
After middle age, a person's smartest way to live: remember these two words

author:Nanzhi chatted heart-to-heart

Text by Kusushiba

After middle age, a person's smartest way to live: remember these two words

There is a good saying, the first half of your life is about perseverance, and the second half of your life is about relief.

After middle age, the second half of the sentence is perfectly interpreted, in fact, to put it bluntly, the second half of your life is to reconcile with yourself, no matter what the first half of your life becomes, say goodbye to the first half of your life, and calmly welcome the second half of your life.

After middle age, the body is going downhill, and sometimes the work becomes inadequate, but the burden of life has never been light, sometimes it is inevitable to be anxious, it is inevitable to think too much, and it is inevitable to be prone to internal friction.

Sometimes I even feel that I am a failure, and most of my life has passed, and I still have achieved nothing, so my heart is becoming more and more uncomfortable.

But this is not the smartest way to live after middle age, don't hold on to everything, but learn to let go.

It is true that after middle age, a person's smartest way to live: remember to let go of these two words, and you win.

After middle age, a person's smartest way to live: remember these two words

1. Remember to let go and live transparently.

After middle age, in fact, many things are disturbed by melancholy, but many times I can't figure it out.

Remember that letting go does not mean lying flat from now on and not making any effort into your life.

It's about letting yourself live transparently, keeping yourself away from troubles, anxiety, and internal friction.

Even if it is a parent-child relationship, even if it is a husband and wife relationship, even if it is a difficulty at work, even if it is confusion in friendship, I will not have too many negative emotions, and I will think about everything for the better.

As Professor Zeng Shiqiang said, it is very simple to make your wishes come true, what you think you will become, and what kind of life you will have if you think.

After middle age, remember to let go, so that there is not so much confusion in your heart, and there are not so many worries.

Remember that letting go is the smartest, whenever you drill the horns, whenever you are desperate and collapsed, often remember that letting go can heal yourself, and often remember that letting go can make your life go smoothly.

Letting go is a kind of transparency, letting go is a kind of calmness, which can make you physically and mentally happy, can make you regain your confidence in life, and walk on the road of life transparent, light and comfortable.

After middle age, this is the smartest way to live.

After middle age, a person's smartest way to live: remember these two words

2. Remember to let go and not get tired for the rest of your life.

Don't hold on to it after middle age, don't hold on to that little thing, everyone is not a perfect person, they have shortcomings, everyone's ups and downs in life are normal, high and low are the norm.

Maybe you lose your job, that's okay, maybe this job is not suitable for you, then you can find the right one for you with your own ability.

Maybe there is a conflict between husband and wife, there is no relationship, just find the fundamental problem and take the initiative to solve it, how can there be an overnight feud between husband and wife?

It's okay to be calculated by a friend, at least let yourself see who he is and stay away from him from now on, isn't this a harvest?

Anything needs to be put down in order to be able to pick it up better.

Although the life picked up may not be the same life, but a different life and a different way of living, isn't this the smartest way to live?

This clever way of living keeps you from getting tired for the rest of your life.

After middle age, if you are tired of living, then it is better to let yourself try to let go.

Let go of the attachment in your heart, let go of the obsession in your heart, let go of the greed in your heart, and life will be smooth again unconsciously.

Therefore, with the mindset of letting go, we can find new motivation.

There is no need to drill the horns of the bull one by one, there is no need to let go of oneself one by one, we must learn to tolerate ourselves, affirm ourselves, and reflect on ourselves.

After middle age, a person's smartest way to live: remember these two words

3. Remember to let go, and you win.

After middle age, why should you remember to let go?

Maybe the body is very tired during this time, and it is difficult for me to carry 100 pounds normally, so it is better to take a break, adjust my state, and put it down first.

Don't go all the way to the dark, don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

In fact, the really smart ones will learn to let go, because you know that it is useless to barely hold on, because you know that it is useless to hold on.

Life is a process of constant adjustment and change, and we can adapt to the ups and downs of life, and finally we can embrace life with a smile.

Therefore, the smartest way to live after middle age is to learn to let go, because if you let go, you will win.

Because you can control your own life, you can control your own destiny, not to be happy with things, not to be sad with yourself, and to live calmly.

In the second half of life, in fact, living is the mentality, and if you can afford to let go, life will be calm and calm, and you will be able to meet the most beautiful scenery in life.

Don't be in a hurry, when we know that letting go is rebirth, when we know that letting go is destiny, when we know that letting go is salvation, when we know that letting go is hope.

Maybe you are very lost at this moment, it is because you always do not know how to unload the burden.

It is true that the smartest way to live after middle age: remember to let go and be comfortable.

After middle age, a person's smartest way to live: remember these two words


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