
Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

author:Poetic Breeze 7Wt

Li Yitong and the centipede's unexpected encounter

One day, Li Yitong was leisurely enjoying the outdoors on a sunny afternoon. She was wearing a delicate dress and was chatting with her friends, enjoying a moment of calm. However, this tranquility is shattered by an unexpected visitor. The uninvited guest was a centipede, and it had apparently taken a keen interest in Li Yitong's sleeve and decided to take a look.


As soon as fans saw a centipede on Li Yitong's leg, they immediately let out an exclamation. The chaos at the scene can be imagined, everyone wanted to remind her, but Li Yitong still maintained a sweet smile, completely unaware that this little reptile had set up camp on her. This reaction made fans anxious and funny, and they left messages on social media: "Sister, your legs! However, Li Yitong misunderstood what they meant, thinking that everyone was praising her for being beautiful, and continued to smile sweeter.

Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

Liu Yuning's heroic actions

At this critical juncture, Liu Yuning's rapid response has become the focus of everyone's attention. When he heard the screams and reminders of fans, he immediately stepped forward to look for the centipede. He carefully lifted Li Yitong's sleeve and finally found the uninvited guest. Liu Yuning's movements were swift and decisive, he shook his sleeves and got rid of the centipede. The moment the centipede was thrown out, the scene erupted in cheers, as if a battle had just been won.

Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

Liu Yuning's heroic act has been well received by fans, and everyone has praised him as a man with a "full sense of security". What's even more interesting is that some fans ridiculed on social media: "Centipede: Mom, I also succeeded in chasing stars." This kind of ridicule not only shows the fans' sense of humor, but also makes the whole event more interesting, as if centipede is really just a little fan who wants to get close to the idol.

Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

Li Yitong's "blunt sensibility"

After the incident subsided, Li Yitong posted a response on social media, saying that he was completely unaware of the centipede on his body at that time, and was even laughing stupidly. This kind of blunt sensibility made fans cry and laugh, and they left messages to ridicule her for her slow response. But it is this reaction that also allows everyone to see Li Yitong's true and lovely side. In response, she wrote: "If you don't look at it, you'll be stunned. This self-deprecating attitude has also won many fans to like and leave messages of support.

Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

Seeing the scene in the video, many fans said that if they encountered this situation, they would definitely be scared to take off on the spot. Some people even exaggeratedly said: "I have to jump a laser rain when I see this kind of thing every meter." This exaggerated expression not only shows everyone's fear of centipedes, but also adds a bit of drama to the whole incident.

Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

Humorous netizen comments

During the whole incident, the comments of netizens also became a highlight. Someone joked: "Sister, your legs", but Li Yitong thought that everyone was praising her for being beautiful, and continued to smile sweeter. This misunderstanding made the whole incident even more interesting, and everyone left messages in the comment section saying that they had had a similar misunderstanding. Another netizen said: "Seeing the centipede crawling to the cuffs in the video, I was scared and panicked." This authentic reaction struck a chord with many people, who left messages sharing their experiences of being scared by small animals.

Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

The whole incident allows people to see the other side of Li Yitong and Liu Yuning, they are not only glamorous on the stage, but also cute and funny in life. The interaction and ridicule of fans made the whole event full of warmth and humor, and also made people look forward to more interesting interactions with them in the future.

Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

Controversial summary

This centipede incident sparked a heated discussion among netizens, some people thought that Li Yitong's blunt sensibility was too cute, while others said that she should be more vigilant. Some netizens also pointed out that Liu Yuning's quick response showed a man's sense of responsibility and protectiveness, while Li Yitong showed a woman's weakness and cuteness. This discussion sparked a lot of controversy, and everyone expressed their opinions in the comment section, and the whole incident became even more lively.

Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

What do you think of this unexpected encounter between Li Yitong and Centipede? Do you think her response is cute or does it need improvement? Does Liu Yuning's performance make you feel like a reliable partner? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section and let's discuss this interesting event together!

Li Yitong was frightened when he encountered a centipede: Liu Yuning became a flower messenger in seconds

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