
The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

author:Lao Zhao said finance


The Three Gorges Project, as one of the largest water conservancy projects in the world, has attracted much attention since its construction. It is not only a landmark project of China's modernization, but also a milestone of global water conservancy projects.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

The completion of the Three Gorges Dam has brought huge power generation benefits, convenient shipping and flood control capabilities, but it has also caused many environmental and social problems. The comprehensive benefits, environmental impact and future development of this project have become the focus of attention from all walks of life.

Through an in-depth analysis of the power generation benefits and return on investment, comprehensive benefits and strategic value of the Three Gorges Project, as well as its environmental impact and ecological protection, we can fully understand the pros and cons of this huge project. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the current situation and prospects of the Three Gorges Project from multiple perspectives, in order to provide reference and enlightenment for the research and practice in related fields.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day


1. The arduous preparation and construction process of the Three Gorges Project

The Three Gorges Dam, a great project known as the "Miracle of World Water Conservancy Engineering", was destined for its extraordinary journey from the very beginning. As early as the 50s of the last century, the idea of the Three Gorges Project was proposed, but it was not until 1994 that the construction officially began.

This is not only because of the huge complexity of the project itself, but also because of the various aspects involved, which have attracted the attention and efforts of countless people.

At that time, China was in the early stages of reform and opening up, and the economy had not yet taken off, and the construction of such a behemoth as the Three Gorges Dam was undoubtedly a huge gamble.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

Despite skepticism from experts at home and abroad, and even opposition from United Nations scientific research organizations, China has firmly pushed forward with the project. Such determination and courage demonstrate China's courage and wisdom in an era of change.

The preparation for the Three Gorges Project was extremely arduous, with decades of planning, demonstration, design and resettlement preparations.

The research and preparation before the start of construction involved the wisdom of hundreds of experts. To ensure the quality of the project, the project used 290,000 tonnes of rebar, 255,000 tonnes of steel and about 26.89 million tonnes of concrete, almost a national level resource mobilization.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

Migration is one of the biggest challenges facing the Three Gorges Project. According to 2006 data, a total of 1.13 million people were resettled by the Three Gorges Project, and the actual number of people resettled was close to 1.4 million.

Twenty cities and towns and nearly 700 rural areas were inundated or affected, and the central and local governments allocated nearly 100 billion yuan for resettlement. This is not only a question of engineering technology, but also a huge test of social management.

During its construction, the Three Gorges Dam also experienced multiple challenges such as price fluctuations, design changes, and technological upgrades. As the project progressed, the environmental protection requirements continued to increase, and the actual total investment far exceeded the initial budget.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

It is estimated that by the end of the project, the total investment will be more than 200 billion yuan, and some sources even mention that it is close to or more than 250 billion yuan. Behind this huge number is the sweat and wisdom of countless builders.

2. Analysis of the benefits and return of power generation in the Three Gorges

The Three Gorges Dam is not only a feat of water conservancy projects, but also a jewel on China's energy map. However, does the huge investment bring the expected returns? This is a thought-provoking question.

The power generation capacity of the Three Gorges Power Station has been increasing year by year, and the power generation capacity has been gradually released.

From 84.3 billion kWh of electricity in 2010, to full capacity for the first time in 2023, the power generation reached a staggering 197.1 billion kWh. With such a huge amount of power generation, calculated at 0.3 yuan per kilowatt-hour, the annual income is as high as 59.13 billion yuan, almost 162 million yuan per day.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

However, does this mean that the Three Gorges Project has paid off? The answers given by the experts are not consistent. On the surface, the Three Gorges' power generation revenue has exceeded its construction costs, but in actual operation, maintenance and management expenses cannot be ignored.

The operating costs of the Three Gorges Project are estimated to be between 5 billion and 10 billion yuan per year, which complicates the payback time.

Specifically, the total investment of the Three Gorges Project is more than 200 billion yuan, and some even say that it is close to 250 billion yuan. If the annual income is 59.13 billion yuan, after deducting operating costs, the payback time is about 30 to 40 years.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

So, although the Three Gorges Power Station is currently profitable on its books, it will take time to achieve a real financial balance.

In addition to direct income from power generation, the Three Gorges Project also has other economic benefits. For example, the flood control and shipping benefits it generates save tens of billions of yuan for the country every year. These indirect benefits have also accelerated the return on investment of the Three Gorges to a certain extent. Despite this, relying solely on power generation revenues, the cost recovery of the Three Gorges Project is not optimistic.

The power generation efficiency of the Three Gorges Project is also affected by natural conditions. Factors such as the hydrological conditions of the Yangtze River and climate change will have a direct impact on power generation. In recent years, the frequency of extreme weather has led to large fluctuations in the power generation of the Three Gorges Power Station, which also increases the uncertainty of return on cost.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

Despite its challenges, the Three Gorges Power Station remains one of China's most important clean energy bases. The renewable energy it provides reduces a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions every year, making a great contribution to China's "dual carbon" goal.

Although these long-term environmental benefits cannot be directly measured in monetary terms, they add value to the Three Gorges Project that cannot be ignored.

3. The comprehensive benefits and strategic value of the Three Gorges Project

The Three Gorges Dam is not only a giant in power generation, but also has far-reaching comprehensive benefits and strategic value. The great contributions to flood control, drought control, optimal allocation of water resources, and improvement of shipping efficiency have demonstrated the multiple values of the Three Gorges Project.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

The flood control benefits of the Three Gorges Project have long been apparent, and the annual peak storage and flood reduction have saved huge economic losses for the downstream areas. Due to frequent floods in the Yangtze River basin, the existence of the Three Gorges Dam provides a strong guarantee for flood control in the basin.

Since 2003, the Three Gorges Dam has successfully intercepted flood peaks on several occasions, avoiding the huge damage caused by floods to downstream areas.

Not only that, but the Three Gorges Dam also plays an important role in fighting drought. When the Yangtze River basin was dry, the Three Gorges Dam effectively alleviated the problem of water shortage by scientifically dispatching water resources.

During the ongoing drought in 2011, the Three Gorges Dam managed to store water to ensure water for downstream agricultural irrigation and urban living, avoiding greater economic losses.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

The Three Gorges Project has also greatly optimized the allocation of water resources. Through the rational management of reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the Three Gorges Project can store water during the flood season and replenish water during the dry season, ensuring the water supply of the Yangtze River basin.

This not only improves the ecological environment along the Yangtze River, but also provides a stable source of water for agricultural irrigation and industrial use.

The improvement of shipping efficiency is also one of the important contributions of the Three Gorges Project. The completion of the Three Gorges Dam has greatly improved the navigability of the Yangtze River. The annual freight volume of the Three Gorges Locks has reached 100 million tons, which has greatly promoted the economic development of the Yangtze River basin. The reduction of shipping costs has made logistics and trade along the river more convenient and efficient.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

In addition, the tourism benefits of the Three Gorges Dam cannot be ignored. As one of the world's largest water conservancy projects, the Three Gorges Dam attracts a large number of tourists every year.

The Three Gorges tourism has not only boosted the local economic development, but also increased China's international visibility and influence. Tourism income has also become part of the comprehensive benefits of the Three Gorges Project.

The supply of clean energy from the Three Gorges Project has made an important contribution to China's energy restructuring and environmental protection. Hundreds of billions of kWh of clean electricity per year not only reduces dependence on fossil fuels, but also effectively reduces carbon dioxide emissions.

The existence of the Three Gorges Power Station has helped China achieve its carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, and contributed China's wisdom to global climate governance.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

4. Environmental impact and ecological protection of the Three Gorges Project

As a world-class water conservancy project, the Three Gorges Project has always attracted much attention for its environmental impact and ecological protection. Although the Three Gorges Project has brought huge economic and social benefits, its environmental impact cannot be ignored and has even caused a lot of controversy.

First, the construction of the Three Gorges Dam led to large-scale inundation of vegetation and changes to the ecosystem. Hundreds of square kilometers of pristine wetlands and forests have been submerged, and many animal and plant habitats have been destroyed.

In particular, some endemic species, such as the Chinese sturgeon and the white-sided dolphin, face great challenges to their living environment. Such ecological changes have aroused widespread attention and discussion.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

Second, the Three Gorges Project changed the hydrological characteristics of the Yangtze River. The regulation of water storage and discharge from the dam has affected the natural flow and sediment transport of the Yangtze River, which in turn has changed the ecological environment downstream.

The reduction of sediment has led to the decline of river beds, the reduction of wetlands and lakes in coastal areas, and the impact on biodiversity. This subtle but far-reaching change has brought long-term hidden dangers to the ecosystem.

Water quality is also a major challenge posed by the Three Gorges Project.

After impoundment, the self-purification ability of the water body is weakened, and pollutants are easy to accumulate, resulting in the deterioration of water quality. Although the Three Gorges Project has implemented a number of environmental protection measures, such as water quality monitoring and the construction of sewage treatment facilities, water quality problems still need to be monitored and treated for a long time to ensure the health of water bodies.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

In addition, the issue of migration also poses new challenges to ecological protection. The resettlement of large numbers of migrants has put new pressure on the natural environment from new settlements and agricultural land. How to balance the relationship between resettlement and ecological protection is a complex and arduous task.

Governments at all levels and relevant departments need to make overall plans to ensure that the ecological environment is not damaged by secondary damage due to migration.

In the face of these environmental impacts, the Three Gorges Project has also made many efforts in ecological protection. For example, a number of nature reserves and ecological compensation areas have been established, and large-scale ecological restoration and vegetation restoration projects have been carried out.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

Through these measures, attempts are made to mitigate and restore the ecological losses caused by the construction of the project. While these measures have been effective, it remains to be seen how effective they are.

The environmental protection work of the Three Gorges Project is inseparable from the support of science and technology. In recent years, with the help of satellite remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicle monitoring and other technical means, the Three Gorges Project has carried out all-round monitoring and assessment of environmental changes and ecological protection.

The application of these scientific and technological means provides strong technical support for environmental protection, and also provides valuable experience for environmental protection of other large-scale projects.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day


The comprehensive benefits of the Three Gorges Project are not only reflected in its huge power generation capacity and economic benefits, but also in its contributions to flood control, drought control, shipping, and ecological protection.

However, while the Three Gorges Project has brought tremendous benefits, it also faces severe challenges of environmental damage and ecological protection. How to balance engineering benefits and environmental protection has become a key issue for future development.

Looking to the future, the Three Gorges Project needs to continue to explore and improve in terms of technical maintenance, management innovation and sustainable development.

Only through scientific management and technological innovation can we ensure that the Three Gorges Project can achieve economic benefits while minimizing the negative impact on the environment and making greater contributions to the ecological protection of China and the world.

The Three Gorges has been in operation for 20 years, and in September last year, it generated electricity at full capacity, and the electricity bill earned 100 million yuan a day

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