
Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

author:It's a sleepy bear

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

Liu Lili's youth is like a gorgeous picture, and Dong Jinhu is one of the colors that is difficult to ignore. When she was in college, she became the focus of the campus with her outstanding looks and extraordinary talent, and countless male students fell in love with her, including Dong Jinhu in the senior year. As fate would have it, they reunited with a crew after graduation. Liu Lili focused on the work of field notes, while Dong Jinhu also tossed and turned between different positions, and their common struggle experience allowed them to establish a deep friendship.

Dong Jinhu seized the opportunity and began to launch a gentle offensive against Liu Lili, carefully taking care of her diet and daily life, and even preparing delicious meals when she was unwell, and his thoughtful care touched Liu Lili's heartstrings. With the passage of time, their relationship quickly warmed up and became the envy of the fairy couple in the crew. When the truth was revealed, Liu Lili's heart turned upside down and he was in great pain, but he still chose to continue this relationship that was not recognized by the world.

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

Dong Jinhu's wife, Wang Mei, began to interfere with their relationship in various ways, but an unexpected incident changed everything. Wang Mei's child suddenly fell seriously ill, and Liu Lili did not hesitate to help, not only accompanying the whole process, but also bearing all the medical expenses, which made Wang Mei re-examine Liu Lili and gradually accept her as a member of the family.

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

In this peculiar family structure, although Liu Lili is the pillar of the economy, he gave up his reproductive rights and made great sacrifices to maintain family harmony. Is there really fairness behind this harmony? Did her choices really bring the happiness she expected? These questions make people think deeply.

Liu Lili has made brilliant achievements in her career and has become a high-profile star and director, but in the family, she has become a gentle second mother and treats Wang Mei's children with great care. This role reversal reveals the multifaceted and adaptable nature of her personality, and behind this seemingly perfect balance is her constant self-sacrifice and retreat over the years.

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

Liu Lili's youth is like a gorgeous picture, and Dong Jinhu is one of the colors that is difficult to ignore. When she was in college, she became the focus of the campus with her outstanding looks and extraordinary talent, and countless male students fell in love with her, including Dong Jinhu in the senior year. As fate would have it, they reunited with a crew after graduation. Liu Lili focused on the work of field notes, while Dong Jinhu also tossed and turned between different positions, and their common struggle experience allowed them to establish a deep friendship.

Dong Jinhu seized the opportunity and began to launch a gentle offensive against Liu Lili, carefully taking care of her diet and daily life, and even preparing delicious meals when she was unwell, and his thoughtful care touched Liu Lili's heartstrings. With the passage of time, their relationship quickly warmed up and became the envy of the fairy couple in the crew. When the truth was revealed, Liu Lili's heart turned upside down and he was in great pain, but he still chose to continue this relationship that was not recognized by the world.

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

Dong Jinhu's wife, Wang Mei, began to interfere with their relationship in various ways, but an unexpected incident changed everything. Wang Mei's child suddenly fell seriously ill, and Liu Lili did not hesitate to help, not only accompanying the whole process, but also bearing all the medical expenses, which made Wang Mei re-examine Liu Lili and gradually accept her as a member of the family.

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

In this peculiar family structure, although Liu Lili is the pillar of the economy, he gave up his reproductive rights and made great sacrifices to maintain family harmony. Is there really fairness behind this harmony? Did her choices really bring the happiness she expected? These questions make people think deeply.

Liu Lili has made brilliant achievements in her career and has become a high-profile star and director, but in the family, she has become a gentle second mother and treats Wang Mei's children with great care. This role reversal reveals the multifaceted and adaptable nature of her personality, and behind this seemingly perfect balance is her constant self-sacrifice and retreat over the years.

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

On every street corner you walk into the city, you can feel a different rhythm of life. The people here, whether in a hurry or strolling leisurely, every look and every smile are woven into the unique cultural scenery of this city. Perhaps, you will meet an elderly man holding flowers in a crowded subway, or perhaps, on a busy street, you will see a group of young people enthusiastically discussing the latest fashion trends.

The city is like a huge stage play, where every action and every emotion is part of the characters' choreography. Sometimes, it is like a melodious tune, softly singing about the beauty of life; Sometimes, it's like a warm symphony that tugs at people's heartstrings.

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

The street stalls, with their enticing scents, attract waves of diners. The pancakes, stinky tofu, skewers, and xiao long bao are all a challenge to the taste and a temptation to the stomach. Take a bite and it's as if time has stood still in this moment, leaving only the taste on the tip of your tongue.

As night falls, neon lights flicker and another side of the city is revealed. At this time, the streets seem to be an artist's palette, colorful and dynamic. Young people, let go of the tiredness of the day and devote themselves to their own nightlife. Bars, nightclubs, performance sites, every place is full of youthful vitality and infinite possibilities.

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy

Perhaps, we can find a part of ourselves in every corner of this city. Perhaps, each and every one of us is an indispensable part of the city. Whether it is bustling and noisy, or ordinary and sincere, these constitute our common urban memory.

Perhaps, when we look back on the city, we can cherish everything we once had. Perhaps, when we walk through every street corner of this city, we can find the beauty and warmth of life. Let's work together for the prosperity and development of this city, and make every tomorrow full of hope and possibility.

Willing to be a lover for 45 years, make money for the original partner, and sterilize the original partner, her life is really bumpy