
The Secret Biography of Dong Gong's Day Selection Law: May Chapter

author:Qingyin Taoist people say feng shui

In traditional Chinese culture, there is a great deal of emphasis on choosing the right day for important events such as weddings, funerals, groundbreaking, openings, etc., which is known as "choji". Here's how Dong Gong chooses the day to determine the best days to avoid in May:

1. Mango and summer solstice: These two are one of the 24 solar terms of the Chinese lunar calendar. Miscanthus usually indicates the maturity of summer crops such as wheat in southern China, while the summer solstice is the day with the longest day and the shortest night. The day before the summer solstice is called "Si Li", which means the parting of the four seasons.

The Secret Biography of Dong Gong's Day Selection Law: May Chapter

2. After the summer solstice, the three evils are in the north: In the Five Elements Theory, the three evils refer to three unlucky stars, and these three stars are located in the north after the summer solstice, so the north is not suitable for breaking ground at this time.

3. Hai, Zi and Chou Fang should not build and break ground: In the Five Elements, Hai, Zi and Chou are not suitable for construction or groundbreaking activities on certain specific days.

4. Jianwu Day: Among them, the first day of the day is considered to be the day of amnesty, which is suitable for burial, but other uses are unlucky, and will attract lawsuits or disputes of tongue.

5. Except for the future: The day is the most unlucky, and it is not suitable for marriage, business opening and other activities, which will lead to population decline, disease and financial losses.

The Secret Biography of Dong Gong's Day Selection Law: May Chapter

6. Full Shen Day: Jiashen, Wushen, and Bingshen days are considered auspicious days, suitable for burial, construction, marriage, moving, etc., but not suitable for groundbreaking.

7. Weekdays: It is not advisable to carry out any important activities on this day, otherwise it will lead to lawsuits, damage to the health of family members, etc.

8. Dingxu Day: Jiaxu, Wuxu, and Gengxu days are considered extremely auspicious days, suitable for activities such as construction, groundbreaking, moving, and opening a business, which will bring good luck and wealth.

9. Zhihai Day: Yihai Day is suitable for construction, but it is not as auspicious as Dinghai and Jihai Day. Xinhai Day is considered to be the day of the death of the underworld, while Guihai Day is the day of the poor of Liujia, which is very unlucky.

The Secret Biography of Dong Gong's Day Selection Law: May Chapter

10. Broken child day: It is not suitable to carry out weddings, construction, funerals, moving and other activities, otherwise it will lead to loss of property, lawsuits, damage to livestock, etc., which is very unlucky. Renzi Day is even more dangerous, and it is considered to be the fourth waste day.

11. Dangerous and ugly days: Ding Chou and Gui Chou days are not suitable for important activities, otherwise they will suffer property damage, lawsuits, injuries by animals, etc. Other ugly days are also unlucky.

12. Chengyin Day: Bingyin Day has Tianyue Erde, Gengyin, Wuyin, Jiayin Day has Huangluo, Rosewood and other auspicious stars to shine, suitable for construction, groundbreaking, moving, opening and other activities, bringing wealth and good luck.

13. Closing day: It is not advisable to carry out important activities, otherwise you will encounter villain frames, lawsuits, verbal disputes, livestock losses, etc., which is very unlucky.

14. Kaichen day: Bingchen day has the moon de, Gengchen, Renchen day has Huangluo, red sandalwood star shines, suitable for fields, livestock prosperity, birth of noble children, etc., Pepsi is lucky.

The Secret Biography of Dong Gong's Day Selection Law: May Chapter

15. Closing day: On the day of Yisi and Xinsi, there are Huangluo and Rosewood stars shining, which are suitable for construction, groundbreaking and other activities, which are beneficial to the family and children and grandchildren, and bring wealth and well-being. Other days are unlucky.

16. May punishment, harm, and evil: May is suitable for building the northwest, Tiande is in Qian, Yuede is in Binghexin, and the mountain is open to Yiqian, C, and Xinfang. Evil stars on the days of Jianwu, Pozi, Hating Wu, Xingwu, and Ugly should be avoided, that is, related activities should be avoided on these days.

The Secret Biography of Dong Gong's Day Selection Law: May Chapter

In summary, it reflects the ancient Chinese feng shui and numerology, which have been widely used in Chinese history to guide people's daily activities, especially when choosing important dates for key events such as weddings, funerals, groundbreaking, and business openings. However, in the modern world, the influence of these traditional ideas has diminished considerably, and modern people may organize their schedules more according to personal preferences, conveniences, and practical needs.