
Hutai Road Elevated Highway Controversy: A Shortcut to Luojing or a Death of the City?

author:Handsome needle Yu fun

As a hotly discussed transportation construction project in recent years, the direction and influence of Hutai Road Elevated Highway have touched the hearts of countless people. In particular, the controversy over the connection with Luojing in Baoshan District has been particularly intense.

First, let's take a look at Baoshan District. As an important part of Shanghai, Baoshan District has experienced rapid economic development in recent years, and its population has continued to grow. According to statistics, the total economic output of the district has ranked among the top districts in Shanghai, and the population has already exceeded one million. However, the construction of transportation corresponding to economic development is relatively lagging behind. In particular, the traffic situation in the main urban area often causes headaches for citizens.

Hutai Road Elevated Highway Controversy: A Shortcut to Luojing or a Death of the City?

As one of the possible solutions to solve this problem, the original intention of the construction of the Hutai Road Elevated Highway is undoubtedly to alleviate traffic pressure and improve traffic efficiency. However, as the project progressed, questions began to arise about its direction and impact. In particular, the question of whether it can lead directly to Luojing has sparked extensive discussions.

Proponents believe that if the Hutai Road Elevated Highway can be directly connected to Luojing, it will greatly shorten the distance between the two places and bring great convenience to the public. At the same time, it will also promote the economic development of the Luojing area and promote the prosperity of the entire Baoshan District.

Hutai Road Elevated Highway Controversy: A Shortcut to Luojing or a Death of the City?

Opponents, however, fear that the construction of the elevated highway will have a negative impact on the urban environment. They pointed out that viaducts would fragment the urban environment and affect the appearance of the city. At the same time, vehicle noise and exhaust emissions on the viaduct can also cause disruption to people's lives. In addition, they are concerned that the construction of the viaduct will damage the city's historical and cultural heritage and ecological environment.

In addition to the controversy over the viaduct itself, concerns have been expressed about the progress of the construction of the S7 Shanghai-Chong Expressway. As one of the important passages connecting Shanghai and Chongming, the S7 Shanghai-Chongming Expressway has only opened less than 15 kilometers away. This begs the question: when can construction start again?

Hutai Road Elevated Highway Controversy: A Shortcut to Luojing or a Death of the City?

Viaducts are not the only option on the road to solving traffic problems. It has been suggested that traffic pressure can be alleviated by renovating existing roads and building overpasses. In the case of Yanggao Road in Pudong, a congested road has been successfully transformed into an expressway through measures such as eliminating traffic lights and building overpasses. This type of renovation is not only low-cost, short-term construction, but also has a low environmental impact.

To sum up, the construction of the Hutai Road Elevated Highway is facing many controversies and challenges while alleviating traffic pressure. While pursuing convenient transportation, we also need to pay attention to its impact on the urban environment and citizens' lives. In the future, we look forward to finding more scientific and reasonable transportation solutions to make Shanghai's transportation smoother and more convenient.