
People, it's so hard! (Sentence to heart)

author:Nanzhi chatted heart-to-heart

Text by Kusushiba

People, it's so hard! (Sentence to heart)

Introduction: People, it's so difficult, life is so difficult, it's so difficult to love people, it's so difficult to work, life is so difficult, everything is so difficult, but even so, we have to be happy in the suffering, find ourselves, be ourselves, and experience life well!


Yoyo said that the life of trying his best was too tiring, and he felt a little unbearable, and suddenly wanted to give up.

I want to live well, but the difficulties in the world come one after another, always blocking the way forward.

Why is this so? We have been pushing ourselves to a dead end, leaving no way out for ourselves, which is why we have such an ending.

Teacher Void Ji said that life is to have more than a state, and I deeply believe that when we only do what we should do in our own position and do what we can do, life is often free and comfortable.

Therefore, re-understand yourself, find a position that suits you, and then deepen your cultivation, not too much reluctance, and calmly accept such yourself.

It's hard for everyone, so don't push yourself over and over again.

Because this is our ability at the moment, there is no need to cater to others and live in the eyes of others.

Always remember that life is for experience, experience life well, experience life well!

Strictness is a good thing, but often excessive strictness can be deformed, allowing us to find the right degree for ourselves and enjoy our own world.

People, it's so hard! (Sentence to heart)


It's really hard to love someone well, and it's really difficult to love your children well and give them the best love, but if you are lacking in love, then it's more difficult to act.

It's always breaking down over and over again, and it's healing, I don't know when this will end?

I really want to do it overnight, the more I think like this, the more difficult the result is, and the more I think like this, the worse the result.

But think about it on the other hand, there are no perfect people in this world, everyone has shortcomings, and if you repeatedly force yourself, is it difficult for yourself?

Why are many people's families of origin unhappy? But why a happy marriage? Why is true happiness to be harvested?

It turns out that the reason is in himself, and that is because he was on the wrong path at the beginning, so now he can only be on the road of correction.

In fact, the best love for children is to teach them by word and deed, set a goal for themselves, work hard, let their positive energy influence the child, and make the child feel warm and happy.

Therefore, even if it is difficult to love someone, you must find your truest self and experience love.

One day, those who love will love to return, and those who are blessed will come.

People, it's so hard! (Sentence to heart)


Watching others make a lot of money, my heart is endlessly envious, and I long for myself to make a lot of money one day, to be able to buy a house, have a place to live, have a warm home, and have a harbor of the soul.

But you're worried that you won't be able to afford it? Always worrying about your body, always suffering from gains and losses.

Even though happiness is already in hand, it is still so abrupt.

Professor Zeng Shiqiang said that the most interesting thing about human life is not knowing where the end of life is.

However, many times to put it bluntly, it is a matter of mentality, and no matter how long the rest of your life is, don't care too much.

As long as you can do what you should do, take the path you should take, cherish what you should cherish, and treat what you should be treated well, that's enough.

Although it is really difficult to make money, it is not the process of making money, but the difficulty is the mentality of the process.

I really want to find such a free and easy self, I really want to find such an excellent self.

Therefore, even if the work is difficult, I must persevere, believing that I can go to the other side of life and see the flowers.

Lo and behold, this is what it means to find yourself and experience what it means to work.

People, it's so hard! (Sentence to heart)


Do you like to wear watches? What is the point of wearing a watch? In fact, the meaning of wearing a watch is to dominate time and be the master of time.

Life is not easy, it is not easy to love someone, it is not easy to work, this road is really difficult.

But if we can't learn to manage time, we will end up being led by time.

To be brave enough to overcome yourself, someone said to me, you give yourself a week, each day to get up 10 minutes earlier than the previous day, so that your body has a process of adaptation, and so on until you develop the habit of waking up early.

Maybe the difficult thing is the habit of inertia in the past, always denying yourself, not believing in yourself, and being too greedy for comfort, so life will become more and more difficult.

Sometimes it's because I exert too much force, and I don't have the strength to move on, so it's difficult.

The hope is that none of us are in these two extremes, we can grasp this degree, find the most calm self, and get up from where we fall.

What life lacks is the courage to start all over again, let us use this courage to live happily.

People, it's so hard! (Sentence to heart)


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