
Yu Haoming's circle of friends posted a group photo official announcement? Netizen: Is Zhang Yuan ready to sing "Guest"?

author:Poetic Breeze 7Wt

Yu Haoming is suspected of officially announcing his relationship


Paparazzi Wars: Yu Haoming was secretly photographed holding hands with girls and having dinner with their families

The life of a so-called star is like making a movie every day. This time, it was our national brother Yu Haoming's turn to make headlines, and he was secretly photographed by the paparazzi holding hands with girls eating with their families. You see, the family is happy, and this snapshot makes the entire Internet boil! Netizens commented: "This hand-holding hand is faster than my single dog's hand!" Someone else joked: "If this is me, if I accidentally throw my hand, it will become the latest material for the paparazzi." ”

Yu Haoming's circle of friends posted a group photo official announcement? Netizen: Is Zhang Yuan ready to sing "Guest"?

Circle of friends big broadcast: Yu Haoming took a group photo and officially announced his relationship?

Next, Yu Haoming posted a photo with the girl in the circle of friends, and the girl leaned on his chest in the picture, and the sweetness was off the charts. The accompanying text is even more drunkard's intention is not to drink: "When beauty in the world appears, not everyone can recognize it." If you want to know it, you have to live the adventures of life. Seeing this, netizens said: "This is even better than Korean dramas!" ", "At the age of 36, if you don't fall in love, you will really become an older single dog in the movie. ”

Yu Haoming's circle of friends posted a group photo official announcement? Netizen: Is Zhang Yuan ready to sing "Guest"?

Hot comments from netizens: No matter how fast the paparazzi are, they can't stop the pace of love

In the comment area of netizens, all kinds of funny interpretations and blessings poured in. "Yu Haoming is really a nightmare for the paparazzi, but a messenger of love!" Someone joked. "At this kind of moment, isn't it time to find Zhang Yuan to sing "Guest"?" Another netizen jokingly said. "It seems that Zhang Yuan is the catalyst of the entire star circle!" Someone else humorously said: "He made an official announcement, Zhang Yuan cried, and the hearts of fans on the whole network were broken." ”

Yu Haoming's circle of friends posted a group photo official announcement? Netizen: Is Zhang Yuan ready to sing "Guest"?

Ending: Love is everywhere, Yu Haoming's official announcement of his relationship is not only hotly discussed, but also gives a little hope to the majority of single dogs. Perhaps, who will be the next official announcement? But in any case, bless Yu Haoming and his girlfriend, and may their love last forever!

Yu Haoming's circle of friends posted a group photo official announcement? Netizen: Is Zhang Yuan ready to sing "Guest"?

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