
If a person treats you like this, most of them will look down on you, don't know

author:Nanzhi chatted heart-to-heart

Text by Kusushiba

If a person treats you like this, most of them will look down on you, don't know

In fact, no matter what the relationship, if a person really cares about you and really has you in his heart, then in fact, he will be restrained in his words and deeds.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this person just looks down on you, if he doesn't look down on you, then he will have no one in his eyes and have no scruples.

We have to be self-aware, don't exalt ourselves too much, don't think that we are important, because the truth is often the opposite.

As a result, it is natural to find your own position and know your position, so you will not do some superfluous things.

Because some relationships are not for you to please, and it is not for you to cater to them in exchange for treating each other sincerely.

So, instead of going against your heart, it's better to accept the status quo calmly, not to force yourself, and not to force anyone, and that's it.

If a person treats you like this, most of them will look down on you, don't know.

If a person treats you like this, most of them will look down on you, don't know

01, kind on the surface, scolded behind the back.

In fact, some people are kind on the surface, but they scold you behind your back, but they actually look down on you.

It may be to maintain the superficial harmony and achieve some purpose of its own.

In fact, if a person is kind to you on the surface, but complains a lot about you behind the scenes, then you should start to be careful.

Because you never know what he says is true and what is false? Even more don't know what to do with him?

As the saying goes, the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light.

If you want to maintain a harmonious relationship with such a person, or even fantasize that you can change the other person, it is simply a dream.

Because it is impossible for one person to change another person, more often than not, you will only be bored with yourself, and even suffer losses and be hurt.

So how to deal with such a situation? If you can stay away, stay away, because you don't know each other at all.

It's a self-conscious attitude.

Don't force the circle that doesn't suit you, and don't force the people who can't get along.

Either harmony and difference, only in this way will you not find embarrassment for yourself.

If a person treats you like this, most of them will look down on you, don't know

02. Speak perfunctorily and never look you in the eye.

If a person doesn't look down on you, then they will talk to you very perfunctory and never look you in the eye.

One reason is that they are not interested in your topic, and the other reason is that they don't have you in mind at all.

So when you get along with someone, look at what kind of state the other person is, what kind of attitude, if you are perfunctory and don't look at you, then you must understand that you are not welcome, and walk away with interest.

Maybe the other party is not in the mood to talk to you at this moment, or maybe the other party doesn't want to talk to you at all.

In fact, getting along with people is both a reality and an art, a person must always remain sober and rational, find the most suitable position for himself, and do the most suitable thing.

Don't have a temper, don't get angry, don't get angry, it's not necessary.

If the other party has you in his eyes, then he will naturally come to you again when he is in a good mood, if the other party does not have you in his eyes, he looks down on you, and he is in a hurry to post up, which is not just embarrassing.

We have to go back to the safest place and do what we have to do so that we don't get into trouble.

Don't always think about taking advantage, there will be no pie in the sky, and there will be no feast for nothing, be calm and think twice before you act, often you will not make mistakes.

In fact, what others do to us is someone else's business, and what we do is what matters most.

If a person treats you like this, most of them will look down on you, don't know

03. Always embarrass you and never cares about your feelings.

No matter who it is, if this person is always embarrassed by you and never cares about our feelings, then such a person can be as far away as he can.

The reason is very simple, we are not in the eyes of others at all, and others do not look down on us at all.

There is a saying that people are divided into groups, and things are gathered by like, and maybe we are not people in a circle at all, so there is no need to force it.

Always embarrassing us, always only looking for their own interests, and not caring about others at all, such people are actually selfish, and if they get close to themselves, they will be hurt, or they will be used as puppets.

There is a saying that if we eat a trench and grow wise, there is no need to be too sad, and there is no need to think too much, we can grow wise, that is the most important thing.

In this life, you will meet all kinds of people, all kinds of people, so there is no need to care too much.

The people who come into your life must be full of you, your feelings, your situation, and your safety.

All in all, people also have to pay attention to fate, some people look down on you, that's because they don't have fate with each other, isn't there a saying called smelly likeness?

Therefore, if a person only grows himself, constantly improves himself, and makes himself better and better, there will naturally be the circle you want, and those who are not suitable will also take the initiative to quit.

In short, if a person treats you like this, most of them will look down on you, don't know.

If a person treats you like this, most of them will look down on you, don't know


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