16-year career in power.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

From the perspective of the United States safeguarding its own interests, this strategy is correct and necessary. Because the United States spent five or six trillion dollars in the war in Afghanistan, coupled with the worsening debt crisis in the United States due to the outbreak of the new crown, dollar inflation continues to increase. If the United States loses the European market again, there is no doubt that the dollar will be ruined.

Stimulated by Ukraine's continuous provocations, on February 24, 2022, the Russian-Ukrainian war finally broke out.

On February 26, the White House issued a statement saying that in order to express its opposition to Russia's military action in Ukraine, the leaders of the United States and the European Commission, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Canada decided to exclude some Russian banks from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication payment system and impose restrictions on the Central Bank of Russia.

The U.S. move is aimed at severing the link between Russian financial institutions and the SWIFT system, and thus between Russian financial institutions and the global banking system; Make it impossible for it to make cross-border payments and payments, and then achieve the purpose of blockading Russia for international trade.

But Russia has long been prepared to use the ruble against gold to avoid the cutting off of international trade and the collapse of the domestic economy. China has become the largest customer of Russian gas exports, which has played a great stabilizing role in Russia's economy to a large extent.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was blown up and leaked in September 2022, and the EU's natural gas imports to Russia have dropped from 40% to 9%; U.S. LNG exports to the EU continue to increase, accounting for nearly half of the EU's total LNG purchases.

According to data released by Refinitiv in the United States, US LNG operators are expected to make a profit of $59 billion in 2022, double the previous year, easily making up for the loss of $45 billion between 2013 and 2020. U.S. shale gas producers are also expected to make a profit of nearly $200 billion this year, which would be enough for the industry to get out of debt by 2024.

But Europe is miserable, and the Russian-Ukrainian war has caused Europe's economy to continue to decline. In December 2023, the US dollar accounted for about 47% of international payments, and the euro fell to about 23%; The United States not only used the war to regain the status of the dollar, but also reaped the harvest of Europe.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

If it were not for the continued escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict after its outbreak, the United States might have become the biggest winner of this war!

After the outbreak of this round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the United States panicked, and high-level leaders such as President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and CIA Director Burns took turns to promote ceasefire negotiations in Middle Eastern countries. However, after more than eight months, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has continued to escalate and spill over, the myth of Israel's invincibility as the "little bully of the Middle East" has been completely shattered, the crisis of national destruction is intensifying, and the US conspiracy has come to naught!

It is no exaggeration to say that the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has greatly reduced the pressure on Russia on the battlefield, and also provided European countries with an opportunity to get rid of the control of the United States, so that Ukraine's attention has been greatly reduced. Thus, giving Russia the opportunity to strike at Ukraine with its hands and feet.

This brings us to the second question: why is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so powerful?

This is because the United States has used the media to create public opinion in a big way, saying that Russia is an "aggressor", inciting public opinion under the banner of "justice" and "human rights defender", and forcing other countries to join it in sanctioning Russia and isolating Russia.

The vast majority of the people do not understand politics, and when they see Russia attacking Ukraine and the United States taking the lead in calling on all countries to support Ukraine, they regard it as a "beacon of civilization" and a "light of justice" for mankind, and strongly demand that the authorities and governments oppose Russia.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

Before the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Russia did not dare to strike at Ukraine with a heavy hand, just to take into account the pressure of public opinion. Putin is a politician and is well aware of the pressure that public opinion puts on the authorities' government; The authorities and governments of some countries, under the pressure of public opinion, have to stand up for Ukraine and oppose Russia. Otherwise, it creates an opportunity for the opposition of the government of the authorities.

However, after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the United States not only favored Israel without a bottom line, but also provided weapons to support Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. When a large number of truths were exposed, the hypocrisy of the "beacon of civilization" and the "light of justice" of human beings in the United States was completely torn apart.

In particular, with the outbreak of the "anti-Israel wave" in the United States, the United States violently suppressed students who opposed Israel, and the extreme racism reflected in it successfully shattered the "golden body" packaged by the Jews over the years.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated
The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

As the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues, the anti-American and anti-Israeli voices in the entire Islamic world and the Arab world are becoming more and more loud, which makes the authorities of Arab countries have to draw a line with the United States! The reason is simple, if the governments of the authorities of Arab countries dare to show pro-American actions, the opposition of the authorities of the governments; Among other things, anti-American forces will use the attack on Israel and the U.S. military to gain public support, putting the government at risk of being replaced.

Moreover, Zelensky has been high-profile since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and has publicly expressed his firm support for Israel many times after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Another source broke the news that before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Zelensky had sent his family back to Israel, and their mansion was in the Golan Heights, which Israel illegally occupied.

Therefore, the continuation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has greatly reduced the pressure on Russia on the battlefield and made it clear to people that Zelensky is an "agent" of the United States.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

When the United States and Sky were hit by the "boomerang", public opinion began to turn, feeling that Russia was too benevolent, which gave Russia the opportunity to "let go of its hands and feet" to fight. So we will see a phenomenon that since the anti-Israeli tide swept the United States and Europe, Russia has begun to change the way it fights on the battlefield in Ukraine.

Today, the United States has completely lost the opportunity to defeat Russia. If the United States fails to properly handle a bunch of problems in the Middle East, it will not only face the collapse of its hegemony, but will not even be qualified to be the "second oldest."

Why is it said that the United States cannot handle the Middle East issue well, and it does not even have a chance to be the second in rank?

As we all know, Israel is a "blood relative" ally of the United States, and its status is higher than that of the United States' "father" Britain. Other allies of the United States are watching to see how it can safeguard the interests of Israel's illegal occupation, and if the United States cannot even preserve its own "little ancestor," the other "allies" will try their best to find other backers.

Since the outbreak of the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflicts, the Middle East has become united in its hatred of the enemy, and it will never give up if the "two-state solution" is not implemented. If the government does not support the two-state solution, the result is that it will be seized by the opposition and likely to be replaced.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

Is there a shortage of armed groups in the Middle East that want to "get to the top"?

The answer is that there is no lack, the Houthis in Yemen, the Iraqi militia, the Lebanese Allah and so on. In order to weaken their power, the countries of the Middle East will inevitably support them in their fight against Israel.

Guys, will these armed groups be short of weapons?

Everyone knows that Russia has a vast land and resources, especially in the military industry; And the war mainly consumes goods. Before the war, Russia was an "oligarchic" economy, relying on export superior resources to support Russia's economic system, resulting in many industries being abandoned, and now under the sanctions of the United States and the West, oligarchs can only make money by investing in industries at home.

Due to the huge consumption of materials by the war, there is no overcapacity and insufficient demand in the military industry and its related industrial production in wartime. Therefore, the war not only boosted Russia's employment and consumption, but also prompted its economy to enter a virtuous internal cycle, turning the previous deformed oligarchy economy into a healthy industrial economy and reshaping the economic structure, which is why Russia's economy becomes stronger the more it fights!

If Russia had been defeated in the first year of the war, their industrial system had not yet recovered. Now that Russia's military-industrial complex is fully recovering, the resource advantage allows them to produce a wide range of shells at an extremely low cost.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

So, will those armed groups in the Middle East be short of weapons?

In fact, in the Russian-Ukrainian war, Europe did not really follow the United States to deal with Russia, otherwise, they would not have accepted tens of millions of Ukrainian refugees. These Ukrainian refugees fled to European countries, leaving Ukraine in a situation where "there are no bombs and no one", and the domestic military resources are exhausted.

To put it bluntly, most European countries just want Ukraine to fight as soon as possible until no one can fight, so that they can enter ceasefire negotiations as soon as possible, resume cooperation with Russia, and promote economic recovery. Some countries in Europe will provide intelligence to the Russian side to help the Russian army accurately destroy Ukraine's weapons and equipment and the command center set up by NATO.

Now Ukraine has not only lost 120,000 square kilometers of land, but more than 50% of its power system has been destroyed, and most of its air defense radars have become decorations. Originally, Ukraine had a population of more than 40 million, but now there are more than 20 million left, and even female soldiers and 60-year-old men are constantly being sent to the front line to make up the numbers, and it is a fool's dream to win!

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

Previously, the eastern region of Ukraine was the front line of the battlefield in Ukraine, and Kharkiv and Odessa were the rear of supplies, but now these two places have become the front line. After Western military aid came ashore from Poland and entered Ukraine, it still needed to be transported thousands of kilometers by land to reach the front line, and eight out of ten times were accurately bombed by Russia, which is why the Ukrainian army had no shells on the front line and could only be bombed.

Considering various factors, the United States is a definite defeat, and if it is dragged down by Israel in the Middle East, it will be a replica of the war in Afghanistan. Previously, the United States launched the war in Afghanistan with 35 countries and millions of troops following, but after 14 years of fighting and spending trillions of dollars, it failed to deal with the Taliban.

If the United States wants to end up in the Middle East, how many helpers will it gather this time?

Just look at the fact that the United States named NATO countries to escort ships in the Red Sea with itself, and the result was that the British and American father and son dispatched aircraft carrier battle groups to fight with the Yemeni Houthis in the Red Sea, and they felt like they were meeting opponents.

At present, it is obvious that the Middle East is adopting the tactics of "encircling but not annihilating" and "cutting flesh with a knife" against Israel, with the aim of causing Israel's internal division to collapse and its national morale to be disintegrated. And all of this is happening.

The United States originally wanted to use the Russian-Ukrainian war to "rebirth", but it was broken in the Middle East and will be defeated

In the eyes of many people, Japan and South Korea are definitely the loyal "Ngawang" of the United States, so why didn't they sneak up on Russia from behind to relieve the siege?

Because they are not stupid, they don't have to bring humiliation on themselves like the "Filipino monkeys". Obviously, the "little ancestor" home of the United States has been blown to pieces, and it is unwilling to end the game, so how can it have the strength to protect these chess pieces?

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