
The mother is a comfort woman, the father is a Japanese soldier, and the son has been a bachelor all his life, and his biggest idea is to hack his father to death

author:Mr. Chen 006688

In a remote mountain village in China, there is such a family. Her mother was a comfort woman during World War II, and her father was a Japanese soldier. Their son, a man who has been tricked by fate, is destined to spend his life carrying a heavy burden of history. From childhood to adulthood, he lived in the eyes and ridicule of the villagers, and even the most basic happiness in life could not be attained. His life was like a tragedy, predestined from the moment he was born. However, the most shocking thing was that the man actually said that he wanted to hack his own father to death. What kind of hatred can make a person have such a strong intent to kill his blood relatives? And how did his mother survive those dark years? What is the heartbreaking story behind this family?

In the winter of 1944, the iron hooves of the Japanese army stepped into Xiaogugaotun, Lipu County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Wei Shaolan, who was only 24 years old at the time, was holding her newborn daughter and hiding from the Japanese army with other villagers. However, as fate would have it, she and seven other women were soon captured by the Japanese army.

Wei Shaolan was escorted to the Shaziling comfort station, 20 kilometers from his home

It was a makeshift house converted by Japanese soldiers, surrounded by wooden planks and barbed wire, and became a cage for Chinese women. The conditions in the comfort stations were harsh, with rooms of more than 10 square meters crowded with captive women and no basic sanitation facilities.

Every morning, Wei Shaolan and other women were forced to line up to be examined by Japanese military doctors. After the inspection, they were assigned to different rooms and waited for the arrival of the Japanese soldiers. Here, Wei Shaolan experienced unimaginable pain and humiliation. Japanese soldiers took turns committing atrocities against them, sometimes receiving a dozen or more soldiers a day.

In addition to being subjected to sexual violence, Wei Shaolan was forced to do strenuous labor. They had to wash clothes, clean up, and prepare food for the Japanese soldiers. The slightest mistake can lead to severe corporal punishment, and some women may even die as a result. Food was scarce, with only a small amount of rice and pickles a day, and Wei Shaolan was often hungry.

In such a harsh environment, Wei Shaolan's physical condition deteriorated rapidly. She often felt lightheaded and weak. To make her even more desperate, she found out that she was pregnant. The news came like a bolt from the blue, plunging her into deep fear and pain.

Wei Shaolan knew that if the Japanese found out that she was pregnant, they would most likely put her to death. So, she began to plan an escape. She carefully observes the comfort station's environment, looking for possible escape routes. At the same time, she is also trying to hide her pregnancy reaction so as not to be discovered by the Japanese army.

The opportunity to escape finally came three months later. On a dark and windy night, the Japanese soldiers in charge of the guards got drunk. Wei Shaolan seized this opportunity and quietly slipped out of the room. Holding her breath, she cautiously made her way through the courtyard of the comfort station, and finally managed to climb over the fence.

After escaping, Wei Shaolan did not immediately return to his hometown. Fearing that the Japanese would pursue her, she chose a circuitous route. She hid in the mountains and forests during the day, and only dared to come out at night. In this way, it took her three days and two nights to finally return to Xiaogujiaotun.

However, what awaits Wei Shaolan is not a warm home. When she appeared at the door of the house exhausted, there was no trace of joy on her husband's face, only deep suspicion and disgust. Wei Shaolan wanted to explain what happened to her, but she couldn't say it. She could only cry silently, bearing her husband's questioning and cold eyes.

What made Wei Shaolan even more painful was that the daughter in her arms died of illness during this time. The pain of losing her child, coupled with her husband's attitude, made Wei Shaolan almost collapse. She once wanted to commit suicide by taking poison, but fortunately her mother-in-law found and rescued her in time.

The mother-in-law's understanding and support became the only motivation for Wei Shaolan to survive. The mother-in-law told her that it was all the fault of the Japanese, not hers. Under the persuasion of her mother-in-law, Wei Shaolan decided to keep the child in her womb. Although her husband repeatedly asked her to abort the child, given the medical conditions at the time, doing so could have endangered Wei Shaolan's life.

In this way, under the protection of her mother-in-law, Wei Shaolan had a difficult time getting through her pregnancy. A few months later, she gave birth to a boy, who later became Luo Shanxue. However, instead of bringing joy to the family, the birth of this child became an unhealable wound that affected the fate of the entire family.

The mother is a comfort woman, the father is a Japanese soldier, and the son has been a bachelor all his life, and his biggest idea is to hack his father to death

When Wei Shaolan returned home with her mixed-race baby, she faced unprecedented challenges

Her husband Luo Juxian's attitude towards her became more and more cold, and he even refused to eat at the same table with her. Whenever Luo Juxian saw the mixed-race baby, a trace of disgust and pain flashed in his eyes. He began to go out a lot, sometimes not coming home for days, as if to escape the family reality that shamed him.

Gossip spread like wildfire in the village. Neighbors pointed fingers at Wei Shaolan, and some even went straight to the door to insult her, saying that she had brought shame on the village. When children see Wei Shaolan on the street, they will hide behind adults and whisper. Wei Shaolan has almost become an outcast in the village, and he will be blinded even when he goes to the village entrance to fetch water.

In such an environment, Wei Shaolan almost fell into despair. She started staying at home and staying at home all day to take care of the baby. But even so, she can't escape reality. Whenever the baby cried, Luo Juxian would be furious, and sometimes even beat and scolded Wei Shaolan, blaming her for bringing home the "Japanese devil's seed".

However, in these dark days, Wei Shaolan's mother-in-law became her only support. Although the mother-in-law was also confused and upset by this sudden mixed-race grandson, she did not treat Wei Shaolan coldly like her son. Instead, she began to take the initiative to help Wei Shaolan take care of the baby, and even stood up to protect Wei Shaolan and the child when Luo Juxian was angry.

The mother-in-law's attitude slowly affected the atmosphere in the home. She often said to Luo Juxian: "Although this child has Japanese blood, he is also Shaolan's flesh and blood." If you want to hate, hate those Japanese devils, don't embarrass your wife. Under the persuasion of his mother-in-law, Luo Juxian's attitude eased, although he still couldn't fully accept the child, at least he didn't fight Wei Shaolan anymore.

The mother-in-law also tried to change the villagers' perceptions. She took the initiative to explain to her neighbors what happened to Wei Shaolan, stressing that Wei Shaolan was a victim and not a sinner. While most people still keep their distance from Wei Shaolan, at least they don't openly insult her anymore. Some kind-hearted villagers even began to secretly help the family, sometimes bringing them food or old clothes.

Over time, mixed-race babies grow up. He was named Luo Shanxue, a name given by his mother-in-law, hoping that he could learn to be kind and not be blinded by hatred. However, as Luo Shanxue grows up, his physical characteristics become more and more obvious. His eyes are larger than the average Chinese child, and the bridge of his nose is higher, which makes him look out of place in the village.

When Luo Shanxue first started school, he encountered great difficulties. The other children called him "little devil" and refused to play with him. Although the teachers treated him equally on the surface, they also had concerns about him in private. Luo Shanxue often sat alone in the corner of the classroom, silently enduring the ridicule and bullying of his classmates.

Faced with what happened to her son, Wei Shaolan felt helpless and heartbroken. She wanted to protect her son, but she didn't know how to explain this complicated background. Whenever Luo Shanxue asked why everyone called him "little devil", Wei Shaolan could only prevaricate with tears.

Luo Juxian's attitude towards his son has always been cold. He rarely spoke to Luo Shanxue, and even avoided making eye contact with him. In Luo Shanxue's growth process, father's love was almost blank. This sense of alienation deeply affected Luo Shanxue's character, and he became taciturn and always wary of people.

Despite this, Luo Shanxue excelled in his studies. He seems to be putting all his energy into books, hoping to prove his worth with excellent grades. The teachers were surprised to find that the isolated child was at the top of his grades in all subjects. However, even so, Luo Shanxue still could not integrate into the collective, and his excellence attracted more jealousy and rejection.

With the growth of Luo Shanxue, the family conflicts are also deepening. Luo Juxian began to drink heavily, often going home drunk, yelling at Wei Shaolan and Luo Shanxue. Wei Shaolan became more and more silent, as if he had lost hope of life. Only the mother-in-law is still struggling to support this crumbling family, trying to find a possibility of reconciliation in the midst of hatred and prejudice.

In this way, in the eyes of the villagers, the indifference of her husband and the pain of her son, Wei Shaolan struggled to live day after day. Her life has become an endless torment, and the fate of this family has changed forever because of that unbearable past.

Luo Shanxue's childhood was full of hardship and loneliness

For as long as he can remember, he has felt the strange eyes of the people around him. At school, his classmates avoided him, and no one wanted to be friends with him. Whenever a team is selected for PE class, he is always the last person to be selected. Sometimes, even the teacher will inadvertently reveal his prejudice against him.

At home, things aren't much better. 's father, Luo Juxian, has never been able to accept this "Japanese devil's species", and often learns to beat Luo Shanxue after getting drunk. Although her mother Wei Shaolan loves her son, she is powerless to change the status quo, so she can only cry silently. The only one who gave Luo Shanxue care was his grandmother, but as he grew older, his grandmother's health deteriorated, and the help she could give became more and more limited.

The mother is a comfort woman, the father is a Japanese soldier, and the son has been a bachelor all his life, and his biggest idea is to hack his father to death

In such an environment, Luo Shanxue became more and more reticent. He put all his energy into his studies, as if only books were his only friends. Surprisingly, despite such a poor family environment, Luo Shanxue excelled in his studies. He consistently excelled in his grades, especially in subjects such as mathematics and physics, which require logical thinking, and he showed amazing talent.

However, the excellent results did not win Luo Shanxue's respect. On the contrary, his excellence has attracted more jealousy and rejection. Some classmates even spread rumors that Luo Shanxue was smart because he had "Japanese genes". These gossips deepened Luo Shanxue's loneliness.

In 1965, Luo Shanxue was admitted to the provincial key high school with excellent results. Luo Shanxue, who left the small village of his hometown and came to the county seat, thought that he could get rid of the haze of the past and start a new life. However, reality gave him a slap in the face.

On the first day of school, when the head teacher introduced Luo Shanxue's life experience in front of the class, the classroom was in an uproar. Some classmates openly expressed their reluctance to be in the same class as the "descendants of Japanese devils", and even asked the school to transfer Luo Shanxue away. Although the school did not agree to these unreasonable demands in the end, Luo Shanxue's situation in the class can be imagined.

Faced with such a situation, Luo Shanxue chose to close himself even more. He barely communicates with people and spends all his time studying. His grades were once again at the top of his class, but that didn't change his classmates' attitude towards him. In the eyes of most people, he is still the outlier who "doesn't belong here".

In the three years of high school, Luo Shan studied like an invisible person. He didn't participate in any class activities, didn't join any clubs, and wasn't even absent from class photos. The only proof of his existence is the name that will always be at the top of the list on the transcript posted after the exam.

In 1968, the Cultural Revolution was in full swing. Luo Shanxue originally thought that he could get rid of the status quo through the college entrance examination, but unexpectedly the college entrance examination was canceled. Having lost his only hope, Luo Shanxue fell into deep despair.

In that special era, Luo Shanxue's life experience became his Achilles' heel. Some people reported that he was a "descendant of Japanese spies" and demanded that he be criticized. Although it was eventually confirmed that this accusation was groundless, this incident still dealt a huge blow to Luo Shanxue.

Without the college entrance examination, Luo Shanxue was assigned to work as a worker in a small factory. In the factory, he was still the taciturn outlier. Other workers shunned him, and some even openly expressed their reluctance to work with him. Although the factory leaders valued Luo Shanxue's ability, they did not dare to give him an important position due to various considerations.

In this way, Luo Shanxue spent a whole decade in the factory. In the past ten years, he has never been in love, has not made friends, and rarely even returns home. His life is two points and one line, in addition to work, is to read books. He read a lot of books, from philosophy to history, from literature to technology, as if he wanted to pin all his life in knowledge.

In 1978, the college entrance examination system was reinstated. Luo Shanxue, who is already 28 years old, resolutely signed up for the college entrance examination

With years of accumulation and talent, he was admitted to a key university in the province with excellent results.

However, even after entering university, Luo Shanxue's life has not changed much. He remained a taciturn spectator and rarely participated in group activities. The only difference is that in this more open and inclusive environment, at least no one openly discriminates against him.

In the four years of college, Luo Shanxue focused on his studies and graduated with honors. However, when other classmates have stepped into the palace of marriage, Luo Shanxue has always been alone. His special background, coupled with the personality formed over the years, makes him always timid in terms of feelings and does not dare to take the initiative to approach anyone.

After graduating, Luo Shanxue was assigned to work in a state-owned enterprise. His abilities were quickly recognized, but he remained a blank slate when it came to relationships. In this way, Luo Shanxue walked through his youth alone and became an "old bachelor" who never married.

In 1982, after graduating from university, Luo Shanxue was assigned to work in a provincial state-owned enterprise. With his excellent professional skills and diligent work attitude, he quickly made his mark in the technical department. However, due to the withdrawn personality that has been formed for a long time, Luo Shanxue still seems clumsy in interpersonal communication. He rarely participates in group activities organized by his unit, and he is not good at communicating with colleagues.

The mother is a comfort woman, the father is a Japanese soldier, and the son has been a bachelor all his life, and his biggest idea is to hack his father to death

Despite this, Luo Shanxue's talent was still appreciated by the leadership. In 1985, he was sent to Japan for a one-year technical exchange. This experience had a profound impact on Luo Shanxue. For the first time in Japan, he felt an atmosphere of non-discrimination. Japanese colleagues did not know about his special background, but simply regarded him as a technician from China. This atmosphere of treating each other as equals made Luo Shanxue gradually let go of his psychological defense.

During his time in Japan, he not only learned advanced technology, but also worked hard to learn Japanese. He was amazed to find that he had an unusual affinity for the Japanese language. In just a few months, he was able to communicate fluently in Japanese. This linguistic talent allowed him to play an important role in technical communication and earned him the respect of his Japanese colleagues.

After returning to China, Luo Shanxue applied the advanced technology he learned in Japan to his work, which greatly improved the production efficiency of the enterprise. He also took the initiative to play the role of a bridge with Japanese companies, and introduced a number of new technologies for the company. These contributions enabled Luo Shanxue to continuously improve his position within the company, and soon became the backbone of the technical department.

In the early 1990s, China began to introduce foreign investment on a large scale. Luo Shanxue's company also began to cooperate with Japanese companies to establish joint ventures. In this process, Luo Shanxue's linguistic strength and cultural understanding ability played a key role. Not only was he able to accurately translate technical documents, but he also had a deep understanding of the business philosophy of Japanese companies, paving the way for the cooperation between the two parties.

With the establishment of the joint venture, Luo Shanxue was appointed as the technical director of the Chinese side. In this role, he will not only be responsible for the technical aspects, but also reconcile the cultural differences between China and Japan. This role forced Luo Shanxue to step out of his comfort zone and start taking the initiative to communicate with others. Gradually, his interpersonal skills improved significantly.

In 1995, the joint venture decided to set up branches in several cities in China. Luo Shanxue was sent to various places for inspection, responsible for site selection and technical guidance. In the process, he traveled all over the country and witnessed the rapid development of China's economy. These experiences gave Luo Shanxue a deeper understanding and love for his motherland.

In 2000, Luo Shanxue was promoted to deputy general manager of the joint venture. In this role, he not only deals with technical issues, but also participates in the strategic decisions of the business. In the face of these new challenges, Luo Shanxue has shown amazing adaptability. He began to pay attention to corporate social responsibility, put forward a number of suggestions to improve employee welfare, and actively participated in local public welfare activities.

In 2003, the SARS epidemic broke out. Luo Shanxue took the initiative to propose to the company to transform part of the production line into a mask production line to contribute to the fight against the epidemic. This decision not only helped alleviate the shortage of masks at the time, but also earned the company a good social reputation.

In 2008, a devastating earthquake struck Wenchuan, Sichuan. Luo Shanxue once again demonstrated his sense of social responsibility. He led the company's employees to actively participate in the rescue and reconstruction work, not only donating money and materials, but also sending technicians to the disaster area to guide the post-disaster reconstruction. At his initiative, the company also funded the reconstruction of several schools in the disaster area.

In 2010, Luo Shanxue, who was already over the age of six, retired. But he did not choose to enjoy his old age in peace, but devoted his energy to public welfare. He started a foundation dedicated to supporting students whose families were in difficulty but who excelled in their studies. When choosing funding targets, Luo Shanxue pays special attention to those children who are discriminated against by society for various reasons, hoping to give them more care and support.

In addition to education and public welfare, Luo Shanxue also actively participates in Sino-Japanese people-to-people exchange activities

He is often invited to participate in various Sino-Japanese friendship exchange meetings to share his life experience and views on the relations between the two countries. His special background and rich experience make his speeches always resonate with both sides.

In 2015, on Luo Shanxue's 75th birthday, he received a special gift. It was a letter from Japan, written by a person who claimed to be the grandson of the Japanese officer. The letter expressed deep apologies to Luo Shanxue's mother and hoped to meet Luo Shanxue. This letter made Luo Shanxue fall into a long contemplation.

In the end, Luo Shanxue decided to accept the request to meet. With the attention of the Chinese and Japanese media, this meeting, which spanned more than half a century, was finally realized. Two people who should have hated each other found the possibility of reconciliation in their later years. The meeting was hailed by the media as a "model of people-to-people diplomacy" and became a symbolic event for the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations.

After a meeting with the grandson of a Japanese military officer in 2015, Na's life changed subtly. This experience made him start to re-examine his life and found a new purpose in his later years.

In the following years, Luo Shanxue frequently traveled back and forth between China and Japan, actively participating in people-to-people diplomacy activities. His special background and rich experience have made him an important bridge to promote people-to-people exchanges between China and Japan. In Japan, he has been invited to give lectures at many universities and high schools, telling his life story, calling on the people of the two countries to improve understanding and resolve the gap left by history.

The mother is a comfort woman, the father is a Japanese soldier, and the son has been a bachelor all his life, and his biggest idea is to hack his father to death

In 2017, a lecture by Luo Shanxue at Kyoto University in Japan attracted widespread attention. He used his own experience to tell about the deep suffering that war has brought to ordinary people, and the importance of reconciliation and forgiveness. The speech not only touched the Japanese students present, but also spread to China through the Internet, triggering heated discussions between the people of the two countries.

In the same year, Luo Shanxue decided to write a book about his life experience. This autobiography, titled "Reconciliation Spanning Half a Century", details the twists and turns of his life from birth to old age. In the book, he not only recounts his painful experience of discrimination, but also describes the equal treatment he felt while working in Japan, and his efforts to promote Sino-Japanese exchanges in his later years. As soon as the book was published, it caused a strong response in China and Japan, and it became a bestseller.

In 2018, Luo Shanxue, who is already 78 years old, set foot on Japanese soil again. This time, he was invited to attend a peace memorial ceremony in Hiroshima. At the ceremony, Luo Shanxue delivered a touching speech. He called on all countries in the world to cherish peace and oppose war, while also stressing the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation. The speech was reported by many international media, and Luo Shanxue's story spread all over the world.

After returning to China, Luo Shanxue did not stop. He began to work on the promotion of peace education in the country. He visited schools across the country many times to tell the younger generation about the cruelty of war and the value of peace. At his initiative, a number of schools began to incorporate peace education into their curricula.

In 2019, Luo Shanxue's efforts were officially recognized. He was awarded the "China-Japan Friendship Contribution Award" in recognition of his outstanding contributions to promoting people-to-people exchanges between the two countries. At the award ceremony, Luo Shanxue said that this award not only belongs to him personally, but also to all those who have made efforts for Sino-Japanese friendship.

In 2020, the new crown epidemic broke out. Despite his advanced age, Lo is still actively involved in the anti-epidemic work. Through his foundation, he donated a large amount of medical supplies to Wuhan and other key epidemic areas. At the same time, he also actively contacted Japanese friends and facilitated Japan's donation of medical supplies to China. These actions once again demonstrate Luo Shanxue's sense of social responsibility and international vision.

During the epidemic, although Luo Shanxue could not go out in person, he was not idle. He began to continue his work in peace education through an online platform. He regularly conducts online lectures and communicates with students across the country. This new way of communication has further expanded the influence of Luo Shanxue.

In 2021, on Luo Shanxue's 81st birthday, he received a special gift. It was an invitation from UNESCO inviting him to serve as a "Special Envoy for Peace Education". This title is an affirmation of Luo Shanxue's dedication to peace education over the years, and it also indicates that his influence has surpassed China and Japan and reached the international level.

In 2022, despite his advanced age, Luo Shanxue still maintains strong energy. He began to set up an international foundation for peace education. The goal of this foundation is to promote peace education around the world, especially in areas that have been traumatized by war. Through the power of education, Luo Shanxue hopes to eliminate prejudice and hatred and promote international understanding and peace.

In 2023, the Luo Shanxue International Peace Education Foundation was officially established. At the inauguration ceremony, dignitaries and educators from all over the world gathered to witness this momentous moment. In his speech, Luo Shanxue expressed the hope that through this foundation, the seeds of peace will be sown all over the world, so that more people can realize the value of peace.

Today, at the age of 83, Luo Shanxue is still in good spirits. Although he is not as healthy as he used to be, he still insists on working a few hours a day, dealing with the affairs of the Foundation, giving interviews to the media, or communicating with young people around the world via video. His life is full and meaningful, and there is no shadow of the lonely, closed teenager he once was.

Luo Shanxue's later life is a perfect commentary on his entire life. From the discriminated "child of the Japanese devil" to the respected international messenger of peace, Luo Shanxue has spent his life interpreting the true meaning of forgiveness, reconciliation and peace. His story will continue to inspire future generations to work tirelessly to build a more peaceful and inclusive world.

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