
On Chinese New Year's Eve that year, in the village of Gongdangzhang, these 5 soldiers braved a rare snowstorm to find their compatriots...

author:Mr. Chen 006688

February 13, 1972, the Chinese New Year's Eve night of the lunar calendar. Five soldiers of the 1st Battalion and 1st Company of the 6th Independent Regiment of the Tibet Military Region stationed in Zhangcun received an urgent task. A pregnant woman in Gongdang had a difficult birth, and two doctors traveled from Jilong County to deliver the baby, but lost contact in a snowstorm. The head of the regiment ordered the Zhangcun Platoon to send a team of five people to the area of the Sancha River to find a doctor.

That night, dark clouds were in the sky over Zhangcun, the wind was howling, and the snow was falling. Five warriors embarked on this arduous journey to find their lives. What kind of challenges will they face? Can the missing doctor be found in time? What kind of unforgettable memories will this unusual Chinese New Year's Eve leave on them?

1. Emergency Build-Up: Call of Duty

On February 13, 1972, the 29th day of the lunar calendar, the soldiers of the 1st Battalion and 1st Company of the 6th Independent Regiment of the Tibet Military Region stationed in Zhangcun were busy preparing for the Spring Festival. When I went out in the morning, the sky was cloudy and the wind was cold. After the deputy company commander Wei Zhoutai led the whole platoon of soldiers to complete the morning exercise, he assigned the day's work tasks: cleaning the environment, wiping weapons, and preparing for the New Year.

The fighters were full of energy and quickly completed the cleaning task. However, the weather changed abruptly, the wind blew fiercely, and the sand and rocks flew away. Seasoned veterans know that this is a sign of a heavy snowfall on the horizon. In the evening, Deputy Company Commander Wei announced a holiday for everyone to celebrate the Spring Festival, but still stressed the need to maintain a high degree of vigilance.

Just as the fighters were basking in the festive spirit, a sentry suddenly reported that the company had sent someone. This news made Wei Jiaming, who had been stationed in Zhangcun for many years, sink in his heart, and he knew that this often meant that there was an urgent task. Sure enough, not long after, a messenger sent by the company brought an urgent order.

Deputy Company Commander Wei immediately gathered the entire platoon and read out the contents of the telegram from the regiment leader: A pregnant woman in Gongdang had a difficult birth, and two doctors sent by the Jilong County Hospital had lost contact on the way to Gongdang. The Zhangcun platoon was ordered to form a five-member team to go to the Sancha River area to find the two doctors. The telegram particularly stressed that the team must be led by a cadre, and that the task must be completed as quickly as possible, despite all difficulties.

After the order was issued, Wang Quanyi, the platoon commander of the third platoon, was the first to stand up and took the initiative to ask Ying to lead the team to carry out the task. Deputy Company Commander Wei agreed to Platoon Commander Wang's request and asked him to select four comrades-in-arms to form a small team. After careful consideration, Platoon Commander Wang chose Wei Jiaming, Zhang Zuorong, Gesang (Tibetan) and Lu Nengwen (hygienist).

Deputy Company Commander Wei said earnestly to the five-member group: "Today's weather is bad, it's night, the road is steep, and there are many difficulties. The exact location of the two doctors is unknown, and our fate is uncertain, and we must go all out to rescue them. I believe that under the leadership of Platoon Commander Wang, you will be able to overcome all difficulties and successfully complete your mission. "

Subsequently, Deputy Company Commander Wei carefully checked everyone's equipment: fur hats, cotton coats, leather gloves, fur shoes, weapons and shovels to ensure that they were well prepared. Seeing that Wei Jiaming's leather gloves were a little worn, Deputy Company Commander Wei insisted that he change into his new gloves. Wei Jiaming was deeply moved by this detail, and he quietly said to Deputy Company Commander Wei: "Deputy Company Commander Wei, we both have the surname Wei, and we are soldiers and brothers. If anything happens to me, please help me send my little baggage home and write a letter to my family on my behalf, saying that I died in the line of duty. "

When Deputy Company Commander Wei heard this, his eyes were full of tears, and he choked up and said, "Brother, don't say these unlucky words for the New Year." God will bless you five comrades on your safe return. In fact, not only Wei Jiaming, but the other four soldiers also explained the aftermath to Deputy Company Commander Wei.

In this way, the group of five shook hands with Deputy Company Commander Wei who saw him off. Six big men, twelve eyes all glistening with tears. Maybe it's the excitement of bidding farewell to the Year of the Pig and welcoming the Year of the Rat; Maybe it was the last silent military salute to Deputy Company Commander Wei. In the complex emotions of "it is more difficult to say goodbye when we meet", the group of 5 people bid farewell to Deputy Company Commander Wei and embarked on a difficult journey to find a doctor.

2. The difficult trek in the wind and snow

The moment the group of five stepped out of the Zhangcun barracks, a strong wind howled, mixed with goose feathers and heavy snow. Platoon Commander Wang immediately ordered the troops to march in a single column to reduce the resistance of the wind and snow. Wei Jiaming, Zhang Zuorong, Gesang and Lu Nengwen followed closely behind, lined up in turn.

On Chinese New Year's Eve that year, in the village of Gongdangzhang, these 5 soldiers braved a rare snowstorm to find their compatriots...

The team first arrived at Chaka, which usually takes only 10 minutes to arrive, but in such bad weather, it took them almost half an hour. After descending from Chaka to the river, about 1,000 meters up the river, they began to climb the steep stone cliffs.

This narrow mountain road is surrounded by cliffs on the left and right. Even in the summer, you need to be cautious when walking, especially now that the snow covers the road. Platoon Commander Wang used a shovel to clear the snow while loudly reminding his comrades behind him to pay attention to their feet.

Suddenly, Gesang stepped into the air and almost slipped off the cliff. Fortunately, Wei Jiaming and Zhang Zuorong reacted quickly and grabbed him from left to right. This scene made everyone break out in a cold sweat and continue to move forward more cautiously.

After a difficult trek of about 5 kilometers, the team came to the first bridge. The bridge is very short, and the cliffs on both sides naturally form a narrow distance, and a few logs are made of wooden sticks, and the soil is covered with a thick layer of earth. Normally, many people walk past the bridge without noticing its existence, but now that it is covered in snow, it is even more difficult to recognize.

Platoon Commander Wang instructed everyone to carefully cross the wooden bridge and come to the river. Next is a small ridge, which is not high, but the snow makes the climb extremely difficult. The five people took turns to clear the road in front, clearing the snow with shovels and climbing up one step at a time.

Over the hill, the team came to Wodangdang. This is a rare flat area, with a radius of about 200 meters. But they don't have time to rest, because there is a more difficult road ahead of them.

Leaving Wodangdang, they began to go up the mountain again. The mountain is particularly high, with a steep slope and a deep ravine. After crossing the ditch, it is necessary to go across, and there are cliffs and cliffs on the left and right, and the road is very narrow. Platoon Commander Wang remembered the tragedy that happened here a few years ago: two soldiers of the transport team froze to death due to the cold weather, and more than 20 mules and horses were thrown off the cliff by an avalanche, and only three survived.

This memory made Platoon Commander Wang even more vigilant, and he kept reminding his comrades-in-arms to take care of each other and remain vigilant. The team moved slowly, everyone preoccupied, for fear that one would accidentally slip off the cliff.

Finally, they walked through this dangerous section, descended downhill to the river, and crossed the second bridge. The road turns to the left, and the slope up the hill is not large, but the road surface is monolithic, and there is a pit and gravel in the next step, making it extremely difficult to walk.

At this time, the snowstorm became more intense and visibility dropped sharply. Platoon Commander Wang decided to let the team stop for a while and concentrate on resting. They found a sheltered place from the wind, slapped the snow on each other's bodies, and checked their gear.

Lu Nengwen, as a hygienist, checks everyone's physical condition. He noticed that Gesang had slight signs of frostbite on his fingers and immediately treated him urgently. During the recuperation period, everyone took turns to eat some dry food to replenish their energy.

After the break, the team moved on. They came to a stone cave, which was not high, but it was reasonably wide and could accommodate a dozen people. Platoon Commander Wang decided to go in to check on the situation, hoping to find the missing doctor.

Unfortunately, the cave was empty. But this short break allowed the players to regain some strength. After leaving the cave, they soon came to the Sancha River. The ditch on the left was a dead end, and they chose to go straight across the river.

The river is not deep, but it is bitterly cold. The five people waded through the water, and their soaked pants quickly froze in the cold wind. But no one complained, they knew the importance of the mission.

On Chinese New Year's Eve that year, in the village of Gongdangzhang, these 5 soldiers braved a rare snowstorm to find their compatriots...

After crossing the river, go straight up along the river ditch, the slope is not large, this is the best section of the road in Zhangcun ditch. However, the blizzard did not abate, and visibility remained extremely low. The team can only move forward on experience and intuition, stopping every now and then to find their way.

Finally, they climbed to the top of the ditch. The mountains here are high on the left and right, and there is a pass in the middle, forming a small dam and also a watershed. Platoon Commander Wang knew that after crossing this watershed, they would enter the pigeon cave ditch, where the terrain was relatively gentle, which was the hope of their trip.

However, at this moment, the blizzard suddenly intensified, the wind howled, and snowflakes filled the sky. Visibility dropped to almost zero. 5 fighters had to stay close together so as not to get separated. They tied themselves together with ropes and groped their way forward.

In this extremely bad weather, their advance slowed down considerably. But no one offered to give up, and everyone knew that the lives of the two doctors, as well as the life of the pregnant woman with difficult childbirth, were pinned on them. With this responsibility and mission, the 5 fighters continued to trek through the wind and snow in the direction of the pigeon hole.

3. The line between life and death: the miracle in the pigeon hole

After crossing the watershed, 5 fighters entered the pigeon cave ditch. The terrain here is relatively gentle, but the blizzards are still raging. Visibility is extremely low, and the team can only rely on experience and intuition. Platoon Commander Wang irradiated his surroundings with a flashlight from time to time, hoping to find traces of the missing doctor.

Suddenly, Gesang noticed a dark shadow in front of him. Platoon Commander Wang immediately instructed the team to approach cautiously. When they approached, they found that it was a huge rock shaped like a crouching pigeon. Platoon Commander Wang realized that this was the iconic rock of Pigeon Cave.

Rounding the rocks, they found a cave entrance. Platoon Commander Wang immediately ordered to enter the cave to take shelter. The cave is not large, but it is large enough for 5 people. They slapped the snow off their bodies and rested for a while.

At this moment, Lu Nengwen keenly sensed that there was an abnormal sound in the cave. He motioned for everyone to be quiet and listen carefully. Sure enough, in the whistling wind, there was a faint moan.

Platoon Commander Wang immediately ordered the team members to search the cave. In the depths of the cave, they found two figures huddled together. By the light of the flashlights, they recognized the two missing doctors.

The two doctors were unconscious and cold. Lu Nengwen immediately started first aid. He first checked the vital signs of the two men and found that there was still a faint pulse. He then instructed the rest of the team to help remove the doctors' clammy coats, wrap them in his own cotton clothes, and begin artificial respiration and chest compressions.

At the same time, Wei Jiaming and Zhang Zuorong collected combustibles in the cave and tried to make a fire to keep warm. Gesang used his knowledge of the highland environment to pile up snow at the entrance of the cave to create a temporary windbreaker.

After nearly half an hour of emergency rescue, the two doctors finally responded. They slowly opened their eyes and saw the rescue team members with a look of surprise and gratitude in their eyes.

One of the doctors struggled to speak, "We... We're lost... Scattered in a blizzard... Luckily, I found this cave... But it's too cold... We thought we'd die here..."

Platoon Commander Wang comforted the two doctors and told them that they were safe now. Subsequently, he asked the doctors about their physical condition and the medical equipment they were carrying.

On Chinese New Year's Eve that year, in the village of Gongdangzhang, these 5 soldiers braved a rare snowstorm to find their compatriots...

Two doctors said that although they were weak, they could continue to travel as long as they took a break. Most of their medical equipment is intact and sufficient for the next delivery task.

However, the blizzard continues. Platoon Commander Wang decided to rest in the cave for a while and wait for the weather to improve. He arranged for them to take turns on duty, while the others took the time to rest.

While waiting, the two doctors gradually regained their strength. They told the rescue team how they got lost. It turned out that they lost their bearings in a snowstorm and strayed into a fork in the road. In their search for the right route, they gradually ran out of stamina and were lucky enough to find the cave.

A few hours later, the wind and snow abated slightly. Platoon Commander Wang decided to set off for Gongdang immediately. Taking into account the physical condition of the two doctors, he readjusted the order of march of the line. Platoon Commander Wang and Wei Jiaming opened the way in front, two doctors in the center, and Zhang Zuorong, Gesang and Lu Nengwen in the back.

Leaving the pigeon hole, the team made their way along the ravine in the direction of Gundang. While the wind and snow continued, visibility improved. They walked cautiously, reminding each other of the snow and ice beneath their feet.

On the way, they had to cross several small streams. Every time they crossed the stream, the warriors would test the depth of the water and then help the doctor through. In front of a particularly turbulent stream, Platoon Commander Wang and Wei Jiaming even used their bodies to build a "human bridge" for the doctors to step on their backs to pass safely.

After several hours of arduous trekking, the team finally saw the outline of Gongdang Village. The villagers had already heard the news of the imminent arrival of doctors and rescue teams, and they lit torches to greet them at the entrance of the village.

When the rescue team and doctors appeared in the eyes of the villagers, cheers immediately resounded throughout the valley. Villagers flocked to the mother's home. Two doctors immediately got to work and began to deliver pregnant women with difficult births.

After a few hours of hard work, a healthy baby croaks to the ground. When the baby's cry sounded, the whole village boiled. People cheered and rejoiced at the arrival of a new life.

At this moment, the five fighters and the two doctors looked at each other and smiled. They know that it was their perseverance and courage that saved three precious lives. On this snowstorm-ravaged Chinese New Year's Eve, they used their actions to compose a moving hymn to life.

Fourth, the way home: warmth and perseverance in the wind and snow

The cry of the baby brings hope and joy for the New Year to the village of Gongdang. However, for Platoon Commander Wang and his teammates, the task is far from over. They also need to escort the two doctors safely back to the camp.

With the warm hospitality of the villagers, the rescue team and doctors took a short rest. The village chief arranged a simple and intimate dinner, and steaming barley noodles and butter tea dispelled the chill from everyone. After the meal, Platoon Leader Wang convened the team members to discuss the return trip.

Considering the weather conditions and the physical strength of the doctors, Platoon Commander Wang decided to set off overnight. While night marches were more risky, they feared that if they waited until dawn, they might encounter a stronger blizzard.

Villagers have sent thick sheepskin jackets and windproof gloves to help them withstand the cold. An elderly villager also brought an oil lamp, saying that it was a "guiding light" handed down from his ancestors to guide the way in the wind and snow.

On Chinese New Year's Eve that year, in the village of Gongdangzhang, these 5 soldiers braved a rare snowstorm to find their compatriots...

Before leaving, the husband of the mother held the hand of the platoon leader Wang and was so excited that he was speechless. Platoon Commander Wang patted him on the shoulder, indicating that this was their duty.

The night was falling, and the wind and snow were still blowing. The rescue team and the two doctors set out on their way home again. This time, they took a new marching strategy. Platoon Leader Wang and Wei Jiaming were still in front of the road, but they used ropes to connect the whole team to prevent people from getting separated in the snowstorm.

Soon after leaving the village of Gundang, they encountered their first challenge. A rushing stream blocked the way, and the stream formed a thin layer of ice in the cold air. Platoon Commander Wang cautiously tested the thickness of the ice and found that it could not bear the weight of a person.

They had to look nearby for a place where they could cross the river. With years of grazing experience, Gesang led everyone to find a narrow section of the river. Here, the stream, although fast-flowing, is shallow in depth.

Platoon Commander Wang and Wei Jiaming stood arm in arm in the river, forming a human wall to resist the current. Others, with the help of their supports, carefully pass one by one. The two doctors appeared a little nervous when crossing the river, but with the help of the fighters, they finally crossed safely.

After crossing the river, their clothes and shoes were wet. The cold night breeze blew, and the soaked clothes quickly turned into frost. As a hygienist, Lu Nengwen reminded everyone to move their bodies regularly to prevent frostbite.

The team continued on and came to an open field. The snow here is deeper, and every step takes a lot of effort. In order to lighten the burden on the doctors, the warriors took turns carrying them forward.

At this moment, Gesang suddenly stopped and pricked up his ears to listen carefully. He said alarmedly, "There is a wolf howl. "

Everyone suddenly became nervous. Wild wolves in the highlands are known for their ferocity, especially in the cold winter months, when they often attack humans with hunger.

Platoon Commander Wang immediately organized a team to form a formation. He ordered everyone to stand back to back in a circle, securing the two doctors in the middle. At the same time, he asked Wei Jiaming to light the oil lamp given by the villagers.

Sure enough, after a while, several pairs of glowing eyes appeared in the darkness. The wolves began to slowly approach, staring at the humans.

At the critical moment, Platoon Commander Wang remembered an ancient method of driving wolves. He asked his team to shout loudly together while striking the metal utensils he was carrying. A deafening noise echoed across the silent snowfield, and the wolves were frightened by the sudden sound and took a few steps back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Platoon Commander Wang ordered the team to move forward quickly. As they move forward, they continue to make noise. The strategy worked, and the wolves kept their distance and eventually gave up the pursuit.

After getting out of danger, the team took a break. The two doctors expressed their sincere admiration for the calmness and courage of the fighters. Platoon Commander Wang said that this is just their business.

Moving on, they ran into another problem. The snowstorm has changed the landscape, and familiar road signs have been buried with snow. Platoon Commander Wang and Gesang repeatedly confirmed the direction, but they were still not completely sure whether they were on the right path.

On Chinese New Year's Eve that year, in the village of Gongdangzhang, these 5 soldiers braved a rare snowstorm to find their compatriots...

At this moment, the oil lamp given by the villagers suddenly flickered a few times, and the flame turned in a specific direction. Gesang exclaimed, "This is the legendary guiding light!" It's guiding us. "

Although it seemed somewhat mysterious, under the circumstances of the time, they decided to believe in the lamp. Following the direction of the lights, the team moved on.

Miraculously, it didn't take long for them to see the familiar landmark—the boulder shaped like a dove. Platoon Commander Wang was sure that they had returned to the right route.

As the sky began to turn white, the rescue team and doctors finally saw the outline of the camp. Despite the exhaustion, the faces of all were filled with the joy of victory.

When they walked into the camp gate, their comrades, who had been waiting for a long time, burst into enthusiastic cheers. The instructor stepped forward quickly, holding the platoon leader's hand tightly, tears of relief flashing in his eyes.

At this moment, everyone deeply felt the nobility of the soldier's mission and the preciousness of comradeship. They used their actions to compose a moving hymn to life on this stormy and snowy Chinese New Year's Eve.

5. Aftersound: The spiritual inheritance of the iron man of the snow mountain

With the return of Platoon Commander Wang and his party, the campsite in Zhangcun was boiling. The comrades-in-arms stepped forward one after another, handed them hot ginger tea, and helped pat the snow on their bodies. The instructor immediately organized a comprehensive medical examination of the two doctors and the rescue team to ensure that they were not seriously injured in the extreme environment.

After a brief rest, the instructor called a meeting of all the officers and men. He solemnly announced that the rescue team led by Platoon Commander Wang had successfully completed its mission, not only successfully rescuing two lost doctors, but also assisting in completing a critical midwifery operation, saving three precious lives.

After the meeting, the instructor found Platoon Commander Wang alone and learned about the entire rescue process in detail. Platoon Commander Wang truthfully reported on the difficulties and dangers encountered during the operation, including the difficult trek in the snowstorm, the thrilling discovery in the pigeon hole, the mutual assistance and mutual assistance when crossing the river, and the resourceful response in the face of wolves.

After hearing this, the instructor was deeply shocked, and he realized that this operation not only embodied the excellent quality of the officers and men, but also displayed the spirit of revolutionary soldiers who are "not afraid of hardship and death." He decided to compile a report on the operation and report it to the higher forces.

A few days later, higher-level troops sent people to the Zhangcun camp to conduct a detailed investigation and interview on the rescue operation. They not only had in-depth conversations with Platoon Commander Wang and other officers and men involved in the rescue, but also made a special trip to Gongdang Village to listen to the testimonies of local villagers.

During this period, the village chief of Gongdang Village brought several villagers to the camp in Zhangcun Village, and they brought the villagers' homemade pennants and thank-you letters. The village chief said excitedly that the heroic behavior of Platoon Commander Wang made the villagers truly feel the feelings of the people's soldiers for the people.

After careful study and discussion, the investigation team of the higher-level unit unanimously agreed that this operation was of typical and exemplary significance. They decided to sum up and refine this deed and use it as a vivid teaching material for the political and ideological education of the troops.

Subsequently, a series of propaganda reports and educational activities were launched one after another within the troops. The "Jiefangjun Bao" carried a detailed report on the rescue operation under the title of "Iron Man in the Snow Mountain, Sacrificing Himself for the People." The report particularly emphasized the perseverance and selfless dedication shown by Platoon Commander Wang and others in an extremely harsh environment.

On Chinese New Year's Eve that year, in the village of Gongdangzhang, these 5 soldiers braved a rare snowstorm to find their compatriots...

Military units at all levels have organized officers and men to study this advanced deed. Many companies also invited Platoon Commander Wang and other soldiers who participated in the rescue to give on-site talks, so that more officers and soldiers could experience this valuable spirit up close.

At a large report meeting, Platoon Commander Wang recalled that thrilling night. "At that time, we were not only facing a harsh natural environment, but also a test of life and death," he said. But each of us has a belief in our hearts: As a soldier, we have the responsibility to protect the lives of the people, even if it is at the cost of our own lives. "

These remarks aroused strong resonance among the officers and men present. Many people said that they should take Platoon Commander Wang and his team as examples, carry forward the spirit of not fearing hardships and difficulties in their future work, and always put the interests of the masses of the people in the first place.

At the same time, this deed has also attracted wide attention from all walks of life. Many media outlets have reported on this and praised the noble character of the people's army. Some writers and artists were even more moved by this story and began to create related literary and artistic works.

After interviewing Platoon Commander Wang, a famous writer wrote a novel "Flags on the Snow Mountain", which vividly depicts the heroic performance of the rescue team members in a difficult environment. The novel received a strong response after its publication and became a bestseller of the year.

Based on this deed, a folk theater troupe created a drama "The Miracle of the Pigeon Cave". Through vivid stage performances, the drama recreates the thrilling scenes of the rescue team members trekking through a snowstorm and finding the doctor in the pigeon hole. The drama toured the country and was warmly received by the audience.

Over time, this deed gradually became a spiritual symbol. During the conscription season every year, many young conscripts said that they were moved by the heroic deeds of Platoon Commander Wang and others before they decided to join the army and serve the country.

Years later, the village of Gongdang has undergone earth-shaking changes. Wide roads have been built on the village, and medical care has been greatly improved. But the villagers still have not forgotten that stormy and snowy Chinese New Year's Eve and the group of soldiers who braved hardships and dangers and sacrificed themselves for others.

In the central square of the village, a monument was erected. The inscription is engraved with the eight characters of "Snow Mountain Iron Man Sacrifices Himself for the People", telling the touching story. Every year during the Qingming Festival, the villagers will spontaneously come here to offer flowers and pay tribute to the heroes.

In the camp, this deed has also become a tradition. Every time a new recruit joins the army, the veterans will tell this story and encourage the new comrades-in-arms to inherit and carry forward this noble spirit.