
The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

author:Shuo Xiaoman

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The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

The bride price was negotiated at 160,000, and my mother temporarily added another 60,000 yuan to get on the car

Before getting married, it is inevitable to negotiate a good bride price, and generally the two families will negotiate a good amount, and it is easy to do a happy event only if both parties can negotiate.

But in recent years, in addition to the bride price, there is an additional car ceremony or a car off ceremony, and this money is usually temporarily increased, because of this temporary price increase, which leads to more and more quarrels between the two families.

Some time ago, I swiped such a video, a woman said that she was married to her boyfriend, but now she can't get married because of a car gift, and she doesn't know what to do now.

The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

It turned out that the two families had negotiated in advance the bride price of 160,000 8 from the man to the woman, but she didn't expect the bride's mother to suddenly regret it a little, she thought that it was really not easy for her to raise her daughter so big, and she couldn't marry her daughter so cheaply.

The more the mother thought about it, the more sad she became, so she called her daughter's boyfriend and asked for another 60,000 yuan when she came to pick up her relatives, which was a car gift.

The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

If you don't give this money, you won't allow your daughter to get into the car on the same day, and her boyfriend didn't disagree on the phone at the time, and later agreed to her mother-in-law's request.

The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

The woman's family was also very happy, and on the day of the wedding, they called all the relatives who could be called, and prepared to marry their daughter in a beautiful manner, but they didn't see her boyfriend's motorcade coming to pick up their relatives until it was almost noon.

The relatives also looked at each other, what happened or the wrong day, why didn't the groom come to pick up the relatives on the big day?

On the day of the wedding, the woman was dumbfounded

This made the woman anxious, she hurriedly called her boyfriend, but she couldn't get through, and her boyfriend didn't pick up the phone until the evening, but his tone seemed very calm.

The woman asked her boyfriend with a slap on her face: "We got married today, why don't you come to pick up the kiss?" ”

The boyfriend replied: "I forgot about it, and now I just got off the plane and took my parents to Hainan for a tour." ”

"Aren't you kidding? My relatives and friends have been waiting for a day, and you make me lose face like this! The woman was very dissatisfied with her boyfriend's behavior.

The boyfriend disagreed: "Didn't you joke first?" If you don't take 60,000 yuan, you are not allowed to get in the car, so if I go, if you don't get in the car at that time, won't I be the one who has no face? ”

The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

The boyfriend meant that he didn't blame himself at all for this matter, it was an unreasonable request made by their family first, and the woman's tone changed again when she heard her boyfriend say this, she explained: "My mother just wants to see what your attitude is, and besides, you also agreed at the time, and you didn't say no?" ”

The woman said that she didn't have to ask her boyfriend to give this 60,000 yuan gift to get married, and now she said that her family didn't want this money, and she still wanted to get married normally tomorrow, so that her boyfriend would come back to pick up her relatives quickly.

But my boyfriend was not happy, saying that he didn't want to get married, and now he is taking the marriage money to lead his parents to travel everywhere and play around.

The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

Now the woman was really dumbfounded, she complained: "I have made a sin and met such an irresponsible man." ”

And her relatives and friends can't hold their heads up at all, and now she doesn't know what to do with this matter.

Netizens also expressed their understanding of the groom's approach

Some netizens hit the nail on the head and said:

"It's not that she is reluctant to marry you, she is uncomfortable with less money."

The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

There are even more outrageous:

"I met a family in Zhejiang who married his daughter and asked for a bride price of three or five hundred thousand yuan, saying that he wanted to count all the money spent on his daughter from birth to marriage in the bride price."

The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

However, most parents are reasonable:

"My boyfriend and I are about to get married, and my dad said that he can't ask for anything, he has worked hard for a few years at such a young age, and he has everything, and we are also working hard now."

The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

"The bride price is a form, if you have money, you will take more, if you don't have money, you will take less, and the husband and wife will live a good life, which is better than anything else."

The bride listened to her mother's words and asked for a 60,000 yuan gift, and her boyfriend gave a bride price of 160,008 and agreed, and she was dumbfounded when she received the kiss

Write at the end

If you want me to say that I don't know where this boarding ceremony is, I don't know where the custom is, now I get married with all kinds of ceremonies, getting on the bus ceremony, getting off the bus ceremony, changing the mouth fee, anyway, a lot of people are changing the law to ask for money.

The life of the two people really has to be based on the actual family conditions, don't blindly compare, and don't drink the poisonous chicken soup on the Internet, the two live a good life, happiness is the most important thing.

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